EMC Isilon Scale-Out Data Lake Foundation

IDC believes that EMC Isilon is indeed an easy to operate, highly scalable and efficient Enterprise Data Lake Platform. IDC validated that a shared storage model based on the Data Lake can in fact provide enterprise-grade service-levels while performing better than dedicated commodity off-the-shelf storage for Hadoop workloads.

Download this white paper to learn more.

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What Does the Right OpenStack Block Storage Look Like?

As IT moves into the new era of cloud computing’s dynamic and agile workflows, it’s time to look beyond existing storage hardware architectures and consider products built from the ground up for the next generation of applications and operations. Explore this infographic to learn how OpenStack block storage might offer such a solution.
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7 Steps to Get Started with Microsoft Azure

Some people think Azure is just Windows in the cloud or that AD, Azure and AAD are all Microsoft, so it all works together. They need to think again.

The cloud doesn’t run itself. It’s true that AD, Azure and AAD all come from Microsoft, but they don’t all automagically work together. You must decide how you want them to interoperate, then set them up correctly. The first time you do that it’s not simple. There are tricks and traps that people only learn from experience working with Azure.

In the whitepaper, you’ll find all of the details and guidelines for custom implementation and much more, including:

  • Information on defining your cloud goals
  • Calculating financial return
  • Determining a cloud identity strategy
  • Securing your cloud environment
  • Evaluating complexity
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The Rise of Collaborative Communication

In the digital era, market leaders will be determined by a company’s ability to recognize shifts in the market landscape and adapt to these trends faster than their competition. This means being able to make the best decision as quickly as possible while involving the right people, regardless of their location.

To accomplish this, the collaboration tools organizations use must extend outside of the enterprise—from employees to suppliers to customers. To enable workers to collaborate and communicate more effectively, IT organizations have deployed a wide variety of tools.

This paper from ZK Research offers key recommendations to help organizations make a smooth transition and overcome deployment challenges.

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A step-by-step guide to taking COBOL apps into the Cloud

Taking your COBOL applications to the Cloud needn’t be difficult or costly. COBOL’s unique portability enables easy deployment to many platforms, including Cloud and virtualization environments – and all without code changes. At Micro Focus, we break down complexity so your move to the Cloud is easy and seamless.
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Visual COBOL: The Agent of Change

This white paper explores the challenges that many organizations face when addressing their IT backlogs while implementing the innovation that will drive future growth.

It also offers a potential solution to these challenges in the form of Visual COBOL, a Micro Focus development environment that bridges the gap between existing IT issues and advanced technology.

You will learn about:

  • The issue of IT debt
  • The skills gap between common IT issues and the developers who need to address them
  • Disruptive technology and innovation
  • Development efficiency
  • New architecture
  • Future challenges
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Justifying Investment in All-Flash Arrays

This IDC study takes a business look at the secondary economic benefits of flash deployment at scale, focusing on the total cost of ownership impacts that this drives.

Intel Inside®. New Possibilities Outside.

Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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Top 10 Reasons Why Customers Deploy VMAX All Flash

Accelerate your IT Transformation with VMAX All Flash, architected for mission-critical and designed with the latest all-flash technology. What are the top ten reasons Dell EMC customers deploy VMAX All Flash? Keep reading!

Intel Inside®. New Possibilities Outside.

Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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Top 10 Reasons Why Customers Deploy VMAX 250F

Accelerate your journey to IT Transformation with VMAX 250F, architected for the enterprise and designed for midmarket budgets. Learn the top ten reasons Dell EMC customers deploy VMAX 250F.

Intel Inside®. New Possibilities Outside.

Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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