Sponsor: Qntrl

Implementing Qntrl for A Business

Qntrl is a workflow orchestration software with powerful features that helps you gain visibility and control over your business processes by automating them.

Qntrl helps you overcome these challenges by designing and automating your organization’s workflows. You can digitize your entire workflow and transfer tasks between teams efficiently.

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How Movyon Is Scaling Its Operations and Productivity with The Power of Qntrl

MOVYON is a leader in the development and integration of intelligent transport system solutions and a center of excellence for research and innovation at Autostrade per l’Italia.

MOVYON needed clear statuses for their various purchases and customer orders, and the logistics and procurement offices were constantly being interrupted with notifications asking for updates.

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Gain Visibility, Control, And Automation

Given today’s ultra-competitive market, distributed teams, and multiple tools, a solid workflow management strategy is required to ensure business continuity. An efficient process will help minimize errors, eliminate redundancies and drive productivity. Qntrl can help achieve this with speed, scale, and flexibility.

  • Easy enough to use
  • Powerful and Extensible
  • Faster Time-to-Value
  • Price is part of the equation
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Qntrl Bridge

Interacting with systems and applications inside an organisation’s physical or cloud firewall can be challenging. Qntrl Bridge offers a direct, secure solution. It’s a Java application that runs as a Windows service or UNIX daemon on a server in your local network. With Qntrl Bridge, you can communicate and move data faster, easier, and more securely between a Qntrl instance and external applications, data sources, and services.

Bridge runs on a server on the enterprise’s network or in the cloud like in an Amazon Web Services VPC. It can be configured with specific capabilities that determine what functions it can perform. There is no need for drivers or custom codes to install Bridge. One zip file is all there is.

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The Manager’s Guide to Workflow Orchestration

Apart from the obvious productivity boosts, managers who take responsibility for business processes also promote a sense of belonging, loyalty, and excitement, while making daily work less chaotic, and more fulfilling for all team members. Plus, managers with effective process management skills come across as better leaders - your team will tend to trust your daily decisions and high-level understanding of their daily work once you establish helpful workflows for their daily tasks.

The goal of this guide is to help you introduce workflow orchestration practices into your team, and equip you with the tools and expertise needed to comfortably implement great work processes.

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