Pourquoi les directeurs informatiques doivent envisager un support indépendant ?

Combien payez-vous pour simplement « faire tourner la machine » ? Quelle proportion de votre budget SI est absorbée par les frais de maintenance payés à votre éditeur ? De nombreux DSI remettent en question l’intérêt de payer des frais de maintenance exorbitants pour un retour sur investissement minime en termes de nouvelles fonctionnalités face à un TCO croissant. Ainsi, au lieu d’accepter les mises à niveau de leurs plateformes ERP, SCM, HCM et CRM selon un calendrier fixe et le niveau de service rudimentaire imposés par l’éditeur, les DSI s’intéressent au support indépendant comme un moyen de libérer une part importante de leur budget à moindre coût et prolonger l’espérance de vie de leurs systèmes de 10 à 15 ans.
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Un calendrier stratégique pour l’ERP de nouvelle génération

L'évolution rapide du paysage technologique actuel et l'avènement de l'ère de l'« informatique hybride » ouvrent des perspectives pour une plateforme ERP de nouvelle génération. Les directeurs informatiques ont une occasion en or de favoriser une transformation continue des activités au sein des départements informatiques — une transformation pouvant assurer une nouvelle croissance pour l'entreprise dans sa globalité.

Voici quelques-unes des questions essentielles traitées dans cette synthèse opérationnelle :

  • Les plateformes ERP de nouvelle génération doivent refléter les réalités de l'informatique hybride
  • Comment prendre le contrôle de votre stratégie ERP grâce au support indépendant
  • Un calendrier stratégique pour l'ERP de nouvelle génération

Lisez cette synthèse opérationnelle de CIO.com pour comprendre de quelle manière les organisations informatiques peuvent saisir cette opportunité pour assurer la transformation de l'activité via l'informatique.

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Five Database Must-Haves for Meeting Evolving Needs

By 2017, 80% of enterprises will have adopted a hybrid IT strategy composed of public cloud, on-premises and private cloud components. In an increasingly “cloud-first” era, agile, scalable infrastructure matters more than ever.

This Battlecard looks at the changing nature of business, the growing importance of data to all parts of the enterprise, and offers five key considerations when evaluating database options for tomorrow’s enterprise.

Key points will include

  • Supporting Next-Generation Applications
  • Big Data and the Enterprise
  • What Hybrid means to the database
  • The Economics of Cloud
  • Security and the Database

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Solid-State Array TCO Reality Check

Are solid-state arrays (SSAs) worth the extra cost? This independent survey of SSA users found that their deployments provided a positive ROI after only 5.4 months, significantly faster than hard-disk drive (HDD) storage systems. Discover why Gartner strongly advises that SSAs be considered whenever HDD-based storage systems need to be replaced. Read the report: Solid-State Array TCO Reality Check.
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Benefits of Flash for Virtualized Environments

Did you know that over 77% of all enterprises have adopted a “virtual first” strategy for new server deployment? Virtual infrastructure has become the mainstream deployment model in enterprise IT today. Check out the current virtualization market statistics and find out why flash is essential for virtual computing.
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Vollständige Kontrolle über Ihre ERP-Investitionen

Viele ERP-Kunden haben das Gefühl, die Kontrolle über ihr eigenes „IT-Schicksal“ verloren zu haben, weil die Software-Anbieter ihnen ihre Bedingungen diktieren – einschließlich des Zeitpunktes von Upgrades, der Priorisierung von Verbesserungen und erzwungenen Erhöhungen der jährlichen Wartungsgebühren. Dieses White Paper stellt Ihnen die Alternativen vor, die Sie haben, um unnötige Upgrades zu vermeiden, die kaum echte funktionelle Vorteile oder einen überprüfbaren ROI bieten können.
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Why CIOs Should Consider Independent Support

How Much Are You Spending Just “Keeping the Lights On”?
How much of your IT budget is eaten up by annual vendor maintenance fees? Many CIOs are reevaluating paying hefty fees for services that deliver little ROI in the way of features and functionality. Rather than continuing to upgrade their ERP, SCM, HCM and CRM platforms at the vendor's schedule and settling for the rudimentary level of service that "megavendor" maintenance typically provides, CIOs are exploring using independent support providers as a way of freeing up significant operating budget at zero cost.

Download this white paper to begin exploring independent support.
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A Strategic Timeline for Next-Generation ERP

Today's rapidly changing technology landscape and the onset of the "Hybrid IT Era" are driving the vision for a next-generation ERP platform. CIOs have a golden opportunity to lead ongoing business transformation within IT - transformation with the potential to deliver new growth for the business as a whole.

Here are some key takeaways from this executive brief:
  • Next-generation ERP platforms must reflect the hybrid IT era
  • How you can own your ERP strategy with independent support
  • A strategic timeline for next generation ERP
Read this CIO.com executive brief to understand how IT organizations can seize the opportunity to enable IT-driven business transformation.
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The 3 D’s of DevOps: Develop, Deploy and Deliver – DELIVER

Uptime isn’t everything; it’s the only thing. With recent IDC research demonstrating the average cost of a critical application failure at between $500K and $1M, the need to keep downtime at bay is clear. Unfortunately, the average number of deployments is expected to double over the next two years putting additional pressure on keeping application running.

This Battlecard looks at how DevOps-led project not only accelerate delivery and deployment, but also can have a positive, serious impact on application quality and uptime. It demonstrates how IBM DevOps tools enhance security and compliance, and what businesses should do today to eliminate downtime as part of a continuous application delivery process.
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The 3 D’s of DevOps: Develop, Deploy and Deliver – DEPLOY

In our “There’s an app for that” economy, the need to develop and deploy new code rapidly can be a real competitive differentiator. As businesses adopt agile and DevOps strategies, what can they do to accelerate the speed of deploying new apps?

This Battlecard provides buyers with the information on how IBM UrbanCode helps speed deployment of applications in DevOps environments and thus drives deployment costs down. Organizations have seen development cycle increases ranging from 15% to 75%, delivering increased productivity, time-to-market savings and reduction in the risk of failed deployments thanks to standardization, increased transparency into the release process. 
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The 3 D’s of DevOps: Develop, Deploy and Deliver – DEVELOP

In today’s increasingly mobile environments, business users require new apps – or new features for existing apps – at an accelerated pace. Not only are there more projects, users demand new code is up and running faster than ever.

This Battlecard presents the key information about the ways IBM BlueMix enables enterprises of all sizes to accelerate the development process by eliminating overhead previously required to spin up development environments. The resulting faster time to value delivers real bottom-line benefits.
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Frictionless IT Managemement Disrupts the Status Quo

In this IDC whitepaper, learn how open source cloud management, automation, and orchestration solutions are disrupting traditional enterprise IT management. Rapid digital transformation strategies require tools that can be shared across DevOps teams. Community-developed, open source solutions such as Red Hat® CloudForms and Red Hat Satellite can provide IT teams with access to new innovation, reduce operational friction, and help organizations optimize their infrastructure and life-cycle management.
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Frictionless IT Management Disrupts the Status Quo

In this IDC whitepaper, learn how open source cloud management, automation, and orchestration solutions are disrupting traditional enterprise IT management. Rapid digital transformation strategies require tools that can be shared across DevOps teams. Community-developed, open source solutions such as Red Hat® CloudForms and Red Hat Satellite can provide IT teams with access to new innovation, reduce operational friction, and help organizations optimize their infrastructure and life-cycle management.
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Frictionless IT Management Disrupts the Status Quo

In this IDC whitepaper, learn how open source cloud management, automation, and orchestration solutions are disrupting traditional enterprise IT management. Rapid digital transformation strategies require tools that can be shared across DevOps teams. Community-developed, open source solutions such as Red Hat® CloudForms and Red Hat Satellite can provide IT teams with access to new innovation, reduce operational friction, and help organizations optimize their infrastructure and life-cycle management.
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