The Increasing Importance of Middleware and Platforms for Coding and DevOps

The dynamic nature of business requires that companies be agile enough to quickly react to new opportunities and stay ahead of the competition. Unfortunately, traditional development approaches no longer meet the business demands for speed, compounded by the complexities inherent in connecting new front-end mobile apps to back-end data services. This Slashguide details how a DevOps strategy with middleware and application run-time development platforms at the core can help today's businesses remain agile.
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Il framework Fortinet per la protezione da minacce avanzate (“Advanced Threat Protection”, ATP)

Nel 2013 e nel 2014 sono stati molti i marchi e le imprese di fama mondiale a far notizia, e non per la ripresa economica post-recessione, né per la realizzazione di prodotti innovativi, bensì per le gravissime violazioni dei dati subite. Una sola di queste audaci e capillari imprese criminose è riuscita a derubare più di 100 milioni di clienti di informazioni personali e/o dati delle carte di credito.
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¿Por qué necesita la tecnología de SandBoxing para su protección?

Las organizaciones en las que las amenazas persistentes avanzadas (APT) irrumpen son noticia continuamente y la tecnología de SandBoxing es de lo que más se habla para protegerle de las APT. ¿Por qué? ¿Por qué la tecnología de SandBoxing? ¿Qué le ofrece una solución de SandBoxing que no obtiene aún de sus capas existentes de seguridad?
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Mantenimiento de la continuidad del negocio mediante la lucha contra los ataques avanzados actuales

El concepto de ataques avanzados de hoy en día, también conocidos como amenazas persistentes avanzadas (APT), se ha integrado en el vocabulario cotidiano de la comunidad de TI y forma parte de su mentalidad. Debido a los numerosos casos de fugas de datos, el concepto de APT ha adquirido un cierto sentido mítico; no obstante, es un término que suele malinterpretarse. Sin embargo, lo más importante es que se suele creer que todas las fugas de datos se deben a APT, incluso cuando los servicios de análisis forenses posteriores a los eventos han demostrado que la filtración de red inicial se debía a un error humano o a un defecto en el diseño de la red.
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Erst einmal in die Sandbox

Bei Computern steht der Bergriff Sandboxing schon lange für eine sichere, isolierte Umgebung, in der Schadcode ausgeführt werden kann, damit die Forscher ihn analysieren können. Dasselbe Konzept wird jetzt auch von Appliances für die Netzwerksicherheit angewendet, um Netzwerkverkehr auszuführen und zu untersuchen, um Schadcode zu enttarnen, der die herkömmlichen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen bisher unbemerkt passieren konnte.
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Bei der Bekämpfung moderner, komplexer Angriffe als Unternehmen handlungsfähig bleiben

Das Konzept moderner, hoch entwickelter Angriffe, auch Advanced Persistent Threats (APT oder komplexe persistente Bedrohungen) genannt, hat sich in den Sprachgebrauch und das kollektive Denken der IT eingebrannt. Beflügelt durch Nachrichten von ständig neuen Datendiebstählen bekommen komplexe, persistente Bedrohungen den Nimbus des Mythischen, werden aber dennoch größtenteils verkannt. Lange ging man davon aus, dass komplexe, persistente Bedrohungen für alle Datendiebstähle verantwortlich seien, auch dann, wenn nachfolgende Untersuchungen ergaben, dass eigentlich menschliches Versagen oder eine mangelhafte Netzwerkarchitektur das Eindringen ins Netzwerk ermöglicht haben.
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Pourquoi utiliser la technologie Sandbox pour votre protection ?

Les entreprises mises à mal par des menaces persistantes avancées (APT) ne cessent de défrayer la chronique. La technologie Sandbox est la dernière solution à la mode prônée pour vous protéger contre ces menaces. Pourquoi ? Pourquoi la technologie Sandbox ? Quels avantages une solution de Sandbox vous offre-t-elle par rapport aux couches de sécurité existantes ?
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Head-First Into The Sandbox

In computers, the term sandboxing has long been used to represent a safe, isolated environment in which to run malicious code so researchers can analyze it. The same concept is now being applied by network security appliances to execute and inspect network traffic, uncovering malicious code that would previously slip past traditional security measures.
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See Who Rises to the Top of the Dynamic APM Marketplace—and Who’s Defining its Future

The APM market is booming, with 400+ vendors generating $4.6 billion in revenue, making it more challenging than ever to identify the best choice for your organization. This in-depth, data-driven report separates APM leaders from also-rans to identify the Top 20 vendors based on the criteria that matter most to today’s businesses.

You’ll learn about:
  • How cloud, DevOps, and Big Data pose new requirements for APM
  • The characteristics of truly next-generation APM tools
  • Detailed evaluations of Top 10 vendors including Dynatrace, BMC, and CA
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The State of the User Experience

The second annual The State of the User Experience is Limelight Networks’ latest in a series of surveys that explore consumer perceptions and behaviors around digital content. This report is based on responses Limelight Networks received in July 2015 from 1,302 consumers located in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Singapore ranging in demographics, gender, and education.
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IBM InfoSphere Streams: An Open Platform

Developing streaming applications is quick and simple with IBM InfoSphere Streams. Streams is an open platform that blends the best elements of shareware, open source software and open standards with powerful vendor-developed technology for stream processing.

View IBM's privacy policy here

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Product Development Strategies for Systems Engineers

The “smarter” and more complex modern systems get, the more complicated the process required to build them becomes. Systems engineering teams working in regulated industries, such as semiconductors, aerospace, defense and medical device manufacturing—as well as highly disruptive industries focused on embedded systems—suffer an unfair share of the pain of product and systems development and management. In such industries, the margins of operation have always been tight, with little to no room for error, and maintaining product integrity is difficult.
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Traceability Best Practices

As products get smarter, building them right becomes a matter of managing complexity. Products have more requirements and companies have globally distributed teams and more products in their portfolios. But when a single new product, version or variant has thousands of requirements and interdependencies, the process of defining, engineering and managing them grows exponentially more complicated. Traceability becomes more challenging.
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