Website Security Threat Report Part 2

These resources have offered unparalleled sources of data with which to identify, analyze, and provide informed commentary on emerging trends in attacks, malicious code activity, phishing, and spam. Symantec’s Website Security Solutions have distilled this information down to focus specifically on the threats that are targeting online business and websites.

Join Symantec’s team of as they draw on this report to discuss:
  • Trends and patterns across the globe and the impact these have
  • Best practices to mitigate risk for online businesses
  • What actions you can take to protect your site and your customers
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Your Website Health Check – Get in Shape

More than half a billion (552 million) identities were exposed in 2013 as a result of data breaches. If your website is weak enough to let in a hacker, not only could you face the wrath of angry customers, but you could also be exposed to regulatory fines and damaging media coverage.

It’s as simple as this: resolve to keep your site fit and healthy or get out of the game.
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The Product Delivery Problem (Hint: It’s Not You)

For product managers and their counterparts, the road to launch is a fight to keep every task, every detail, every change grounded in business goals. It’s not enough to be fast. Or to deliver the right product. You need to do both. This requires:

• Balancing the needs of many stakeholders to define a set of requirements for what’s being built, why and how.

• Prioritizing and re-prioritizing “must-have” mandates from multiple voices—everyone from front-end users to engineers to sales to support.

• Ensuring that what gets built is what every one expects.

This white paper outlines surefire ways you can establish and maintain a strong connection between intended outcomes, development methodologies and customer value.

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A Modern Take on the Agile Manifesto

When the Agile Manifesto was published in 2001, our workplace looked very different from how it does today. Despite major changes in how we work, our interpretation of the Manifesto hasn’t changed in over a decade. So what does today’s Agile look like? Do the values of the Manifesto still apply? How can we evolve Agile concepts to tackle today's product-delivery challenges in a new way?

Download this eBook for an opportunity to rethink the Agile Manifesto. View Agile in a new light and deconstruct which concepts were home runs and which still need to evolve.

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Increase Product ROI With Better Decision Making

What if you could get the right product to market 18 percent faster? What would that mean to your bottom line? For the average 100-person team, 18 percent translates to $1.5 million a year, and puts about one to two hours back into the day of every person on the product team.

Business decisions = dollars. Get your money’s worth.

Download this whitepaper to learn how you can maximize return on your product delivery investment by getting the right products to market, faster and better than before.

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Project Management Best Practices

Project management is a juggling act, with too many balls in the air at once. Anyone can learn to draw a Gantt chart, but effective project managers also rely on the savvy that comes from experience. Whether you are a rookie or a veteran PM, these tips, from people who’ve already done their tours of duty in the project management trenches, will help you drive project success in an unpredictable world.

You’ll learn 21 solid survival tips in the following categories:

1. Lay the foundation

2. Plan the project

3. Estimate the work

4. Track your progress

5. Learn for the future

Download this Whitepaper

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再検討を迫られるサンドボックス技術:自動解析ソリューションの 優劣を見極める

セキュリティ・ベンダー各社は、従来型セキュリティ・ソリューションの限界を渋々認め、サンドボックスとして知られるダイナミック解析ソリューションを製品ラインナップに加えようと躍起になっています。自動解析ソリューションは、仮想マシン(VM)を使用してファイルの振る舞いを検証し、不正な動作の有無を確認します。 しかしあまりにも多くの製品が市場に出回り、どのベンダーも同じような効果を主張しているため、最適なダイナミック解析ソリューションの選択は容易ではありません。このホワイトペーパーでは、サンドボックスの仕組み、サンドボックスに基づく大多数のアプローチが機能しない理由、VMに基づく解析ソリューションの評価基準について説明します。主な内容は次のとおりです。
  • サンドボックスが特効薬にならない理由
  • 一般的なサンドボックス技術が抱える6つの重大な欠陥
  • VMツール評価時のチェック項目
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動く標的: 多様な業種に 狙いを定める サイバー攻撃者

セキュリティ担当者様 高度なサイバー攻撃は、もはや政府機関や軍事関連企業だけの問題ではありません。攻撃者は、多様な業種の組織に狙いを定めています。 厄介なのは、従来型のセキュリティ・ソリューションでは高度なサイバー攻撃に対処しきれないことです。高度な攻撃による被害リスクを軽減するには、攻撃者の特徴とその動機を理解する必要があります。 電子書籍『動く標的: 多様な業種に狙いを定めるサイバー攻撃者』では、次の内容について説明しています。
  • セキュリティに関する3つのよくある誤解
  • 攻撃者の素性
  • 攻撃者が狙う資産
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アラートの質が左右する 効果的なセキュリティ対策: 重要なアラートに 優先的に対応するには

"セキュリティ担当者は、膨大なアラートへの対応に苦慮しています。重要なアラートを見分けることができず、 その間に緊急性の高いアラートが軽微なアラートの中に埋もれていきます。意味のあるアラートが届いても、どう対処すべきか判断することもできません。中でも問題なのは、アラートが絶え間なく届く中でセキュリティ担当者が誤った安心感を感じてしまうことです。 効果的なセキュリティ対策を講じるには、アラートの数ではなく質に注目する必要があります。このホワイトペーパーでは、膨大なアラートが発生する背景や大量のアラートがセキュリティにとってむしろ有害である理由、またアラートの適切な管理方法について解説します。"
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Outils SIEM — Trop d’alertes tue l’alerte : L’importance de concentrer les mesures de cybersécurité sur les alertes critiques

Les équipes de sécurité croulent sous des avalanches d'alertes. Elles n'arrivent plus à distinguer les alertes qui méritent leur attention. Résultat : les alertes à caractère urgent se noient totalement dans la masse et lorsqu'un véritable problème survient, les équipes de sécurité se trouvent démunies. Pire encore, le flux continu d'alertes procure un faux sentiment de sécurité.

Pour assurer une protection véritablement efficace, les responsables de la sécurité doivent privilégier la qualité des alertes par rapport à leur quantité. Ce livre blanc explore les facteurs à l'origine de ces avalanches d'alertes, examine les raisons pour lesquelles elles s'avèrent plus néfastes qu'efficaces pour la protection de vos ressources et explique comment mieux les gérer.
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Solution Guide: Choosing Your Next Move

Improving your security posture takes more than simply implementing a new solution. How can you continue to improve your ability to find and stop advanced attackers? The answer depends on your internal capabilities, existing investments, your tolerance for risk and many other factors. Our quick self-assessment will help you navigate to your next big decision.

Answer a few quick questions to help figure out your next move.
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Making the Business Case for Advanced Threat Protection

Traditional network and endpoint defenses are outmatched and don’t stand a chance at preventing, investigating, or remediating today’s targeted attacks. You need an advanced security solution, but you may be struggling to convince your company’s executive team and Board to make the investment. If you want to make your case for investing in an advanced security solution to your company’s executives, then you’ll need to think like your executives.

This paper shows how to:
  • Properly communicate the challenges you face
  • Assess the business impact
  • Shift the discussion from bits and bytes to dollars and cents
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Security Reimagined – Part 1

Conventional security detects threats too late (if at all), and resolves them too slowly. Organizations need a flexible, deeply integrated framework that offers a far-reaching view of threats and evolves as quickly as conditions do. And it must take an active, “lean-forward” posture. FireEye calls this approach Adaptive Defense™.

This two-part, educational series outlines this new approach to cybersecurity. Part I describes what features and capabilities organizations need in the face of a complex and growing threat.

Read Part I to learn:
  • Why it's time to reimagine your security architecture
  • How to reduce two key metrics: time to detection and time to resolution
  • How to use "hunting" and "gathering" together for better detection
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M-Trends Report 2015

Talking about the threat landscape is no substitute for experiencing it first-hand. “M-Trends 2015: A View from the Front Lines,” distills the insights gleaned from hundreds of Mandiant incident response investigations in more than 30 industry sectors. The report provides key insights, statistics, and case studies illustrating how the tools and tactics of advanced persistent threat (APT) actors have evolved over the last year. The report also outlines approaches that organizations can take to improve the way they detect, respond to, and contain advanced attacks.
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