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'Meeting Expectations and Changing Dynamics in Service'
Earlier this year, partnered with Fifth Quadrant to conduct quantitative and qualitative research into the customer service space in Australia and New Zealand. The study was conducted amongst 753 Australian and New Zealand consumers and 100 Australian oganisations. Read this paper to learn of the key findings found from their research.
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Internet Security Threat Report 2013

Threats to online security have grown and evolved considerably in 2012. From the threats of cyberespionage and industrial espionage to the widespread, chronic problems of malware and phishing, we have seen constant innovation from malware authors. We have also seen an expansion of traditional threats into new forums. In particular, social media and mobile devices have come under increasing attack in 2012, even as spam and phishing attacks via traditional routes have fallen. Online criminals are following users onto these new platforms.
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The Evolution and Value of Purpose-Built Backup Appliances

This IDC White Paper explores the increased use and adoption patterns of PBBAs, both integrated and targeted, and the utility these appliances provide to customers in their data protection processes. In addition, this White Paper illuminates the customer value that Symantec's Backup Exec and NetBackup appliances bring to the data protection and recovery process.
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Assessing the TCO of Unified vs. Parallel Backup Solutions for Virtual Environments

This whitepaper first discusses what to look for in a virtualization protection solution and then considers the merits of a separate solution for protecting one's virtual environment, compared with using a unified solution that offers comparable virtualization protection capabilities. Near the back of this document is a guide to assessing the total cost of ownership for separate vs. unified solutions for protecting the virtual components of a modern infrastructure. This paper is being released in tandem with an ESG Lab Report that assesses Symantec Backup Exec 2012 and its virtualization protection technologies.
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7 Ways to survive the next service disruption

Enterprises in the U.S. must tackle a new paradigm of IT in 2013: a cloud - oriented hybrid IT environment. Even though the state of IT in the U.S. continues to take small steps forward in the face of global economic upheaval, Enterprises that delay implementing the seven recommended strategies may not survive. Read the following paper to learn of these seven strategies executives need to endure the next disruptive IT Paradigm Shift.
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Qualify Prospects to Rock Your Sales Goals

In today's Internet age - where information is readily available to both sellers and buyers - when it comes to qualifying the prospect, the seller must handle prospects differently.

In this paper you will learn:

-Why qualifying a lead is still crucial
-Qualifying starts before you meet the customer
-The business of interacting with buyers
-Signs you're chasing a bad lead
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Secrets to Business Growth

Most owners grapple with the stressful question of how to maintain and grow their business. In order to give you a head start answering those questions, the leaders of three rapidly growing businesses agreed to share their secrets to their success. Read this paper to learn what helped these businesses perform to their maximum potential and sustain impressive growth.
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6 Secrets to Offering Exceptional Customer Service

Nearly a third of consumers believe that businesses are now paying less attention to providing good customer service. On top of that, just 7% of those polled say that customer service experiences they have with companies typically exceed their expectations. Now think about how you could succeed and profit as a business if you not only continually offered good service to your customers, but also frequently offered more than what they expected. Read the following paper to see what customers want and how you can give it to them.
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Achieving success with a flexible workplace

Flexible workplace forward thinkers are reporting productivity increases and cost decreases of 20% or more. Learn to achieve these benefits for your business by downloading the IBM executive report Achieving success with a flexible workplace: Forward thinkers' best practices to enhance productivity, spur innovation and reduce costs. The report contains findings from a recent IBM survey covering user mobility, user support, collaboration and security.
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Business Value of Managed Services

As the primary focus of IT moves from increasing IT productivity through virtualization and cloud computing to enhancing business productivity, the biggest challenge that businesses face in executing corporate strategy is focusing the right people and resources on strategic initiatives. A key element in enhancing business productivity is driving down costs, which can help free up the funds needed to make strategic investments. Businesses also need a means to more effectively orchestrate how IT interacts with business processes and critical application environments. The solution lies in using managed services. Read this paper to find out more on how companies gained significant and quantifiable benefits from using managed services.
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Pervasive technology trends shaping the business and the implication for your data center

Four technology trends - cloud computing, mobile technology, social collaboration and analytics - are shaping the business and converging on the data center. But few data strategies are designed with the requisite flexibility, scalability or resiliency to meet the new demands. Read the white paper to learn how a good data center strategy can help you prepare for the rigors and unpredictability of emerging technologies. Find out how IBM's predictive analytics are helping companies build more accurate, forward-looking data center strategies and how those strategies are leading to more agile, efficient and resilient infrastructures.
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Remove IT Constraints with Clustered, Scale-out Storage

IT teams are working harder than ever in the face of massive data growth, complex operations, and time and budget constraints. Access this white paper to discover an operating system that addresses the limitations of traditional approaches to IT, removing IT constraints and allowing you to respond to business demands more readily.
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