Hybrid Cloud Strategy for Dummies

Jumping onto the cloud is easy. Getting it right is somewhat trickier. Getting it right for the long term is a big challenge. A good cloud strategy helps you and your organization work things out, makes sure all the bits and pieces fit together well, and improves the odds of realizing your business goals.

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A hybrid and multicloud strategy for system administrators – DBCBA5

Delivering a consistent, secure, and easy-to-use environment across both the datacenter and the cloud can be daunting for system administrators. But Red Hat’s hybrid cloud platform offers a consistent user experience for system administrators, including a common set of infrastructure and platforms, scalable automation with a visual dashboard, and fully managed service options that allow a focus on agile app development rather than infrastructure management. Read this brief to learn more.

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Burnout in the IT Security Industry

This white paper examines how small and mid-sized businesses view IT security and the trend towards utilizing outside sources for IT services.

Topics in the white paper cover:

  • Price sensitivity and competition in the IT security industry

  • How operations are moving the cloud and what that means for IT service providers

  • Opportunities for security providers and manufacturers

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The Importance of Having a CISO Strategy for Small Business IT Teams

Avast CISO, Jaya Baloo, Discusses Cybersecurity Solutions for Today’s Businesses

One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to businesses. Some may have a full IT team on staff. Others may not, and many are limited by resources and budget. With cyberattacks targeting small to mid-sized businesses at an all-time high, it’s critical for IT consultants and service providers to be having those conversations with SMBs about enterprise grade security protection, tailored exactly to their needs.

In an interview with Richard Tubb, the IT Business Growth Expert, Jaya Baloo covers:

  • The best ways to present cybersecurity to SMBs and explain its importance

  • The biggest cyber threats faced by SMBs today and the best defense strategy

  • How SMBs with limited budgets and/or IT resources can still stay protected

  • The importance of a response plan in case an SMB is impacted by a cyber attack

  • The future of the cybersecurity landscape and the role of emerging technologies

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Navigating the Evolving Network Perimeter

While legacy security applications did their part in the past, they no longer serve an increasingly cloud-powered digital world. Even encryption alone isn’t enough and has been used by cyberattackers to conceal and deliver threats.

  • Find out how and why encryption is a security measure that could easily backfire

  • Learn about the new alternative to on-premise hardware and firewalls

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Software Patches: The Seatbelt of Cybersecurity

Similar to a seatbelt, keeping software updated through patch management is a crucial security feature. However, the complications of patching in the past have led many IT managers and business owners to opt out of patching altogether. In this white paper, we’ll cover:

  • Why many experts recognize patch management's importance yet still opt out

  • How modern patch management solutions address common patching issues

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SideScanning™ – How the Engine that Powers Orca Security Works

With no on-prem environments to protect, Orca was free to create a cloud-native security platform without the constraints of agents and network scanners.

Delivered as SaaS, Orca’s SideScanning™ technology reads your cloud configuration and workloads’ runtime block storage out-of-band, giving you workload-level security across AWS, Azure, and GCP - without the gaps in coverage and operational costs of agents.

But how does this radical new approach work? Download this technical brief to gain a better understanding of:

  • Traditional methods such as agent-based, authenticated, and unauthenticated scanning, as well as cloud security posture managers (CSPMs)
  • Orca’s 5-minute onboarding process
  • The power of addressing both the control plane and data plane at once
  • The scanning process for vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, malware, lateral movement risk, exploitable keys, weak passwords, and unsecured sensitive data
  • How Orca prioritizes risk based on environmental context
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Comparing Cloud Asset Visibility Solutions

How does the status quo compare to Orca Security?

Orca Security provides workload-level visibility into every AWS, Azure, and GCP asset without the operational costs of agents. It deploys in minutes to surface vulnerabilities, malware, misconfigurations, lateral movement risk, weak and leaked passwords, secret keys, and high-risk data such as PII.

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Best Practices for Managing Risks in Your Cloud Deployment

Complex, distributed resources in the cloud call for an update to the standard risk management and security approach.

For enterprises transitioning from on-prem architectures, a move to the cloud opens up new and un-chartered territory when it comes to managing risk. For security teams tasked with securing cloud environments the challenge might seem overwhelming. This eBook presents 7 easy-to-implement best practices for securing your cloud deployment.

Download your copy of the eBook to learn more about:

  • Top challenges confronting security teams as they transition to cloud environments
  • How to find the right balance between usability and security when designing your security for the cloud
  • Visibility requirements to effectively and efficiently secure your ever expanding cloud deployments

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The Ultimate Guide To AWS, Azure, and GCP Cloud Asset Visibility

Conventional cloud visibility tools have blind spots. They either don't see all of your assets or can't analyze them in depth. Download this eBook to compare solutions.

But there is a revolutionary new approach to cloud asset visibility and security. With it, there are no overlooked assets, no DevOps headaches, and no performance hits on live environments.

  • Delivers workload visibility without agents.
  • Deploys in minutes instead of months.
  • Detects vulnerabilities, malware, misconfigurations, lateral movement risk, weak and leaked passwords, and high-risk data such as PII.

This ultimate guide covers the pros and cons of conventional approaches and includes a comprehensive solutions comparison matrix. It concludes with a look at what 2020 and beyond holds for gaining deeper visibility into your entire cloud estate.

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Your Guide to Developing a Multi-Cloud Data Strategy

Organizations today are adopting cloud-based applications, platforms, and services to achieve greater elasticity and faster delivery times in today’s app-driven world.

As the name suggests, adopting a multi-cloud strategy means using multiple cloud services from different providers, with workloads spread out across cloud environments. While most businesses require rapid and flexible access to computing, storage, and networking resources, not all enterprises are pursuing multi-cloud for the same reasons.

Of course, not every team, business function, or application workload will have similar requirements in regards to performance, privacy, security, or geographic reach for its cloud environments. Whatever the impetus, companies must build a culture that puts data front and center in a world where every company is becoming a data company. This leads us to our main points: understanding key data challenges and getting your data ready for multi-cloud environments.

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Your Guide to Developing a Multi-Cloud Data Strategy

Organizations today are adopting cloud-based applications, platforms, and services to achieve greater elasticity and faster delivery times in today’s app-driven world.

As the name suggests, adopting a multi-cloud strategy means using multiple cloud services from different providers, with workloads spread out across cloud environments. While most businesses require rapid and flexible access to computing, storage, and networking resources, not all enterprises are pursuing multi-cloud for the same reasons.

Of course, not every team, business function, or application workload will have similar requirements in regards to performance, privacy, security, or geographic reach for its cloud environments. Whatever the impetus, companies must build a culture that puts data front and center in a world where every company is becoming a data company. This leads us to our main points: understanding key data challenges and getting your data ready for multi-cloud environments.

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SideScanningTM – How the Engine that Powers Orca Security Works

Every organization is searching for effective ways to scan its cloud estate to look for risks. These include vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, malware, improper segmentation, and customer data at risk. They’re also seeking to verify compliance with security frameworks and government/industry regulations.

Orca Security introduces an innovative approach that secures the entire cloud estate without disrupting business operations in live environments—and with absolutely no need for agents or network scanners that fail to account for everything​.

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