Best Practices for Mobile Application Lifecycle Management

Mobile devices are now a reality in most organizations. Building on Mobile device Management (MDM) and Mobile Application Management (MAM), organizations are increasingly developing their own enterprise apps for specific job tasks to improve productivity, business partnerships, customer satisfaction and bottom-line performance. But to achieve these benefits, it is imperative that mobile security best practices are incorporated throughout the lifecycle of the application.
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Ein erster Blick auf Windows Server 2012 R2 und Hyper-V

Lange Zeit galt Windows Server als solide Serverplattform, doch in Bereichenwie der Virtualisierung kann es nicht mehr mit den Konkurrenzprodukten mithalten. Als Microsoft Windows Server 2012 konzipierte, bestand eines der Hauptziele darin, einen Hypervisor zu kreieren, der gleichwertig mit den Angeboten von VMware sein sollte. Microsoft hat dieses Ziel weitestgehend erfüllt (und in einigen Bereichen sogar übertroffen), dennoch blieb weiterhin Spielraum für Verbesserungen. Der bald erhältliche Windows Server 2012 R2 soll diese Lücken in Windows Server 2012 nun schließen.
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Automatisierung für das Rechenzentrum

Die Arbeits- und Denkweise eines IT-Administrators unterscheidet sich heutzutage erheblich von der vor einigen Jahren. IT-Profis beschäftigten sich damals täglich mit Servern –doch diese Zeiten sind vorbei. Heute verbringen sie die meiste Zeit mit der wachsenden Nachfrage nach Unternehmensdienstleistungen, um Endanwender und Kunden in einer zunehmend komplexeren Infrastruktur zu unterstützen. Zur gleichen Zeit müssen IT-Profis einen hochwertigen Service anbieten und das unter einem strengeren Budget als früher. Diesem Wandel liegen mehrere Ursachen zugrunde.
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VMware vSphere Backups: What are you Missing?

Backups used to be easy. Just check the time stamp or the archive bit. If it changed, then back up the file. Suddenly virtualization became popular, as did server applications. The unstructured data inside files and folders found itself sharing the datacenter with all manner of applications and databases. Virtual machines (VMs) joined physical machines as the method of delivering IT services.
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Data Deduplication in Windows Server 2012 R2 in Depth

Data deduplication has been around for years and comes in many forms. Most people think about expensive storage arrays when they talk about deduplication but that is certainly not the only type of data deduplication technology.

This white paper examines the data deduplication technology embedded in Windows Server 2012 R2 and the benefits it can bring to your environment. The discussion includes how it works and the possible scenarios for using Windows Server 2012 R2 data deduplication.

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Forrester report: The Total Economic Impact of WebSphere Application Server

There are many great things to come out of open source initiatives, not the least of which is innovation. But relying on an open source application server for your most critical customer-facing apps is not a smart strategy. If you plan to be in business now and five years from now, consider the security, integrity, scalability, and ultimately lower TCO of the proven IBM WebSphere Application Server for your enterprise.
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Application Server TCO comparison: WebSphere vs JBoss

When considering open source, in most cases it is not the ability to modify source code that is attractive to customers, but the perceived cost savings that open source can offer. While the easiest and most obvious costs to calculate are acquisition costs, often overlooked are the far reaching effects that your choice of application server can have on other areas such as management, administration, training, hardware, and lost opportunity due to unexpected downtime. Learn the facts of TCO and performance in this comparison of IBM WebSphere Application Server to Redhat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (JBoss EAP).
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The New Normal of DevOps

Society is racing forward at breakneck speed. At the same time, the world is becoming more complicated and relationships between companies and their customers are no longer linear, but complex. Coping with these changes is a corporate culture issue for many companies, an issue that will need to be addressed if companies and government organizations want to keep up. For big, established organizations, the road ahead won’t be easy.
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DevOps: The Bridge to Faster Application Delivery

Complex, repetitive, slow and prone to errors. It’s also essential in today’s world. DevOps is gaining traction among IT leaders seeking quality, agility and faster time to market. Validate the importance of accelerating the delivery of new applications and services to market, and to understand organizations’ current ability to meet this objective.
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Workload Automation – From Application Development to Digital Service Delivery

This paper, "Workload Automation – From Application Development to Digital Service Delivery," describes how a workload automation solution can eliminate the manual processes developers now use to define batch workflows and communicate them to schedulers.By extending the use of workload automation to developers, organizations can implement applications faster, slash costs, and increase service quality.
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