Enhance your 360-degree view of the customer

How can organizations tap into the vast flow of data, weed out the information that matters, and then link that meaningful sentiment to specific customers? This ebook explores how an enhanced 360-degree view of the customer optimizes and facilitates more personalized customer interactions.

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Understanding big data so you can act with confidence

A solid information integration and governance program should include automated discovery, profiling and understanding of diverse data sets. IBM InfoSphere is designed to do all of these things by evolving information integration and governance to meet the challenges presented by big data.

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Big Data Integration and Hadoop: Best Practices for Minimizing Risks and Maximizing ROI

Apache Hadoop technology is transforming the economics and dynamics of big data initiatives by supporting new processes and architectures that can help cut costs, increase revenue and create competitive advantage. An effective big data integration solution delivers simplicity, speed, scalability, functionality and governance to produce consumable data. To cut through this misinformation and develop an adoption plan for your Hadoop big data project, you must follow a best practices approach that takes into account emerging technologies, scalability requirements, and current resources and skill levels.

Read the white paper and learn:

  • Three important guidelines to follow when optimizing big data integration workloads
  • Two primary components that comprise the Hadoop platform
  • Five fundamental big data integration best practices

Help your organization minimize risks and costs and maximize ROI for your Hadoop projects.

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IBM Db2 Hosted

IBM Db2 Hosted offers the same functionality as its on-premises equivalent, and is powered by the secure, high-performance IBM Cloud.

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The democratization of machine learning with Apache Spark

Machine learning automates the development of analytic models that can learn and make predictions on data. It has been one of the fastest growing disciplines within the world of statistics and data science, but the barrier to entry has been high.

Data science platforms are engines for creating machine-learning solutions. This report evaluates 16 providers of data science platforms.

Read this white paper to learn:

  • How Apache Spark is broadening access to machine learning
  • Various machine learning use cases and scenarios
  • Why Apache Spark is the ideal platform for machine learning

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Introducing Notebooks: A power tool for data scientists

Introducing Notebooks: A power tool for data scientists Fast, flexible and collaborative data exploration and analysis Data exploration and analysis is a repetitive, iterative process, but in order to meet business demands, data scientists do not always have the luxury of long development cycles. What if data scientists could answer bigger and tougher questions faster? What if they could more easily and rapidly experiment, test hypotheses and work more collaboratively on interactive analytics?

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