A Catalog to Version Your Microservice Supply Chain

Have you thought about what your future looks like when you’re managing hundreds of containers with microservices that make up a single version of your software solution? Let’s just say, you’re going to need more than an Excel spreadsheet to track large numbers of microservices.

Microservices at scale offer new challenges in managing your software supply chain. Read out DeployHub is solving the challenge through microservice versioning.

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Know Your Microservice Blast

Your microservice ‘blast radius’ shows how an update to any independently deployed service impacts the consuming applications across your clusters.

Knowing your blast radius can increase microservice sharing by as much as 50% and substantially cut your development cost by facilitating a service-oriented architecture and improving your application’s quality.

This whitepaper outlines how DeployHub can help you understand a microservice’s blast radius before you deploy. DeployHub can show you what ‘product’ teams will be impacted when a shared services is update, across all clusters.

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CIO Challenges Disconnected Silos of Data

What are the main concerns facing Chief Information Officers in the modern era? At Orbus Software we have identified 8 major issues that CIOs are likely to struggle with when it comes to meeting the demands of the digital age. In this eBook, we will examine the problem of data becoming siloed across the organization.

As the supply of data has continued to explode around the world, so has the management of data become an increasingly important issue. From security and privacy issues to data-driven decision making, getting all your data in one place, with a single source of truth, could be vital for maintaining a competitive advantage and retaining the trust of customers & regulatory agencies.

This eBook looks at how data silos form in organizations and the benefits that businesses can realize through a single source of truth that unites enterprise information.

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The Total Economic Impact™ Of IBM Security Guardium Oct 2020

IBM commissioned Forrester Research consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact (TEI) study to examine the potential return on investment (ROI) that organizations may realize by deploying IBM Security Guardium. The study uncovered that organizations achieve cost and risk reductions while increasing productivity and tactical efficiencies from implementing IBM Security Guardium. Read the study to learn more.

Read the Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study to learn how to:

  • Achieve cost and risk reductions
  • Increase productivity and tactical efficiencies
  • Evaluate the potential return on investment

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Smarter data security with IBM Security Guardium

Businesses are embracing hybrid multicloud-based deployment models in order to gain agility and drive their organizations forward. But such a deployment can increase the attack surface, potentially resulting in a host of new data security and compliance challenges.

Learn how IBM Security Guardium—with broad visibility and monitoring, actionable insights and remediation controls—can help you take a smarter, integrated approach to safeguarding critical data across hybrid, multicloud environments.

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Smarter data security with IBM Security Guardium

Businesses are embracing hybrid multicloud-based deployment models in order to gain agility and drive their organizations forward. But such a deployment can increase the attack surface, potentially resulting in a host of new data security and compliance challenges.

Learn how IBM Security Guardium—with broad visibility and monitoring, actionable insights and remediation controls—can help you take a smarter, integrated approach to safeguarding critical data across hybrid, multicloud environments.

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Overcoming data security challenges in a hybrid multicloud world

Organizations are rapidly moving to the cloud, leveraging infrastructure as a service (IaaS), software-as-a-service (SaaS), platform as-a-service (PaaS), and Database as-a-service as new ways to optimize their business, even though these environments present new risks to sensitive data.

Data security solutions must be able to operate across multiple environments (physical, cloud and hybrid).

Read this ebook to learn more about how to secure sensitive data across a variety of environments, and how the IBM Data Security portfolio can help.

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Gartner: Beyond GDPR: Five Technologies to Borrow From Security to Operationalize Privacy

Having to operationalize privacy caught many organizations unprepared. Thus, Gartner experienced a tremendous spike in client inquiry regarding GDPR preparations, with a 400% increase over the previous year.

In preparing for various privacy regulations, security and risk management leaders should review this report to review a set of balanced controls for privacy and security in the implementation of five key technologies.

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The Total Economic Impact™ Of IBM Security Guardium Oct 2020

IBM commissioned Forrester Research consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact (TEI) study to examine the potential return on investment (ROI) that organizations may realize by deploying IBM Security Guardium. The study uncovered that organizations achieve cost and risk reductions while increasing productivity and tactical efficiencies from implementing IBM Security Guardium. Read the study to learn more.

Read the Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study to learn how to:

  • Achieve cost and risk reductions
  • Increase productivity and tactical efficiencies
  • Evaluate the potential return on investment

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Smarter data security with IBM Security Guardium

Businesses are embracing hybrid multicloud-based deployment models in order to gain agility and drive their organizations forward. But such a deployment can increase the attack surface, potentially resulting in a host of new data security and compliance challenges.

Learn how IBM Security Guardium—with broad visibility and monitoring, actionable insights and remediation controls—can help you take a smarter, integrated approach to safeguarding critical data across hybrid, multicloud environments.

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