HIPPA-compliance, BAAs and Why it Matters

So you’re looking to enter the healthcare market with a new, innovative app to transform an industry ripe for disruption? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

Building and launching healthcare applications is different from other industries. Why? Compliance and security. Any app that handles electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI), in any way, is highly regulated, and for good reason.

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Has Your Business Switched to VoIP Yet?

The telephone has come a long way since the days of switchboard operators. In many cases, however, businesses are still using plain old telephone systems (POTS) without knowing that there is a better form of telecommunication that is being adopted at an increasing rate across businesses. That technology is VoIP.

In this Sourceforge white paper, you will learn:

  • What's in Your Phone System?
  • What is VoIP?
  • How Does VoIP Save a Business an Average of 30% or More?
  • How to Switch to VoIP

So if you are considering upgrading your phone system – or are motivated by saving money and adding enterprise level services to your business – let Sourceforge compare the top VoIP providers for you! Simply select that you want to receive a quote on the following page and one of our VoIP Specialists will get in contact with you to jot down a few details in order to provide you with the best, no-obligation quote from a provider.

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Leverage Open-Source Benefits With The Assurance of Hitachi Vantara

To drive big data innovation, Hitachi Vantara offers two flavors of Pentaho : Pentaho Enterprise Edition, which is commercially supported, and Pentaho Community Edition, our contribution to the open source movement. Both offerings are built on the same core platform. However, there are major differences between the two, which impact how best to integrate Pentaho into your big data strategy, including features, packaging and support services.

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Six Keys to Maximizing Big Data Benefits and Project Success

Big data is about changing the status quo for established organizations and fueling the growth of new and disruptive businesses. Big data projects focus on enabling analysis of and interaction with new types and combinations of data at a far greater scale than has been possible with traditional enterprise business intelligence (BI) and data warehousing systems.

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Has Your Business Switched to VoIP Yet?

The telephone has come a long way since the days of switchboard operators. In many cases, however, businesses are still using plain old telephone systems (POTS) without knowing that there is a better form of telecommunication that is being adopted at an increasing rate across businesses. That technology is VoIP.

In this Sourceforge white paper, you will learn:

  • What's in Your Phone System?
  • What is VoIP?
  • How Does VoIP Save a Business an Average of 30% or More?
  • How to Switch to VoIP

So if you are considering upgrading your phone system – or are motivated by saving money and adding enterprise level services to your business – let Sourceforge compare the top VoIP providers for you! Simply select that you want to receive a quote on the following page and one of our VoIP Specialists will get in contact with you to jot down a few details in order to provide you with the best, no-obligation quote from a provider.

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IDC: Economic Impact of Red Hat Enterprise Linux

This IDC whitepaper sizes the economic impact of Red Hat Enterprise Linux in the global economy. The software and applications running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux will "touch" $10 trillion of business revenue this year and grow at twice the rate of the economy. Further, IDC predicts that Red Hat Enterprise Linux will provide economic benefits of more than $1 trillion a year to customers and will save IT organizations nearly $7 billion this year alone.

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Five Cloud Deployment Mistakes That Will Cost You

With lack of visibility into how cloud resources are utilized, it's easy to make costly mistakes. This paper covers five network-related cloud deployment mistakes that you might not be aware of that can negate the cloud benefits you’re hoping to achieve.

Topics discussed in this whitepaper include:

  • The risks and costs associated with redundant cloud-based services.
  • The importance of avoiding “hair-pin” traffic routing scenarios when configuring cloud services.
  • How to minimize costs by minimizing unnecessary inter-region traffic.
  • Understanding the network behavior of cloud services and taking advantage of basic optimization, configuration, and compression opportunities.
  • Recommendations for reducing Internet content delivery costs.

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The State of Network Management in 2018

Businesses rely on their networks for nearly every aspect of their operations. If packets don’t move, users and customers are directly impacted and revenue doesn’t flow.

Read the results of Kentik's survey of networking industry professionals and review how organizations are addressing their network management challenges including:

  • How network professionals assessed their organizations’ readiness to tackle networking automation and advanced networking/security analytics.
  • Why user experience and data breaches are among the top network worries.
  • How the proliferation of tools for managing networks and improving cloud visibility is impacting the enterprise and which technologies are most commonly deployed.

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Cloud Architecture Best Practices: Using the Right Tools

Building a cloud application is like building a house. Without following industry best practices, everything could come tumbling down. Fortunately, Amazon established cloud architecture best practices, the AWS Well-Architected Framework.

This paper outlines their principles, "Five Pillars", best practices for cloud and further extends the Framework to networking — a critical part of cloud architecture.

This white paper will:

  • Outline the AWS Well-Architected Framework: Principles,“Five Pillars,” and best practices.
  • Inform how the Framework applies to networking — a critical part of cloud architecture.
  • Highlight how Kentik can help effectively implement these best practices.

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IDC: Economic Impact of Red Hat Enterprise Linux

This IDC whitepaper sizes the economic impact of Red Hat Enterprise Linux in the global economy. The software and applications running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux will "touch" $10 trillion of business revenue this year and grow at twice the rate of the economy. Further, IDC predicts that Red Hat Enterprise Linux will provide economic benefits of more than $1 trillion a year to customers and will save IT organizations nearly $7 billion this year alone.

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The Gorilla Guide to IT Resilience with Microsoft Azure

Working with a complex mix of on-premise and cloud IT infrastructure? Facing challenges of navigating disparate technologies or outdated backup? It’s time for IT Resilience in the cloud with Zerto and Microsoft Azure. With powerful continuous data protection, super simple application mobility and cloud agility capabilities, Zerto IT resilience can get you to, from and between clouds in no time flat.

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Will SD-WAN Enhance Your Enterprise Networks For The Cloud?

An SD-WAN solution often takes the form of a small virtualized hardware box, which runs its software on generic silicone chips rather than the proprietary hardware traditionally used for routing.

Implementing SD-WAN solutions opens up many more options for bringing value to your business. Download this whitepaper to learn more...!

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Trends Fueling SD-WAN Adoption

While SD-WAN has yet to reach mass adoption, enterprises are eyeing it in 2019 for the many ways in which it addresses key business and technology requirements. This section features the trends AOTMP Research & Advisory identified through conversations with enterprises, vendors and by tracking the industry in general.

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