Leading educational publisher halves time to market for new applications

To succeed in an increasingly competitive market, educational publishing company Scholastic decided to adopt a more flexible microservices-based development approach to offer new products and services faster. To take advantage of a supported Kubernetes container platform, the company chose to deploy Red Hat OpenShift ContainerPlatform on Amazon Web Services (AWS). This new environment lets developers reuse microservices to more efficiently build new services, with less focus on management and provisioning. Scholastic has not only cut its time to market in half, from months to weeks, but also improved its scalability and availability in response to shifting demand.

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Ford Motor Company case study

Ford Motor Company seeks to provide mobility solutions at accessible prices to its customers, including dealerships and parts distributors who sell to a variety of retail and commercial consumers.To speed delivery and simplify maintenance, the company sought to create a container-based application platform to modernize its legacy stateful applications and optimize its hardware use. With this platform, based on Red Hat OpenShift and supported by Red Hat and Sysdig technology, Ford has improved developer productivity, enhanced its security and compliance approach, and optimized its hardware use to improve operating costs. Now, the company can focus on exploring new ways to innovate, from big data to machine learning and artificial intelligence.

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Cosine Additive

When he co-founded Cosine Additive Inc. to design a 3D printer that could be economically competitive with traditional manufacturing methods, CTO Andrew McCalip had one design platform in mind. “I’ve always preferred SOLIDWORKS because it’s the most modern package and supports an intuitive, common-sense approach to design,” he says. Learn more. Read the case study.

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A Better User Experience and Improved Conversions for Reformation

Reformation — a leading sustainable fashion brand — focuses primarily on eCommerce, with more than half of their customers visiting its website using mobile devices. Relying on a basic, outof-the-box functionality of their existing eCommerce platform, Reformation struggled to deliver images that were optimized to suit the context of every user’s device and videos that weren’t choppy and hard to watch. After integrating Cloudinary into its media workflow, Reformation was finally able to deliver high-fidelity and high-performant images, as well as videos, for each individual visitor’s device and bandwidth requirements. These changes not only simplified their media workflow, it gave Reformation’s customers a better experience that resulted in a significant improvement of its conversions and brand satisfaction.

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Streamlined Media Management Optimizes Performance and User Experience for StubHub

As StubHub evolved from a lightweight website to one that was rich with images, videos and custom views from seat locations at event venues around the world, it sought a way to streamline media management. The company implemented Cloudinary, which automated a time-consuming and complex image and video upload and management process, resulting in a 60% reduction in page weight and achieving a three times faster page load time. With the additional help of Cloudinary’s digital asset management capabilities, StubHub had better protection over its content. With the additional help of Cloudinary’s digital asset management capabilities, StubHub had better protection over its content and created a single source of truth for all their media assets.

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Streamlined Media Management Optimizes Performance and User Experience for StubHub

As StubHub evolved from a lightweight website to one that was rich with images, videos and custom views from seat locations at event venues around the world, it sought a way to streamline media management. The company implemented Cloudinary, which automated a time-consuming and complex image and video upload and management process, resulting in a 60% reduction in page weight and achieving a three times faster page load time. With the additional help of Cloudinary’s digital asset management capabilities, StubHub had better protection over its content and created a single source of truth for all their media assets.

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A Better User Experience and Improved Conversions for Reformation

Reformation — a leading sustainable fashion brand — focuses primarily on eCommerce, with more than half of their customers visiting its website using mobile devices. Relying on a basic, out-of-the-box functionality of their existing eCommerce platform, Reformation struggled to deliver images that were optimized to suit the context of every user’s device and videos that weren’t choppy and hard to watch. After integrating Cloudinary into its media workflow, Reformation was finally able to deliver high-fidelity and high-performant images, as well as videos, for each individual visitor’s device and bandwidth requirements. These changes not only simplified their media workflow, it gave Reformation’s customers a better experience that resulted in a significant improvement of its conversions and brand satisfaction.

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R+H Medicine Pivots Business During COVID-19

"I got an email from Zenefits last week about the process to get a small business loan. There is very little reliable information out there right now and so much of it is spam or a scam. As a business owner, it is so great to know that somebody has my back. I trust Zenefits.".

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Client Story: gategroup

Garth Gray, Vice President Global IT Infrastructure and Michael Heuser, Senior IT Director of gategroup talk about the transformation of their MPLS network into a global SD-WAN with strong integration of the Microsoft Azure Cloud. The talk took place at the American headquarters of gategroup in Reston, Virginia.

Garth Gray gategroup is the leading independent global provider of products, services and solutions to airline passengers. They work directly with airlines and with their unique passengers in mind to manage complex, high-volume operations around the world. They have 165 facilities within 126 locations in 33 countries on six continents. Their operation consists primarily of airline catering facilities, running 24 × 7.

Read this case study to know more about GateGroup.

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Kemet Chooses Open Systems To Optimize Performance Of Cloud Apps, Secure Cloud Connectivity, And Reduce Costs By 50%

KEMET chooses Open Systems to optimize performance of cloud apps, secure cloud connectivity and reduce costs by 50%.

As a leading global manufacturer of electronic components, KEMET Electronics Corporation has more than 15,000 employees operating at 60 locations across 16 countries. The company strives to meet the highly specialized needs of electronics makers in the telecommunications, medical, aerospace defense, and automotive markets. More than 160 patents, state-of-the-art manufacturing, and R&D facilities allow KEMET to deliver an expanding portfolio of advanced electronic solutions, including the industry’s broadest range of capacitors.

Read this customer story to know more about KEMET Electronics Corporation.

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Zerto Keeps City of Tyler Blooming with IT Resilience

Zerto enabled Tyler IT to quickly recover in one instance where a support technician accidentally wiped out an application and all the data associated with it.

VMs are easily created and migrated to DR, making it easy to take down and repair VMs.

IT resilience helps the city prepare for annual security audits by Criminal Justice Information Systems.

Download this case study to learn how Zerto Keeps the City of Tyler Blooming with IT Resilience.

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Zerto Bridges IT Transformation for New Canadian Blood Services Datacenter

Canadian Blood Services in Ottawa is committed to providing a steady and safe supply of blood, plasma, stem cells, and organs and tissues to millions of Canadians.

Canadian Blood Services needed a pain-free datacenter migration and rapid recovery.

Download this case study to learn how Zerto bridges IT Transformation for new Canadian Blood Services Datacenter.

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Mrs. Mac’s Achieves RPO of Seconds with Zerto

Since the late 1980s, Mrs. Mac’s has seen vast growth in distribution, new technology and products developed. Their products are sold throughout Australia and New Zealand and their range has grown extensively in recent years.

Mrs. Mac’s previous snapshot-based back-up solution couldn’t deliver the RPO/RTOs required to guarantee continuous availability for their fast-growing business. They also needed the ability to recover from ransomware and other disasters, but with both production and their DR site in the same location this would be difficult.

Find out how Zerto and Zettagrid helped Mrs. Mac’s achieve RPOs of seconds and the ability to recover in the event of an outage or disruption. “With our existing DR solution, we had an RPO of about an hour. This really wasn’t acceptable for us moving forward with our dependence on our IT systems. We are now replicating to SecondSite with Zerto and have an RPO of seconds.”

– Josh Pierre, IT Manager, Mrs. Mac’s Pies

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