Compliant Database DevOps and the role of DevSecOps

DevOps is now widely accepted in software development because, by introducing a culture of collaboration and cooperation between development and IT operations teams, it enables features to be released faster to end users. But how can the database join the conversation? Can the same principles be followed, or should they be modified? How can increasing regulatory pressure around data privacy and protection be satisfied? What additional measures should be considered so that the security of data can be protected alongside the code and truly compliant Database DevOps is achieved?

This whitepaper details how and why DevOps can be applied to the database, and then outlines the steps necessary to include it in DevSecOps.

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Not every user’s “office” is the same. Why should their devices be?

Work is no longer somewhere you go, it’s something you do. Today, workers demand more freedom to choose where, when and how they do their jobs. They expect the same when it comes to the devices they use.

In the past, selecting work computers was a straightforward process. Now workers rely on a wide array of devices to get their work done.

Last year, Dell studied North American office workers and pinpointed 7 archetypal “work styles” and tailored its suite of computing devices and accessories.

This guide will help you identify the users in your organization and match them with Dell PCs and accessories optimized for their specific needs.

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Client Hardware Refresh Toolkit

Softchoice developed this Toolkit to help organizations better prepare for their Client Hardware Refresh . In most organizations, this is a major undertaking, and the task becomes even more complex if your offices are spread out across multiple regions .

Technology users’ work behaviors have changed considerably. Our research study revealed that 72% of employees now work remotely at least once per month . 62% of employees think they’re more productive working outside the office . And 70% of employees would quit their job for more flexible working arrangements somewhere else, including the chance to work from home more often . How people engage with work has changed over the years - employees need different devices, accessories, etc . to stay productive .

Dell has found a third of employees feel they have better technology at home than they have at work.

What does all of this mean for IT? First, you need to re-evaluate your client hardware decisions to better reflect the needs of your workforce . Do your current devices support future transformation?

This Toolkit will help you take the first steps in re-evaluating your end-users’ requirements . We also share how Softchoice’s IT Department approaches a major client hardware refresh for our 1,300 employees . You’ll also learn how to gauge the pulse of your organization, and make your investment decisions pop!

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Welcome to Workplace 2.0

The way we work has reached the next stage of evolution. Mobility and the cloud make it possible to bring the job anywhere. Modern technology lets workers select the computer or mobile device that makes them most productive. Collaboration tools allow colleagues to connect and create from any location. The youngest generation of the workforce has a whole new perspective on the connected workplace. Organizations need to adapt, or risk becoming relics.

Dell found 82% of workers believe a device tailored to their job would make them more productive. Meanwhile, over 80% of workers are dissatisfied with the technology they have.

Here’s what we found about how today’s workers feel about the new workplace ecosystem.

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VMWare ELA Webinar

Learn more about VMware Enterprise License Agreements and how to manage them through this Softchoice webinar. Take a dive with us into what ELA is and how it works while you discover how you can leverage the value of the Softchoice platform.

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VMWare Enterprise Licensing

Even the most advanced IT department has difficulty procuring, deploying and managing thousands of assets in an enterprise environment.

The average enterprise overspends on software by 25%. Meanwhile, 39% of installed software lacks proper licensing, creating audit risk. With VMware in particular, enterprise licensing is even more difficult to navigate. According to Gartner, finding useful advice on VMware enterprise licensing is next to impossible, thanks to a lack of public information and highly-customized terms and conditions.

This guide is your starting point to VMware Enterprise Licensing Agreements (ELA). The 3-year contract simplifies your licensing while unlocking up to 40% in savings on new licenses and support. Use this resource to uncover the key actions you must take to unlock the most value in negotiating, optimizing and renewing your VMware ELA.

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Compliant Database DevOps and the role of DevSecOps

DevOps is now widely accepted in software development because, by introducing a culture of collaboration and cooperation between development and IT operations teams, it enables features to be released faster to end users. But how can the database join the conversation? Can the same principles be followed, or should they be modified? How can increasing regulatory pressure around data privacy and protection be satisfied? What additional measures should be considered so that the security of data can be protected alongside the code and truly compliant Database DevOps is achieved?

This whitepaper details how and why DevOps can be applied to the database, and then outlines the steps necessary to include it in DevSecOps.

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Database DevOps

Continuous delivery has changed the rules of the game. It’s not just about moving from big bang releases to smaller, faster, more frequent releases. It’s about putting in place a process so that reliable software can be deployed without problems, at any time.

One of the biggest advantages is in automating the repetitive development and testing processes that development teams use to deliver, manage, and maintain applications and databases. From version controlling changes to deploying them to different environments, and, when ready, choosing to deploy to production, continuous delivery helps teams reduce risk and increase both efficiency and reliability in the software release process.

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Leveraging Machine Learning to Secure Data

To defend your organization’s critical data against new malware threats like ransomware, you need innovative new technologies like machine learning (ML). Learn how ML-enhanced data protection works and how it can help.

Criminal hackers are churning out new malware threats faster that signature-based anti-virus software can keep up. The only way to defeat data-destroying attacks like ransomware is with counter-measures that can spot and terminate new threats on the fly.

Get a copy of this complimentary white paper for a quick tutorial on:

  • How ML can be used to analyze and identify even previously-unknown malware strains
  • How ML-assisted backup defeats ugly new threats like ransomware
  • How Acronis Backup with Active Protection uses ML to stop ransomware dead

Lethal new threats to your data require adaptive defenses with the responsiveness of machine learning. Learn how to builds yours with the help of this free white paper today.

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10 Simple Tips to Protect Your Organization from Ransomware

Did you know that ransomware is the most widespread, destructive malware in the world today? It accounts for 39% of all security breaches, with ransomware gangsters projected to make $11.5B in profits from online extortion by 2019.

When you inevitably get hit by the ransomware epidemic, your options will be: pay the ransom (a bad idea), recover from backup (better, but still potentially costly), or stop ransomware before it ever locks up your data (the best).

Option 3 is not hard when you know how. Get the complimentary checklist, “10 Simple Tips to Protect Your Business from Ransomware”, and learn how to:

  • Close the most obvious vulnerabilities that ransomware uses
  • Train your users to avoid ransomware infections
  • Deploy the latest endpoint technologies to thwart ransomware attacks

Learn how to protect your vital business data and help put ransomware criminals out of business for good.

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5 Reasons to Improve Your Data Backup

Protecting your organization’s data has never been easy, and today’s dizzying pace of change in IT makes it even harder. Learn how you can quickly adapt your backup strategy to address challenges like surging data volumes and new malware threats.

Today’s IT managers have it rough. They are expected to support more users, more devices, and more data with the same limited resources, and that is even before they figure out how to deal with lethal new malware threats like ransomware. What is a besieged IT team supposed to do?

One place to start by downloading a complimentary tip sheet to help:

  • Identify and prioritize the top challenges to your data protection regimen
  • Consider some straightforward tactics to address these issues
  • Understand how emerging technologies like machine learning can help

In a world that’s constantly changing, it can be hard to navigate a clear path to robust data protection. Take advantage of this free tip sheet for some practical pointers today.

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Acronis Machine Learning on guard of your data

Introduced in January of 2017, Acronis Active Protection is an advanced technology that uses sophisticated analysis to monitor your system for any erratic behavior and quickly stop it. While performing well in independent testing and earning accolades from the media, Acronis has worked diligently to make it even better. The result is an improved version that incorporates machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies.

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TCO Report – NAS File Tiering

Every organization is under pressure to meet the exponential growth in demand for file storage capacity. Surveys show, however, that 60% or more of data on Tier 1 storage is either dormant or rarely used. Organizations can now achieve significant savings by moving that inactive content to a secondary storage tier.

While the concept of storage tiering is well known, it has not been widely adopted in the past due to various limitations. New storage technologies now overcome those limitations, making tiering an attractive option to reclaim capacity on Tier 1 storage systems and reduce backup costs and time requirements — often resulting in overall file storage cost savings of 50%.

Of particular note, new solutions now enable these savings with zero impact on user data access.

In this paper, we compare the total cost of ownership (TCO) of traditional NAS to the TCO of traditional NAS augmented by file tiering with Cloudian object storage.

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TCO Report – Tape vs. Object Storage

We are living in an age of explosive data growth. IDC projects that the digital universe is growing 50% a year, doubling in size every 2 years. In media and entertainment, the growth is even faster as capacity-intensive formats such as 4K, 8K, and 360/VR gain traction. Fortunately, new trends in data storage are making it easier to stay ahead of the curve.

Historically, many studios and broadcasters have relied on LTO tape as the most economical option for long-term media archiving and backup — but that is beginning to change. The increasing costs of maintaining and expanding aging tape libraries are prompting many businesses to explore other options. At the same, the costs of more modern and flexible solutions like object storage now make them a cost-effective alternative to LTO tape.

In this paper, we will examine how object storage stacks up against LTO tape for media archives and backup. In addition to a detailed total cost of ownership (TCO) analysis covering both capital and operational expenses, this paper will look at the opportunity costs of not leveraging the real-time data access of object storage to monetize existing data.

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