IDC Brief: Factors in Choosing DataBase Technologies
Combining Scalable Database Technologies to Achieve Operational Flexibility and Analytic Power, an IDC Analyst Brief.
This IDC paper discusses the different factors enterprises must consider to choose the right database technologies in the face of the confusing and daunting demands of digital transformation.
Enterprises require technologies that carefully address the workload at hand, which can be operational, streaming, or analytical. They must also consider deployment requirements — on premises, in the cloud, or hybrid, not to mention the organization’s capacity to handle the operational demands and technical requirements of running workloads in the cloud.
Choosing the Best Data Stack: DataStax Astra DB vs. Amazon DynamoDB
DataStax’s Astra DB is the serverless, fully managed, and cloud-agnostic DBaaS built on Apache Cassandra™ that provides developer freedom through APIs, unparalleled price, and scalable performance. Read this ebook to discover the advantages of Astra DB over DynamoDB:
- Rich API flexibility means there’s no need for developers to learn any new complex, proprietary APIs for application development.
- Better price/ performance (throughput and latency) at scale for lower TCO.
- Infrastructure-agnostic data layer provides flexibility to run on multiple clouds, on-prem data centers, or both in a hybrid fashion.
- Powered by Astra Streaming, a multi-cloud streaming as a service built on Apache Pulsar, to support real-time data pipelines.
Omnichannel Retail Software
ACCEO Retail-1 Omnichannel retail software provides real-time visibility across the entire retail ecosystem, including key elements and processes that quickly respond to all business and customer needs. From flexible fulfillment, dynamic business intelligence, CRM and loyalty, to endless aisle, and the option of web integrations, the ACCEO Retail-1 Omnichannel offering allows retailers to improve efficiencies, raise productivity, and optimize procedures across all channels.
Mobile Point of Sale (mPOS)
The Retail-1 mPOS marks a new era for retailers and offers the ability to manage customers, inventory, and sales away from the fixed POS. Efficiently manage store-to-store transfers, pick-pack, ship, and fulfill BOPIS orders anywhere and anytime with a web connection.
By leveraging the power of Progressive Web Application (PWA), the Retail-1 mPOS comes with cross-device, cross-browser compatibility. The mPOS is an incredibly fast mobile application that can be accessed from the home screen and runs on all modern web browsers through a secure connection. Instantly get updates without having to manually update the app!
From mobile devices to tablets, the responsive layout of the Retail-1 mPOS makes it compatible with any screen size. The application works with any mobile device without taking up space like traditional mobile apps. It syncs in real-time with your existing database and retail management software.
DoorDash Gift Card
See a demo of Qrvey, the embedded analytics platform for SaaS providers, and you can qualify for a FREE $50 DoorDash Gift Card as our way of saying thanks!
4 Types of Analytics Solutions & What They Mean for SaaS
You’re constantly making decisions that have long-term effects on your company and your products. One of the biggest decisions facing SaaS companies is how to effectively implement the right type of analytics solution for your products.
Analytics is easily one of the most under-estimated features in most product roadmaps, and I’ve been watching companies for 20 years struggle to get off the ground with their developments. There are so many choices for analytics and here I outline four distinct types of solutions that can help guide you in choosing the best type for your product.
What Is Infused Analytics For SaaS Companies?
In the SaaS world today, competition is fierce. Competition isn’t just about acquiring new customers, but also new partners and investors. SaaS founders know they need to stand out from the pack. But how and where do they create the most value and differentiation?
SaaS companies get their start in many ways. Often founders start with an industry or service that is familiar to them where they know a gap exists and then create a new software company to solve that problem. You see this in many verticals such as legal software, restaurant management, and real estate. SaaS companies exist to create solutions specifically for those industries, and their teams often know those industries inside and out.
However, a common thread within SaaS companies that specialize, is that every company’s customers expect their software provider to also be an expert at analytics, and unfortunately that simply is not the case. That’s where Infused Analytics for SaaS Companies comes in.
Wisdom of Crowds® Business Intelligence Market Study
Dresner Advisory Services has just unveiled their “2022 Business Intelligence Market Study,” an in-depth look at the business intelligence industry that ranks more than two dozen BI vendors in areas like product, service, support and overall customer satisfaction. How does your current BI vendor stack up against the competition? Who’s the perfect vendor for your business needs? Find out by downloading your complimentary copy today!
DoorDash Gift Card
See a demo of Qrvey, the embedded analytics platform for SaaS providers, and you can qualify for a FREE $50 DoorDash Gift Card as our way of saying thanks!
4 Types of Analytics Solutions & What They Mean for SaaS
You’re constantly making decisions that have long-term effects on your company and your products. One of the biggest decisions facing SaaS companies is how to effectively implement the right type of analytics solution for your products.
Analytics is easily one of the most under-estimated features in most product roadmaps, and I’ve been watching companies for 20 years struggle to get off the ground with their developments. There are so many choices for analytics and here I outline four distinct types of solutions that can help guide you in choosing the best type for your product.
What Is Infused Analytics For SaaS Companies?
In the SaaS world today, competition is fierce. Competition isn’t just about acquiring new customers, but also new partners and investors. SaaS founders know they need to stand out from the pack. But how and where do they create the most value and differentiation?
SaaS companies get their start in many ways. Often founders start with an industry or service that is familiar to them where they know a gap exists and then create a new software company to solve that problem. You see this in many verticals such as legal software, restaurant management, and real estate. SaaS companies exist to create solutions specifically for those industries, and their teams often know those industries inside and out.
However, a common thread within SaaS companies that specialize, is that every company’s customers expect their software provider to also be an expert at analytics, and unfortunately that simply is not the case. That’s where Infused Analytics for SaaS Companies comes in.
Wisdom of Crowds® Business Intelligence Market Study
Dresner Advisory Services has just unveiled their “2022 Business Intelligence Market Study,” an in-depth look at the business intelligence industry that ranks more than two dozen BI vendors in areas like product, service, support and overall customer satisfaction. How does your current BI vendor stack up against the competition? Who’s the perfect vendor for your business needs? Find out by downloading your complimentary copy today!
L’Intégration Des Données: Rendez-La Simple, Rapide, Et Pertinente
Lorsqu'il s'agit de planifier des pipelines d'intégration de données, plusieurs cas d'utilisation peuvent avoir un impact sur votre business intelligence (BI). Pourtant, l'objectif final est le même : simplifier et accélérer l'accès aux données pour l'analyse.
Lisez le rapport mondial 2021 Data Pipelines and Integration de Dresner Advisory Service et vous constaterez que la nécessité d'une meilleure intégration des données est évidente. En fait, 99% des entreprises qui ont réussi leurs initiatives de BI se sont beaucoup plus concentrées sur l'intégration de données que leurs pairs. Obtenez l'étude maintenant pour :
- Découvrez les 3 principales priorités de transformation des données parmi les entreprises.
- Voir la source et la cible de données n°1 pour l'intégration de données et les pipelines.
- Découvrez 7 fonctions d'orchestration des données essentielles au succès de l'intégration des données.
Prêt à faire progresser les efforts d'intégration de données de votre entreprise ? Commencez par développer la bonne stratégie et en vous associant à des fournisseurs qui offrent les bonnes capacités pour créer et automatiser vos pipelines de données.
Data integration: Make it Simple, Fast and Relevant
When it comes to planning for data integration pipelines, there are multiple use cases that can impact your business intelligence (BI). Still, the end goal is the same: Simplify and speed access to data for analysis.
Read Dresner Advisory Service’s 2021 Data Pipelines and Integration global report, and you’ll find the need for better data integration is clear. In fact, 99% of companies that succeeded with their BI initiatives focused significantly more on data integration than their peers. Get the study now to:
- Uncover the top 3 data transformation priorities among businesses.
- See the #1 data source and target for data integration and pipelines.
- Explore 7 data orchestration functions critical to data integration success.
Ready to advance your company’s data integration efforts? Start by developing the right strategy—and partnering with vendors that deliver the right capabilities to build and automate your data pipelines.
3 Façons D’Augmenter La Productivité De L’Entreprise Avec L’Intégration Automatisée Des Données
Alors qu'elles consolident et modernisent leurs data warehouses et data lakes on-premises dans le Cloud ou en créent de nouveaux, les entreprises doivent plus que jamais éviter les pièges du codage manuel.
De nombreux services informatiques se concentrent uniquement sur l'intégration des données, mais une solution plus étendue est nécessaire pour répondre aux besoins actuels des entreprises tout au long du cycle de vie de la gestion des données.
Ce document fournit des conseils sur la mise en œuvre d'une solution de gestion de données intelligente et automatisée, plutôt que sur la création d'intégrations de données personnalisées.
Téléchargez 3 façons dont le codage manuel mine la productivité de votre entreprise et découvrez :
- 7 inconvénients du codage manuel pour l'IT et l'entreprise.
- 4 éléments d'une gestion intelligente et automatisée des données dans le Cloud.
- Comment assurer la pérennité de vos initiatives d'analyse de données.