Pourquoi utiliser la technologie Sandbox pour votre protection ?

Les entreprises mises à mal par des menaces persistantes avancées (APT) ne cessent de défrayer la chronique. La technologie Sandbox est la dernière solution à la mode prônée pour vous protéger contre ces menaces. Pourquoi ? Pourquoi la technologie Sandbox ? Quels avantages une solution de Sandbox vous offre-t-elle par rapport aux couches de sécurité existantes ?
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Infrastructure Advanced Threat Protection de Fortinet

En 2013 et 2014, de nombreuses grandes entreprises et marques de premier plan ont fait la une, non pas en raison d’une reprise économique remarquable après la récession ou du lancement d’un produit innovant, mais pour des atteintes massives à la sécurité de leurs données. Les données personnelles ou de carte bancaire de plus de 100 millions de clients ont été ainsi dérobées par le biais d’une seule de ces attaques audacieuses de grande envergure.
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Préserver la continuité des activités en luttant contre les attaques avancées actuelles

Les attaques avancées d’aujourd’hui, également désignées sous le terme de menaces persistantes avancées (ou APT pour Advanced Persistent Threats), sont désormais dans tous les esprits et font partie du vocabulaire quotidien des professionnels de l’informatique. Les annonces de brèches de sécurité régulières ont conféré un sens mythique aux APT, mais celles-ci restent largement méconnues. Plus important encore, toutes les brèches de sécurité sont considérées comme des APT, même s’il est démontré après coup que l’infiltration du réseau était initialement due à une erreur humaine ou à une mauvaise conception du réseau.
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Limelight Orchestrate™ Security Service

Limelight Networks understands the need to keep your content secure. The Limelight OrchestrateTM Security service is a cloud-based set of features within the Orchestrate suite of services. Whether it’s your videos, software downloads, storage, or website, the Orchestrate Security service can protect the content you’ve worked so hard to create. It is simple enough to turn up, and powerful enough to protect your content anywhere, across any device today…and tomorrow.
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The State of the User Experience

The second annual The State of the User Experience is Limelight Networks’ latest in a series of surveys that explore consumer perceptions and behaviors around digital content. This report is based on responses Limelight Networks received in July 2015 from 1,302 consumers located in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Singapore ranging in demographics, gender, and education.
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CDO Data Vision to Analytics Value

Studies show that one-fourth of all large global organizations have appointed Chief Data Offices (CDO. Why? The CDO creates and manages data and business analytics strategies to drive business value - extremely important as IT transforms from cost center to innovation and creation center. Ultimately, CDOs are the data shepherd of the organization. This brief guide highlights key factors and best practices to help navigate the enterprise data maze.
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Data Integration with Hadoop

Yellow elephants everywhere? You are not alone. Hadoop has become a leading big data analytics platform, and data scientists and IT alike have spent years learning the ins and outs of its ecosystem, discovering that it was designed with data integration in mind. What is required is a data integration solutions that can support the massive scalability that Hadoop clusters need without having to reinvent the wheel and move mountains of data for every run.
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Governance in a Hybrid Data Environment

Today, enterprises benefit from utilizing hybrid Cloud-based data sources and services to help drive business decision making. With data volume expected to increase 10 times over the next 3-5 years, here are four critical considerations when developing a data governance plan that encompasses data wherever it is sourced from or resides.
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The Fluid Data Layer: The Future of Data Management

This e-book explores a new approach to making data available and accessible when and where it’s needed most: the fluid data layer. By enhancing a hybrid cloud environment with data refinement, integration, and more, data architects can capitalize on data's full value.
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The Customer Capable Organization

IBM InfoSphere Data Explorer gives customer-facing professionals (CFPs) a single, easy way to find and leverage relevant information assets anywhere across the enterprise, without compromising security.
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IBM InfoSphere Streams: An Open Platform

Developing streaming applications is quick and simple with IBM InfoSphere Streams. Streams is an open platform that blends the best elements of shareware, open source software and open standards with powerful vendor-developed technology for stream processing.

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