Sponsor: Druva

Recommendations for Simplifying OS Migration

OS migration is typically time-consuming and expensive. The average enterprise migration project takes 18-32 months from conception to completion and involves significant IT time and end-user downtime. An endpoint backup solution can simplify OS migration by giving IT the ability to migrate data, as well as system and application settings, effectively and seamlessly. To make your next migration easy, follow these six recommendations when planning your project.
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7 Elements Radically Simple OS Migration

OS migration is typically time-consuming and expensive. The average enterprise migration project takes 18-32 months from conception to completion and involves significant IT time and end-user downtime.1 An endpoint backup solution can drastically simplify the process by enabling IT to migrate data and personal settings effectively and seamlessly.
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5 Things You Didn’t Know About Cloud Backup

Only customers have access to the key and, subsequently, their data, once authenticated. To perform enterprise restores quickly, a backup solution must also use multi-threaded restores in order to allow parallel transfers of multiple files. Using multi-threaded restoration significantly accelerates the time it takes to restore data to a user’s computer.

This Whitepaper provides real-time visibility, enabling organizations to support their governance and compliance needs.

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