Read the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Operational DBMS

Why Microsoft for your operational database management system?

When it comes to managing your data, the choice is clear: Microsoft is an industry leader in ODBMS. Don’t take our word for it; read Gartner’s assessment of the ODBMS landscape and see how Microsoft stacks up.
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Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms

Why choose Microsoft for your business intelligence and analytics?

When it comes to analyzing your data, the choice is clear: Microsoft is an industry leader in business intelligence and analytics platforms. Read Gartner’s assessment of the business intelligence and analytics landscape to see how Microsoft stacks up.

Gartner has recognized Microsoft as a Leader — for the ninth year in a row — in the 2016 Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms, positioning it farthest to the right on the axis for completeness of vision.
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Put The Business Back In Your Data Management Business Case

Looking for ways to be more efficient with your business IT? Trying to make the business case for data investment? Read this Forrester report to learn how to develop a business go-to team that informs your data strategy and frame that strategy as a business success story.

This independent report provides helpful insights to improve your data management model, better engage with stakeholders, and build business strategy into your data management efforts.
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Today’s youth is the first generation to define itself by technology, rather than by pivotal political or economic events. These young people are comfortable with every aspect of technology and our book “The App Generation: How Today’s Youth Navigate Identity, Intimacy, and Imagination in a Digital World,” uncovered new insights into the influence of technology on young people’s identities and the way they see the world.
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La prochaine génération à entrer dans la population active a grandi dans un monde largement influencé par les appareils mobiles.

Pour les jeunes d'aujourd'hui, l'expression "il y a une appli pour ça" n'est pas juste un slogan publicitaire accrocheur. C'est un truisme, une réponse à plus ou moins toutes les questions qu'ils se sont jamais posées et une approche à chaque tâche. Peut-on en dire autant de la façon de travailler actuelle ? Eh bien, pas vraiment. On n'est plus dans le "il se pourrait qu'il y ait une appli pour ça, mais il faut que vous demandiez au service informatique, et elle pourrait être bloquée, ou ne pas fonctionner sur votre téléphone, et...", bref, ce n'est pas encore aussi évident qu'on pourrait le croire.

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De hedendaagse jeugd is de eerste generatie die zijn identiteit ontleent aan technologie in plaats van aan cruciale politieke of economische gebeurtenissen. Deze jongeren voelen zich met elk technologisch aspect volledig op hun gemak en in ons boek "The App Generation: How Today’s Youth Navigate Identity, Intimacy, and Imagination in a Digital World", onthullen we nieuwe inzichten over de invloed van technologie op de identiteit van jongeren en de manier waarop zij de wereld zien.
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WP Enemies in Our Midst

It’s not a question of if your organization will be breached. It’s a question of when.

Most attackers remain active in environments for a significant amount of time before being discovered. And only a small percentage of organizations discover the presence of advanced attackers themselves—most need to be informed by law enforcement or a proactive third-party security firm. By then, an attacker could do a great deal of damage.

A compromise assessment answers the all-important question: Have you been breached?
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WP Uncomfortable Trade Off

Recent high-profile security breaches, underscore how destructive a breach can be to an organization's reputation and financial stability.
Many of these headline-grabbing targeted attacks are based on monetary profit, political gain, or data theft, and are a result of an active, persistent pursuit with the intent to compromise the target’s infrastructure.
When customer data is stolen, the damage to an organization can be swift – and costly. With awareness of cyber security risks at all-time highs, investments are pouring into security technologies.
But how do you know if you are investing in the right set of security tools and threat intelligence?
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RPT M-Trends 2016

M-Trends 2016 provides trends, statistics and case studies to illustrate how advanced threat actors have evolved over the past year.
The annual report was compiled by consultants at Mandiant, a FireEye company, and is based on hundreds of Mandiant incident response investigations in more than 30 industry sectors. It offers recommendations on how organizations can improve the way they prevent, detect, analyze and respond to cyber attacks.
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WP Protecting Your Data

Today's security defenses are failing because, in the battle against cybercrime, security teams are using an outdated arsenal. They rely too heavily on legacy platforms that leverage technology dependent upon signatures—and while these platforms may be good at blocking basic malware that is known and documented, they stand little chance against today's sophisticated, dynamic cyber attacks that occur across multiple vectors and stages.

In this guide for CIOs, CFOs, and CISOs, FireEye provides insight into the cyber security problem facing enterprises and government agencies today.
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WP 9 Steps

Transform that vast and noisy queue of mostly false alerts into a small collection of actionable narratives by following FireEye's "Nine Steps to Eliminate Alert Fatigue".
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Hypervisor-based Replication

Virtualization of the data center has proven to be a true IT game-changer, providing increased flexibility and control in managing production workloads, as well as significantly streamlining the implementation and operational support. Organizations continue to expand their virtualization initiatives to private, public and hybrid cloud environments.

To more fully realize the benefits of virtualization and get the most out of their investments in the technology, organizations need to optimize all IT processes and activities for their virtual environment. This includes security, compliance, and Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery (BC/DR). Of the three, BC/DR is perhaps the most difficult because to date there have been no virtual-ready remote replication methods that organizations could adopt. That is all about to change.

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Cloud Continuity Platform — Enabling the Hybrid Cloud

Today’s IT demands an agile, flexible environment with the ability to have any application leverage any cloud with any hypervisor. For example, a production workload should be able to reside in a VMware based private cloud for performance, while leveraging Amazon for cost effective backup and a Hyper-V based managed service provider for high SLA disaster recovery. Enterprises want the capability to expand their available choices in terms of meeting the needs of the business. IT provides the robust foundation to ensure end-user productivity across disciplines, and they need to be able to react fast.
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BC/DR in the Cloud Era: Options and Challenges

In this paper, we will discuss the different types of Cloud BC/DR solutions and the challenges faced by both customers and Cloud Service Providers (CSP) prior to Zerto Virtual Replication (ZVR). Then we will discuss how ZVR addresses these challenges and improves upon many of the traditional solutions.

Zerto performed a similar exercise when creating Zerto Virtual Replication. We first assessed the state of the industry, and then developed a solution to not only meet, but also exceed the required capabilities of both the consumer and the provider for cloud-based disaster recovery.

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Security Analytics: A Required Escalation in Cyber Defense

In this white paper, noted industry analyst Richard Stiennon examines the emerging requirement in the ongoing arms race with threat actors. Despite years of investment in multiple layers of security defenses, every organization is still wide open to targeted attacks. It is practically impossible to stop all possible attacks. Even next-generation firewalls, complete alerting and logging collected in a SIEM, and universal patch management and vulnerability discovery has proven to be ineffective against threat actors who are motivated, skilled and determined.

This paper answers the critical questions about security analytics and explains why it is one of the fastest growing product categories in security.
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