Sponsor: BMC Software

Integrando o Big Data aos Processos de Negócios e Sistemas Corporativos

Neste white paper, você terá uma abordagem corporativa sobre como o Big Data maximiza o workload automation para:
  • Integrar o Hadoop em sua empresa para garantir a entrega de novas aplicações
  • Resolver questões relacionadas à analise preditiva, alertas automáticos e detecção de problemas futuros
  • Estabelecer políticas de compliance e governança mais aderentes às regras de negócio
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EMA Report: Optimizing Cloud for Visibility and Performance with ADDM

Complex hybrid environments can make it difficult to track interdependencies, increasing the risk of disrupting critical business services. In this research paper by EMA, you’ll learn how application discovery and dependency mapping can help you:
  • Meet granular targets for availability, cost, and time-to-revenue for cloud services
  • Accelerate mean time to repair (MTTR) while communicating better with stakeholders
  • Manage even the most complex hybrid environments more efficiently and effectively
  • Understand the impact of proposed changes and potential security risks to guide decision-making
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Integration von Big Data in Geschäftsprozesse und Unternehmenssysteme

Integrieren Sie Ihre Big Data Initiativen in die unternehmensweiten Geschäftsprozesse. Control-M für Hadoop beschleuinigt die Anwendungsentwicklung und vereinfacht gleichzeitig die Prozessintegration in Ihr Unternehmen.

Folgende Themenschwerpunkte werden behandelt:
  • Wie können Sie mit einem Enterprise Scheduler für Hadoop, weitere Automationsinseln vermeiden
  • Wie kann sichergestellt werden, dass Sie aus ihren Big Data Initiativen den gewünschten Mehrwert erhalten
  • Wie können Sie mit Ihren Big Data Initiativen sich den administrativen Herausforderungen & Bedürfnissen
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Workload Automation: Accelerate Digital Services Delivery

Managing Hadoop batch processing may consume a significant portion of application developers’ time and effort, which drives up application development times and costs. This paper from BMC discusses the obstacles IT organizations face in developing and managing Hadoop jobs and workflows and how a workload automation solution can remove these barriers.
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Get Your Big Data into Production at the Speed of Business

In this paper, learn how a proven workload automation solution can help you shorten development time and get Hadoop applications into production more quickly. By replacing scripting with the standard functions provided by a workload automation system, you can also deliver an application that is simpler, more reliable, and easier to debug once in production.
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Integrate Big Data into Your Business Processes and Enterprise Systems

In this white paper, you’ll discover an enterprise approach to Big Data that leverages workload automation to:
  • Integrate Hadoop workflows into your enterprise processes to deliver new applications faster
  • Resolve issues faster with predictive analytics, automated alerts, and early problem detection
  • Achieve compliance and governance adherence
  • </ul
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Why Big Data is a Big Deal

This CIO eBook explores how to deploy Hadoop applications faster and easier with a workload automation solution that simplifies and automates Hadoop batch processing and connected enterprise workflows.

Read the eBook to learn:
  • The role—and challenges—of Hadoop in Big Data application development
  • Six considerations for a Hadoop proof-of-concept initiative
  • How to connect Hadoop to other enterprise data sources and applications
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Deliver a Better Service Management User Experience

The role of enterprise service management technology has changed. For many years the focus has been on improving IT efficiency through process automation and industrialized IT. While this approach has many benefits, it doesn't go far enough to address the needs of the modern digital business. User experience and productivity are the new measures of success.

This white paper explores the four key elements for modernizing service management through engaging user experiences.
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BMC Control-M® Is Free: The Economic Benefits of Workload Automation

Lean how to make workload automation pay for itself—and more.  Workload automation can provide value throughout the organization and reduce costs to deliver more than complete return on investment. Find out how you can:
  • Reduce cost by eliminating the delays and errors of manual processes
  • Prioritize IT events according to their business impact
  • Maximize profit while maintaining compliance
  • Shorten the develop-and-deploy cycle
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BMC Control-M® Is Free: The Economic Benefits of Workload Automation

Lean how to make workload automation pay for itself—and more.  Workload automation can provide value throughout the organization and reduce costs to deliver more than complete return on investment. Find out how you can:
  • Reduce cost by eliminating the delays and errors of manual processes
  • Prioritize IT events according to their business impact
  • Maximize profit while maintaining compliance
  • Shorten the develop-and-deploy cycle
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Integração de Big Data em Processos Comerciais e Sistemas Empresariais

No artigo, “Integração de Big Data em Processos Comerciais e Sistemas Empresariais” você aprenderá a como agregar valor máximo a sua empresa junto com Big Data. Tópicos discutidos são:
  • Como garantir que seus projetos de Big Data conduzirão os valores definidos do seu negócio claramente
  • Os desafios operacionais que cada iniciativa de Big Data deve abordar
  • A importância da utilização de uma abordagem empresarial para processos batch em Hadoop
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Integration von Big Data in Geschäftsprozesse und Unternehmenssysteme

Integrieren Sie Ihrer Big Data Initiativen in Ihre Unternehmensweiten Geschäftsprozesse. Gerne machen wir Sie damit vertraut, wie sie mit Control-M für Hadoop die Anwendungsentwicklung beschleunigen und die Unternehmensintegration vereinfachen können.
Besprochene Themen schließen folgende Punkte ein:
* Wie kann sichergestellt werden, dass Sie aus ihren Big Data Initiativen den gewünschten Mehrwert erhalten.
* Wie können Sie mit Ihren Big Data initiativen sich den administrativen Herausforderungen & Bedürfnissen stellen und mögliche Konfrontationen erfolgreich meistern.
* Wie können Sie mit einem Enterprise Scheduler für Hadoop, weitere Automationsinseln vermeiden.
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Intégration du Big Data aux processus métiers et aux systèmes d’entreprise

“Intégration du Big Data dans les processus métiers et le système d’information de l’entreprise“ Vous pourrez découvrir comme créer un maximum de valeur avec une bonne approche du Big Data pour votre entreprise. Les sujets évoqués sont :
  • Comment s’assurer que votre projet Big Data vous apportera toute la valeur souhaitée pour votre activité
  • Que chacun de vos projets Big Data réponde à vos challenges métiers
  • L’importance d’avoir une bonne approche des processus de batchs pour Hadoop
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Deliver Workload Automation for the App Developer

These are exciting times for enterprise application developers, as companies challenge them to build solutions that better exploit mobile devices, cloud infrastructures, sensor networks, big data, and APIs for widely used services such as Facebook and Gmail. Application development, however, isn't all intellectual exhilaration. It has its pain points, too, such as the toil that goes into creating and modifying batch workload jobs. This paper explores how app developers can use automation to deal with batch application workflows.
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