The Ultimate Guide to Automating Product Data (Spec) Sheets

This whitepaper sheds light on the challenges of managing disparate product data sources and highlights the importance of automation of product data sheets and centralization.

We walk through how using the right automation strategy can:

  • Break down the walls of data silos
  • Improve decision-making across departments
  • Enhance customer experiences with reliably up-to-date product information

Our goal is to illustrate how you and your team can accomplish these steps easily by utilizing the right modern PIM solution. We'd like you to walk away with a firm understanding of the benefits of automating these sheets and why the modern PIM can complete the process adeptly.

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How to Buy a PIM

Deciding to buy a PIM is a step in the right direction for any business focused on eCommerce. Your Product Information Management system is the key to making your business more scalable, efficient, and sustainable. In a competitive arena where customer expectations seem to change day by day, ensuring your company can remain responsive to demand will help you outsmart and outsell your competition. PIM creates a streamlined process for managing the product information you need to sell your products through your various distribution channels. However, it also helps across all stages of the supply chain, including manufacturing, distributing and, of course, selling.

When you buy a PIM system, you have a software tool designed to simplify and automate the import, management, enrichment, and publication of detailed product information so you can easily expand your product lines, as well as the markets you choose to sell those lines.

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Making the Business Case for PIM

This whitepaper provides a deep analysis of how it works, and the business benefits it brings. After reading this whitepaper, you’ll have the foundations to build a strong PIM business case, including:

  • How PIM software facilitates a much more productive and collaborative way of working by enabling employees to access everything they need from a centralized product hub.
  • The ability to reduce costs all while creating amazing product experiences that lead to higher revenues.
  • The key signs that indicate your business needs completely streamlined and effective product data management processes.

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How to Deploy Your First PIM

After reading this whitepaper, you’ll be fully equipped to get your PIM implementation project off the ground. A successful PIM system integration means you can quickly reap the benefits of sleek Product Information Management processes.

Read our comprehensive PIM implementation guide and overcome the common challenges and get the most from your PIM functionality by:

  • Identifying the key stakeholders within the business you may need to involve when implementing a PIM system.
  • Promoting a culture of collaboration across departments for a successful PIM deployment process.
  • Creating a data model that will guarantee the best possible product experiences for your customers.
  • Driving real Return On Investment (ROI) by totally transforming product data management processes.

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Get Started: Service Management Solutions That Make You Look Good

IT service and support is a critical foundation supporting the business. If employees or customers can’t access information, then productivity is impacted and business is potentially lost. Without an efficient service desk, your business is limited. By applying smart automation to repeatable processes, companies can transform their operations to deliver the level of service end users expect. For years organizations have relied on IT Service Management (ITSM) software to manage and automate the delivery of IT services. This expertise is now being leveraged to expand service and support capabilities across the enterprise. The addition of artificial intelligence (AI), natural language processing (NLP), and machine learning (ML) to further predict needs and automate tasks, brings additional improvements to service delivery.

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Software To Combat Time Theft

Time theft can quietly cost companies in all industries significant amounts of money by employees clocking in for others, extending breaks or inflating timesheets. Without solutions like TimeTrex and diligent oversight, this issue can persist, undetected, draining profits. Combating time theft is crucial for both payroll precision and overall operational effectiveness.

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NeoCertified Secure Email: Enhancing Business Communication Security

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, where data is the lifeblood of modern businesses, the need for robust security measures has never been more pressing. As companies increasingly rely on electronic communication channels to facilitate critical operations, the risks associated with data breaches and cyber threats have escalated exponentially. Email has become a prime target for malicious actors seeking to exploit vulnerabilities and gain unauthorized access to sensitive information.

NeoCertified has become a trusted partner offering corporate-grade email encryption and data protection solutions tailored for SMEs. With 20+ years in cybersecurity, NeoCertified pioneers affordable, user-friendly email encryption services that empower businesses to secure communications efficiently and cost-effectively.

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Software To Combat Time Theft

Time theft can quietly cost companies in all industries significant amounts of money by employees clocking in for others, extending breaks or inflating timesheets. Without solutions like TimeTrex and diligent oversight, this issue can persist, undetected, draining profits. Combating time theft is crucial for both payroll precision and overall operational effectiveness.

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A Proactive Defense Against OSHA Penalties and Shutdowns

A thorough examination of OSHA penalties and court proceedings reveals strategic actions organizations can adopt to avoid legal repercussions and ensure compliance.

This whitepaper outlines the high stakes of non-compliance, demonstrating through case studies how ignoring OSHA regulations can lead to significant financial penalties and disrupt business operations. By reading on, you will gain actionable insights that ensure compliance and fortify the future of your company.

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Managing Vehicle and Machine Operator Fatigue

Fatigue is a major safety hazard for machine and vehicle operators. It can impair their judgment, reaction time, and coordination, making them more likely to make mistakes that could lead to accidents. Fatigue is especially dangerous in high-risk environments, where even a small mistake can have catastrophic consequences.

This paper will provide you with a guide to managing vehicle/machine operator fatigue. We will discuss the risks of fatigue, your legislative responsibility, and the strategies that can be used to reduce fatigue risks. We will also provide actionable fatigue assessments, curated to proactively manage fatigue for these workers.

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How to Future Proof Your Safety Program

Harnessing diverse data sources and advanced analysis, predictive safety offers comprehensive insights, foreseeing potential hazards and ensuring a safer workplace. Essentially, implementing such a safety strategy creates a future-proof safety program.

Inside this whitepaper, you will find detailed information including:

  • Data Collection and Analysis Techniques.
  • Implementation Considerations.
  • Continuous Improvement and Future Outlook.
  • How other companies have shifted.
  • How we can help.

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The Current State of Contract Automation for Legal Professionals

Among the most avoided conversations for legal professionals is that of technology and the role it plays in legal contract and document management. Due to the fear of complicated implementations or additional work getting added to the table, automation for law firms gets put as an afterthought.

Docubee partnered with leading Legal media company, ALM, to survey legal professionals across various practice areas to get a picture of the current state of contracts and technology used in firms and where the industry is headed.

This whitepaper looks to uncover common trends, address challenges and best practices, and glean insights on contract automation for law professionals.
Continue reading for vital info on automation for your firm.

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¿Cómo Aumentar La Eficiencia Mediante El Uso De La GMAO?

La actividad de mantenimiento preventivo es el núcleo del negocio de las empresas proveedoras de servicios. Gestionar de manera eficiente todos los procesos relacionados con esta actividad de mantenimiento es un desafío estratégico para su rentabilidad, competitividad y, por lo tanto, su sostenibilidad a medio y largo plazo. Esto es lo que permite la adopción de un software de GMAO.

Gracias a este enfoque, es posible fortalecer el servicio de mantenimiento y, al mismo tiempo, reducir los costes.

El mantenimiento preventivo no se refiere solo a la prevención de fallas o interrupciones del servicio, sino que también debe considerarse como una estrategia de gestión de los gastos de mantenimiento.

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12 Warning Signs Your Time Tracking Solution Is Holding You Back

Timing is everything—and if you’re waiting for a sign that it’s time to upgrade your time tracking solution, here are 12 to look out for.

This list is based on interviews with 10 HR professionals who recently upgraded their time tracking solution. We asked them:

  • Why they decided to switch time tracking solutions.
  • What pain points they experienced prior to switching.
  • If their previous solution led to miscalculations or other compliance issues.
  • Whether they switched at the right time—or if it was too late.

How does your company compare? Check off the signs that apply to your company and start making the case for a switch today.

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Easy, Accurate, Reliable

When your company has important positions to fill, you need applicant screening results that are thorough, accurate, and fast. EZ Screen Solutions streamlines your process by providing all three. We help you narrow down your search to get the best candidates on the job in no time.

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