The Tidelift Guide to Managing Open Source

The best way to get the most of open source? Ensure the organization has a comprehensive strategy for managing open source in place.

In this guide, you will learn:

  • Why open source software is the modern application development platform, and why developers love open source software.
  • The areas in which unmanaged open source drains productivity and increases risk.
  • How to understand, design, build, and transform your organization's approach to managing open source components.

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The 2022 Open Source Software Supply Chain Survey Report

In this year’s survey, we learned how current events like the SolarWinds and Log4Shell software supply chain exploits and new government initiatives like the White House executive order on improving the nation’s cybersecurity are changing the way organizations manage open source.

We explored the most urgent challenges development teams face when building applications with open source. We collected data regarding how confident technologists are in their organizations’ current open source management practices, and in the open source components and languages they use more generally. Finally, we dove deep into several open source management best practices, including the use of software bills of materials (SBOMs) and repositories of approved open source components.

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Claim Your Page, Sell More Software

Your software is being noticed.

For potential buyers to view the most up-to-date and complete information on your software, you must claim your page on SourceForge. Once claimed, you control the page content, can add product descriptions, pricing, upload video and more – at no cost, 24/7.

SourceForge is one of the most visited websites in the world and where over 1,000,000 software researchers and buyers find and connect with software companies like yours every day.

Claiming your existing page is absolutely FREE, easy, and can be done in just a few minutes.

For more information, please review (and update if necessary) your contact information already filled into the form on this page. If it’s accurate, you’re all set!

Next, click the DOWNLOAD button for a summary sheet with important details on how claiming your page on SourceForge can help you find new customers, generate more business.

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Embedded Analytics Product Fit Guide

Qrvey’s Embedded Analytics Product Fit Guide will walk you through the process of choosing an analytics provider and outline all of the steps involved. It was designed as a conversation starter to get you thinking about your specific needs, so you can align your requirements and priorities and ensure your embedded analytics solution is a perfect match for your needs.

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Save 50% of your recruiting costs

Did you know that our AI-driven recruiting service can help you save 50% of your recruiting costs? Not only will our solution save you money, but it will also save you time – more than 170 recruiting hours per hire, to be exact.

Download this Data Sheet to know more about what we do, how we drive results, and how you can hire faster and smarter with AI-powered recruiting.

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How Onesignal Boosted Its Talent Pipeline By 65% With An AI-Powered Solution

Like many companies hiring for software engineering roles, OneSignal was having a hard time filling their candidate pipeline with traditional recruiting channels. They decided to partner with to increase their talent pool and hire for critical roles more quickly.

Within the first three months of our partnership, OneSignal saw significant results:

  • 65% increase in warm engineering candidates
  • 68 ready-to-interview candidates
  • 4 critical hires were closed

Read the case study to learn more about how OneSignal filled its critical engineering roles with ease.

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AI Talent Graph: New Frontier In Recruitment Tech

While hiring is one of the most important functions of the workplace, its processes haven’t seen much innovation in decades. At, our goal is to change that — that's why we’ve developed our proprietary AI-powered Talent Graph.

By combining advanced AI algorithms with massive data from thousands of signals and hundreds of sources, our Talent Graph uncovers deep insights about individuals, organizations, and their mutual fit. Here's an example:

Read our blog to learn the ins and outs of our Talent Graph, and how it can enable precise talent matching and hyper-personalized engagement at scale.

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AI-powered Proprietary Talent Graph

New Frontier in Recruitment Technology

Hiring is arguably the most important job at any workplace, yet the process hasn't undergone much innovation over the last twenty years. At least, that was the case before the AI-powered talent graph. This article explains’s proprietary talent graph in detail and how it can supercharge your recruitment efforts.

Download the data sheet to learn:

  • How the proprietary talent graph is created using massive data and machine learning algorithms
  • The breadth and depth of insights it can uncover with a real candidate example
  • Four ways the proprietary talent graph can empower your recruitment process

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Creating An Exceptional Candidate Experience For Tech Recruiting Success

Insights & Best Practices To Better Attract, Engage and Close Candidates In The Competitive Market

Many of us know the pain of the current tech talent squeeze, but are we in touch with what matters most to candidates in the hiring process? A stellar candidate experience directly translates into recruiting success — it helps companies boost employer branding, retain talent through every stage of engagement, and increase the possibility of a successful closing.

In this webinar, talent leaders from high-growth teams shared their best practices for improving candidate experience in the tech recruitment process and actionable tips for thriving in the remote hiring environment. Key topics include:

  • What tech candidates want to see from you
  • How to create a memorable first impression to attract talent
  • How to minimize friction in your hiring process
  • How to maintain a "human touch" in virtual interactions
  • How to leverage technology to enhance the candidate experience

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Building A Strong Tech Talent Pipeline

7 Strategies To Hire Faster and Smarter For High-growth Teams

2021 has been a boon for venture capital investment, post-pandemic growth, and available human capital via remote work. Consequently, the demand for tech talent is exploding with no signs of slowing down. How can hiring teams attract quality and diverse tech employees in this competitive landscape?

Over the past few years, we’ve worked with 100+ high-growth teams with the same core need: getting the right people into their organization as fast as possible. Here, we’re sharing what has worked best for these companies.

Download our ebook for actionable strategies, tips, examples, and resources about:

  • How to drive candidate engagement with your brand across multiple channels
  • How to use GitHub, Stack Overflow, and professional networks to source quality candidates
  • Where and how to find candidates with diverse backgrounds
  • How to get more passive candidates to respond
  • How to improve your candidate experience to make closing easier

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2021 Silicon Valley Software Engineering Talent Report

Exclusive Insights Into The Supply of This High-demand Workforce

The talent war for software engineers is ramping up across the globe, especially in highly competitive markets like the San Francisco Bay Area. To help hiring managers and talent leaders better navigate the evolving landscape and develop targeted recruiting strategies, here we are sharing unique insights on the supply of software engineer workforce in Silicon Valley. This report is developed from's rich talent graph of 5M software engineers in North America and an AI algorithm for a deep understanding of individuals and companies.

Download our full report to learn about:

  • How many software engineers are in the Bay Area
  • Workforce size and structure across a variety of roles (frontend, backend, full-stack, QA, DevOps, mobile, security, data, etc.)
  • Quantitative breakdowns of experience, tenure, education, and salary for each role

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Embedded Analytics Product Fit Guide

Qrvey’s Embedded Analytics Product Fit Guide will walk you through the process of choosing an analytics provider and outline all of the steps involved. It was designed as a conversation starter to get you thinking about your specific needs, so you can align your requirements and priorities and ensure your embedded analytics solution is a perfect match for your needs.

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7 Aspects Sales Leaders Should Prioritize While Choosing A CRM

CRM or customer relationship management is an approach to manage your company's interactions with your current and potential customers. By using CRM software, you could store customer data and make use of it to engage with new clients and retain existing ones with ease. The system also helps your employees gain valuable insights into your sales, marketing, and service management processes to facilitate cooperation between multiple teams.

CRM systems are at the heart of modern business processes that depend on capturing, analyzing, and using customer information to make decisions.

Due to such insights, your sales, marketing, and service teams get a better understanding of strategies that work and the ones that don't. With these insights, they could adjust their workflows for the best possible outcomes.

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CRM For Service Automation

Service Automation is a combination of workflow orchestration, workload automation, and resource provisioning across an organization's hybrid digital infrastructure.

In simpler words, Service Automation refers to the delivery of service activities in an automated manner, using a software or an online platform.

Apart from improving service accessibility, Service Automation also frees your team to concentrate on value-based activities that have the potential of building better relationships with customers through personalization.

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CRM For Sales Automation

Sales Automation refers to a system that automates time-consuming, manual tasks related to sales. It aims to mechanize all repetitive and redundant activities in the entire sales process so that the time and resources of your sales team would not be drained in carrying them out.

Though these redundant activities are important and without them, your sales pipeline would get severely affected, they do not require humans to complete them. A Sales Automation software such as an advanced CRM uses digital tools and Artificial Intelligence to step in and complete these tasks on your behalf.

Sales Automation works 24/7, all 365 days of the year, providing you with valuable insights and ensuring you do not miss out on anything, whether it is a client meeting that you lost track of, or an invoice you were supposed to send out. It reduces the margin of error very significantly as AI-powered tools take over and ensure accuracy in every operation.

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