Druva turns up the heat in the DRaaS market with new enterprise features

Protecting and managing data is becoming more complex and costly, especially with ransomware, GDPR, backup/recovery and data locality requirements. That’s why your organization should start thinking about deploying a cloud backup and disaster recovery solution to overcome these challenges.

Read the 451 Research Report and you’ll discover why the DRaaS market is “white­hot,” key DRaaS trends, and how Druva fits into the equation:

  • Exponential acceleration of data moving to the cloud
  • Data protection giving way to data management
  • Merging of backup, DR, and business continuity functions
  • Need for analytics and machine learning techniques to determine the relative value of data

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The Definitive Guide to Enterprise Data Backup and Recovery Architectures

Modern data environments are distributed with endpoint, data center, and cloud workloads. On-premises data protection has not kept pace — while the cloud offers less expensive and more scalable solutions that are significantly easier to manage and maintain.

Download this eBook and learn:

  • The important differences between on-premises, hybrid, hosted, and cloud-native data protection and management solutions
  • The ABCs of recovery time objectives (RTOs) in the cloud
  • How cloud reliability has increased with improved physical security, continuous monitoring, frequent security audits, and new compliance measures
  • Questions for finding the right cloud data protection strategy

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The Cloud-­First Data Protection Playbook

A growing number of businesses are adopting a cloud-first strategy, and data protection is often one of the first IT functions to migrate to cloud. However, simply relocating legacy backup solutions can lead to unexpected costs, incomplete data, and compromised performance. It can also make complying with regional data privacy rules more difficult.

Businesses migrating to the cloud need solutions that protect and manage data across endpoint, data center, and cloud workloads.

Download this strategic playbook and learn:

  • Why you should move data protection to the cloud
  • Reasons why businesses are going cloud-­first
  • Benefits of cloud­-native backup and recovery
  • 6 steps for a smooth transition to cloud backup and recovery

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Druva turns up the heat in the DRaaS market with new enterprise features

Protecting and managing data is becoming more complex and costly, especially with ransomware, GDPR, backup/recovery and data locality requirements. That’s why your organization should start thinking about deploying a cloud backup and disaster recovery solution to overcome these challenges.

Read the 451 Research Report and you’ll discover why the DRaaS market is “white­hot,” key DRaaS trends, and how Druva fits into the equation:

  • Exponential acceleration of data moving to the cloud
  • Data protection giving way to data management
  • Merging of backup, DR, and business continuity functions
  • Need for analytics and machine learning techniques to determine the relative value of data

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Healthcare Cloud Security Stack for Microsoft Azure

This unified stack offers you the best in breed vulnerability scanner, Qualys Cloud Agent, the best in breed cloud security solution, Trend MicroTM Deep SecurityTM combined with the implementation and management capabilities of XentIT to ensure your workloads running in Microsoft Azure are constantly protected.

Read on to learn more about this solution.

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XentIT Cloud Security Stack for Azure

A Healthcare organization’s success is dependent on data-driven decision making. Inability to quickly access and process patient data due to outdated infrastructure may result in a life and death situation. The healthcare cloud security stack for Microsoft Azure (HCSS) is at the center of IT modernization helping entities use cloud services without losing focus on cybersecurity and HIPAA compliance.

Read on to learn more about this solution.

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XentIT Healthcare Cloud Security Stack for Microsoft Azure 14 day POC

This unified stack offers you the best in breed vulnerability scanner, Qualys Cloud Agent, the best in breed cloud security solution, Trend MicroTM Deep SecurityTM combined with the implementation and management capabilities of XentIT to ensure your workloads running in Microsoft Azure are constantly protected.

Your workloads are safe and secure with the connected threat defense and your resources are freed up to attend to other priorities in your organization.

Read on to learn more about this 14-day POC.

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XentIT Healthcare Cloud Security Stack for Microsoft Azure 12 Months

This unified stack offers you the best in breed vulnerability scanner, Qualys Cloud Agent, the best in breed cloud security solution, Trend MicroTM Deep SecurityTM combined with the implementation and management capabilities of XentIT to ensure your workloads running in Microsoft Azure are constantly protected.

Your workloads are safe and secure with the connected threat defense and your resources are freed up to attend to other priorities in your organization.

Read on to learn more.

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Immedion Maintains Always-On, Secure Data Centers with Kentik

With bad actors constantly looking for opportunities to disrupt or penetrate networks, real-time network visibility and threat alerting are imperative. That’s why regional cloud and data center provider, Immedion chose Kentik to help maintain high customer satisfaction and provide always-on, accessible, secure services.

In their search, Immedion found that on-premises solutions required data-collector platforms to be deployed at each of its seven sites, requiring significant resources to setup and manage. With Kentik’s SaaS solution, no additional resources were needed and all sites were covered. Plus, they were able to query their network data within seconds compared to the minutes or hours that other solutions required.

Read this case study and learn how Immedion achieved:

  • Real-Time Visibility and Security Across Seven Facilities
  • Significant Time and Cost Savings
  • High Commitment to Service-Level Agreements

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The State of Network Management in 2018

Businesses rely on their networks for nearly every aspect of their operations. If packets don’t move, users and customers are directly impacted and revenue doesn’t flow.

Read the results of Kentik's survey of networking industry professionals and review how organizations are addressing their network management challenges including:

  • How network professionals assessed their organizations’ readiness to tackle networking automation and advanced networking/security analytics.
  • Why user experience and data breaches are among the top network worries.
  • How the proliferation of tools for managing networks and improving cloud visibility is impacting the enterprise and which technologies are most commonly deployed.

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Five Cloud Deployment Mistakes That Will Cost You

With lack of visibility into how cloud resources are utilized, it's easy to make costly mistakes. This paper covers five network-related cloud deployment mistakes that you might not be aware of that can negate the cloud benefits you’re hoping to achieve.

Topics discussed in this whitepaper include:

  • The risks and costs associated with redundant cloud-based services.
  • The importance of avoiding “hair-pin” traffic routing scenarios when configuring cloud services.
  • How to minimize costs by minimizing unnecessary inter-region traffic.
  • Understanding the network behavior of cloud services and taking advantage of basic optimization, configuration, and compression opportunities.
  • Recommendations for reducing Internet content delivery costs.

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Cloud Architecture Best Practices: Using the Right Tools

Building a cloud application is like building a house. Without following industry best practices, everything could come tumbling down. Fortunately, Amazon established cloud architecture best practices, the AWS Well-Architected Framework.

This paper outlines their principles, "Five Pillars", best practices for cloud and further extends the Framework to networking — a critical part of cloud architecture.

This white paper will:

  • Outline the AWS Well-Architected Framework: Principles,“Five Pillars,” and best practices.
  • Inform how the Framework applies to networking — a critical part of cloud architecture.
  • Highlight how Kentik can help effectively implement these best practices.

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VARs: Build a Bridge to Customers Through Service Contract Renewals

New customer acquisition is the holy grail of sales achievement. But while acquiring new customers is essential to growth, no business thrives without strengthening and growing their existing customer relationships. This is especially true when considering annuity revenue streams.

Today, most solution providers focus significant effort on increasing annuity revenue. These revenue streams are service related and include both solution provider and OEM-delivered services that are contracted and sold on a subscription basis. Creating greater customer connection and intimacy is a crucial component of developing and growing annuity offerings.

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VARs: Create a Path to Profit Through Increased Warranty Renewal

Solution providers have long recognized the value of annuity revenue and profit that can be realized by selling OEM maintenance and support agreements.

The ability to successfully manage these complexities creates value for customers and a significant opportunity for solution providers. In fact, solution providers who deliver a comprehensive management approach to their customers are already realizing significant improvements in annuity revenue and profit. And by using this approach, solution providers can also gain contract renewals on products sold by other vendors.

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VARs: Grow Revenue Through Better Contract Renewal Strategies

The ability to maximize revenue growth of any offering depends on the processes in place to support that offering. For solution providers, this is especially relevant for annuity and contract management. Annuity management is a profitable growth area, however, it can be a chaotic undertaking with increasing complexity as the business grows.

However, annuity agreement management is often approached with little regard to all three of those components. A common approach is to address the challenge with people, but with little regard to process and tools. As the business grows, the volume and complexity of the agreements quickly overwhelm a company’s ability to address the problem solely from a manpower perspective.

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