Can Technology Help Solve the Burnout Crisis?

The causes of the physician burnout crisis are many and complex, which makes it hard to find a solution. How does technology play a role, in both the problem and the solution?

Physicians who are burned out often feel powerless. The first step to relieving burnout is to realize you can take back control. One way physicians can do this is by seeking out technology solutions that support — rather than hinder — the physician-patient relationship.

This e-book will put the burnout crisis in context, discuss the role of technology in relieving the pressure and provide practical advice for physicians, practice executives and administrators looking for solutions.

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One and Done: Health IT That Does It All

Healthcare technology that puts people first and considers the whole person—physical, behavioral, and oral health—is the future. Integrated technology meets integrated care. One platform and one partner that does it all—for people in every part of the healthcare experience. We’ve got you covered.

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Three Steps to Easier Patient Visits and Better Practice Outcomes

Your primary care practice can save time and money by delivering on patient expectations. You can enhance your ability to keep up with regulatory demands and reporting requirements—and avoid unsatisfied and unresponsive patients—when you employ best practices that address patient needs.

In this e-book, you’ll learn strategies to avoid missed revenue and save staff time by using smart efficiency improvements, such as checking insurance information up front. You’ll also learn how you can get back to caring for patients, not chasing payments—and the secret to achieving strong financial outcomes. Finally, you’ll discover how you can get paid quickly, easily, and fully—all while addressing your patient demands for an improved, more efficient experience.

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Three Steps to Easier Patient Visits and Better Practice Outcomes

Many patients are frustrated by long wait times and practice inefficiencies. They feel their care quality suffers when providers are too crunched for time. They want simpler payment processes and more transparent billing.

In this e-book, you’ll learn strategies to avoid missed revenue and save staff time by using smart efficiency improvements, such as checking insurance information up front. You’ll also learn how you can get back to caring for patients, not chasing payments—and the secret to achieving strong financial outcomes. Finally, you’ll discover how you can get paid quickly, easily, and fully—all while addressing your patient demands for an improved, more efficient experience.

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Identify the EHR That’s Right for Your Practice

Healthcare delivery is changing, and the technology that has enabled providers to offer a virtual, contactless experience is here to stay. An integrated solution that fosters convenient care delivery and aligns well with your existing workflow can offer patients the access they need now and sets your practice up for a more successful future.

Whether you are looking to buy your first EHR, seeking to replace an existing, or consolidating EHRs to a single integrated solution, this guide will help you with the process. Use these nine steps to help you find the best EHR for your billing, reporting, and patient care needs.

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TrustInSoft Analyzer Demo

Recognized by the NIST, TrustInSoft Analyzer goes further than any other static analysis tool by using formal methods to do the equivalent of billions of tests in order to mathematically guarantee the absence of bugs like buffer overflow, divison by zero, integer overflow, use after free, etc. TrustInSoft Analyzer mathematically proves the absence of even the most hidden bugs and integrates easily in the CI process.

Check out this demo of TrustInSoft Analyzer on this popular C library ARM mbed TLS.

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CERT C Benchmark

The SEI CERT Coding Standards are software coding standards developed by the Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Mellon University. They are steadily becoming one of the key industry references for creating safe and secure software. One of these is SEI CERT C which has been updated for C11 but is also applicable to the earlier versions of the C language.

CERT C is primarily intended for software developers. However, it is also used by software integrators to define the requirements concerning code quality. There is a special interest for high-stakes and critical code developers who must build reliable code that is robust and resistant to attacks. That is why these standards are increasingly being used as a metric to evaluate the quality of the source code.

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Ensure Your Software is Immune to Vulnerabilities and Runtime Errors

Exhaustive static analysis enables developers to find and eliminate 100% of undefined behaviors (defects like buffer overflow, uninitialized memory access, etc.) that can leave low-level code vulnerable to attack and runtime errors. It gives device manufacturers and their customers an iron-clad guarantee that their products are completely free of such vulnerabilities.

In the remainder of this white paper, we will examine in greater detail:

  • The challenges of ensuring the security of low-level code in today’s environment,
  • Why traditional code verification methods are not up to these challenges, and
  • How exhaustive static analysis is able to meet those same challenges and guarantee cybersecurity and reliability in low-level code.

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2022 Legal Practice Management Software Buying Guide

It's never been a secret that law has historically been slow to evolve and adapt alongside other professions. When Smokeball released the last version of this guide, “Is Legal Practice Management Software Worth It?” we acknowledged that many firms still avoided change due to fear or stubbornness. Such firms could still maintain their status quo without the help of software.

In 2022, the question of worth no longer applies: Legal practice management software is a necessity, not a nice-to-have. The shift to remote/hybrid law offices is permanent, and attorneys must permanently shift their mindsets and processes to keep up — and keep ahead.

Smokeball understands that legal practice management software is a major investment of your firm’s money and time. Because we want to give you the most value and productivity for your investment, we updated this guide to reflect the reality of 2022. The legal landscape has shifted significantly since you started your practice. Let’s take advantage of the opportunity together.

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Guide to Implementing or Changing Legal Software

Deciding to change the technology your firm uses to manage cases, clients and billing requires commitment to see the process. Quite frankly, it’s not always easy. If your team is accustomed to working with a certain type of legal practice management software, change is difficult, even when everyone acknowledges that doing so is necessary.

If you're stuck and unable to move forward with transforming how your law firm uses technology, this guide will help you navigate the process. Along the journey, remember to give yourself and your team credit. Make no mistake, staying up to date with technology is no longer optional; it is a requirement.

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Embedded Analytics Product Fit Guide

Qrvey’s Embedded Analytics Product Fit Guide will walk you through the process of choosing an analytics provider and outline all of the steps involved. It was designed as a conversation starter to get you thinking about your specific needs, so you can align your requirements and priorities and ensure your embedded analytics solution is a perfect match for your needs.

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Embedded Analytics Product Fit Guide

Qrvey’s Embedded Analytics Product Fit Guide will walk you through the process of choosing an analytics provider and outline all of the steps involved. It was designed as a conversation starter to get you thinking about your specific needs, so you can align your requirements and priorities and ensure your embedded analytics solution is a perfect match for your needs.

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Guide to Implementing or Changing Legal Software

Deciding to change the technology your firm uses to manage cases, clients and billing requires commitment to see the process. Quite frankly, it’s not always easy. If your team is accustomed to working with a certain type of legal practice management software, change is difficult, even when everyone acknowledges that doing so is necessary.

If you're stuck and unable to move forward with transforming how your law firm uses technology, this guide will help you navigate the process. Along the journey, remember to give yourself and your team credit. Make no mistake, staying up to date with technology is no longer optional; it is a requirement.

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What Is Case Management Software?

For decades, lawyers in the U.S. depended on typewriters and telephones to run their businesses. Other industries utilized the same technologies. There was nothing out there that catered specifically to the legal profession.

Case management software (used interchangeably with LPMS) has been around for decades, but some law firms have not yet transitioned. Unfortunately, a failure to at least explore the benefits of LPMS puts law firms at a severe disadvantage — especially in an era when most firms are working at least part-time in a remote setting. Let's explore some of the most significant benefits of legal practice management software.

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2022 Legal Practice Management Software Buying Guide

It’s never been a secret that law has historically been slow to evolve and adapt alongside other professions. When Smokeball released the last version of this guide, “Is Legal Practice Management Software Worth It?” we acknowledged that many firms still avoided change due to fear or stubbornness. Such firms could still maintain their status quo without the help of software.

In 2022, the question of worth no longer applies: Legal practice management software is a necessity, not a nice-to-have. The shift to remote/hybrid law offices is permanent, and attorneys must permanently shift their mindsets and processes to keep up — and keep ahead.

Smokeball understands that legal practice management software is a major investment of your firm’s money and time. Because we want to give you the most value and productivity for your investment, we updated this guide to reflect the reality of 2022. The legal landscape has shifted significantly since you started your practice. Let’s take advantage of the opportunity together.

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