IBM Omni-Channel Digital Experiences

"Organizations have always looked for better ways to reach, communicate, and engage seamlessly with customers, vendors, suppliers and employees. More often than not, this entails jumping from device to device in the course of a single interaction and organizations look for consistency in delivery of contents across touch points. Learn how IBM's portfolio enables leading organizations to provide a framework to build and maintain multichannel digital experiences that put them ahead of the competition".
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Engage customers by delivering personalized digital experiences

This paper highlights the many benefits that IBM Exceptional Digital Experience, together with IBM's Marketing Optimization solution, that organizations can harness to deliver a unique and personalized digital experience. IBM Exceptional Digital Experience and IBM Marketing Optimization solution can help organizations differentiate their digital brand; reach customers and prospects across nearly any channel; deliver tailored, relevant messages; and easily launch and schedule marketing campaigns. Real-time customer insights and analytics woven into these two solutions maximize ROI for digital channels and marketing investments.
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How to resolve the 5 worst service situations

Trying to help someone who is arrogant and feels entitled is challenging. And unfortunately, it's not the only unsavory support situation you face.
"Learn the mechanics of handling your worst transactions, and everything changes in terms of morale, performance and customer satisfaction levels."

This brief, brought to you by Citrix GoToAssist, explores 5 really tough support situations that service and support professionals regularly face and how to effectively resolve them.

Download the brief to learn:
- How to extinguish social media firestorms
- 3 surefire steps for handling an angry, arrogant person
- What to do when (gasp!) you are at fault
- And more...
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Improve Customer Satisfaction and Grow your Business

'Meeting Expectations and Changing Dynamics in Service'
Earlier this year, partnered with Fifth Quadrant to conduct quantitative and qualitative research into the customer service space in Australia and New Zealand. The study was conducted amongst 753 Australian and New Zealand consumers and 100 Australian oganisations. Read this paper to learn of the key findings found from their research.
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Qualify Prospects to Rock Your Sales Goals

In today's Internet age - where information is readily available to both sellers and buyers - when it comes to qualifying the prospect, the seller must handle prospects differently.

In this paper you will learn:

-Why qualifying a lead is still crucial
-Qualifying starts before you meet the customer
-The business of interacting with buyers
-Signs you're chasing a bad lead
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6 Secrets to Offering Exceptional Customer Service

Nearly a third of consumers believe that businesses are now paying less attention to providing good customer service. On top of that, just 7% of those polled say that customer service experiences they have with companies typically exceed their expectations. Now think about how you could succeed and profit as a business if you not only continually offered good service to your customers, but also frequently offered more than what they expected. Read the following paper to see what customers want and how you can give it to them.
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Business Value of Managed Services

As the primary focus of IT moves from increasing IT productivity through virtualization and cloud computing to enhancing business productivity, the biggest challenge that businesses face in executing corporate strategy is focusing the right people and resources on strategic initiatives. A key element in enhancing business productivity is driving down costs, which can help free up the funds needed to make strategic investments. Businesses also need a means to more effectively orchestrate how IT interacts with business processes and critical application environments. The solution lies in using managed services. Read this paper to find out more on how companies gained significant and quantifiable benefits from using managed services.
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Analysis Tool TCO

The IBM Pureflex System TCO Analysis Tool was developed independently by leading ROI developer Alinean, Inc. This Analysis tool compares the total cost of ownership for the IBM PureFlex Solution versus a traditional dedicated or virtualized IT infrastructure by collecting information about the current computing needs and then projects the TCO for the two alternatives.
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IBM Requirements management for smart products resources

If you are new to requirements management, or wish to improve your existing requirements management process, the resources in this e-Kit will provide you with useful guidance and advice. Learn what requirements management is and how it can help your organization improve quality, reduce costs and better meet customer needs.
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Top ten criteria for selecting a managed services provider

When you're faced with growing expectations to create business value with limited resources, where can you turn? Increasingly, IT organizations are looking to trusted IT service providers like IBM to help reduce cost, manage complexity, maintain leading-edge skills and adopt technology innovation. Read the white paper to find out how managed services and cloud computing can help you deliver on the transformation agenda your business requires. Plus get guidance on the top 10 criteria to consider when selecting an external partner.
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10 Ways to Build Better CRM Processes

Most businesses see the value in CRM and ERP. When implemented properly, these platforms can enable better sales, more efficient marketing, and drive both top line and bottom line revenue growth. Getting there however, is a challenge. This IT Managers' Journal is designed to give IT managers and business leaders 10 steps that can help them transform CRM into a winning solution for revenue growth and business efficiency. Read this ITMJ and discover how IT and business management can work together to realize real, demonstrable ROI.
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