Why Digital Construction Safety Management Solutions Are Key to Reducing Injuries
Injuries and incidents on the job cost the U.S. construction industry $167 billion in 2021, including productivity losses and administrative costs. At the same time, more than 42 percent of construction firms still use spreadsheets for managing their safety programs.
This infographic examines the four key reasons construction firms struggle to reduce injuries and incidents on the job, as well as the five key benefits to implementing safety management software that supports frontline workers with data for leading indicators. You will learn about the following:
- How poor safety culture leads to lack of worker engagement on the job site.
- How poor data management increases the safety risk to construction workers.
- How a digital safety solution can improve engagement, help attract new talent and contribute to lower injury rates.
A Checklist for Safety Professionals on Multi- Employer Construction Sites
As construction projects become larger in scale, they often involve the participation of multiple employers or organizations, further adding to the complexity of managing these projects and ensuring worker safety. As such, complying with the latest ANSI/ASSP A10.33-2020 standard, which focuses on reducing hazards at multi-employer construction job sites, becomes more than critical.
Initiate the process of reducing these hazards by downloading A Checklist for Safety Professionals on Multi-Employer Construction Sites, which includes insights from ANSI A10.33-2020 standard experts Richard Hislop and Shawn Bradfield. Get ready to learn:
- What measures to take to ensure compliance with ANSI/ASSP A10.33-2020.
- The importance of officially designating an occupational safety and health owner and carrying out daily planning practices.
- The key elements to use to develop and manage safety processes within a multi-organization safety program.
Harnessing Data and Empowering People to Improve Safety on Construction Job Sites
The construction industry has many unique safety challenges, such as a complex environment, threats that change as the project evolves and the integration of temporary workers into the safety culture. In addition to this, many construction workers have often resisted using digital tools for important tasks like safety observations, preferring instead traditional methods like paper forms.
Yet the world of data can transform construction safety to help prevent incidents before they happen. With a digital safety management system built on Intelex, construction organizations can work to ensure every frontline worker understands the risks of the work environment and can contribute to a healthy safety culture.
This Insight Report examines how digital safety solutions from Intelex can help construction organizations transform their approach to safety. You will learn about the following:
- How data that supports leading indicators can prevent incidents before they happen.
- How to use a digital safety management system to create a proactive safety culture and empower frontline workers.
- How Intelex safety management solutions can help you improve your construction safety culture.
Digitaliza Tu Negocio Con Twimm
Un minuto para explorar las principales características de nuestra herramienta de GMAO Twimm.
Para las empresas proveedoras de servicios, Twimm es la herramienta que impulsará la productividad y rentabilidad de tu negocio.
Ponte en contacto con nosotros para obtener más informaciones sobre nuestro software GMAO.
Control Completo Para Tu Gestión De Mantenimiento
La plataforma inteligente de mantenimiento que incorpora módulos especializados en facturación y gestión energética. Eleva tu productividad, organiza equipos y maximiza la rentabilidad.
Hacer De Su Proyecto GMAO Un Éxito
Un despliegue de GMAO mal preparado o insuficientemente acompañado puede resultar en un fracaso o abandono: mala organización, falta de preparación o personal poco comprometido... Las razones para no alcanzar los objetivos suelen ser bastante similares.
¡No hay razón para entrar en pánico! Estos riesgos no deben asustarlo, sino todo lo contrario: ser consciente de ellos lo ayudará a establecer las diferentes etapas para llevar su proyecto de GMAO por el camino correcto.
Twimm le ofrece una guía completa con los 5 pasos clave para digitalizar su empresa utilizando un software de GMAO de manera simple y efectiva.
¿Cómo Aumentar La Eficiencia Mediante El Uso De La GMAO?
La actividad de mantenimiento preventivo es el núcleo del negocio de las empresas proveedoras de servicios. Gestionar de manera eficiente todos los procesos relacionados con esta actividad de mantenimiento es un desafío estratégico para su rentabilidad, competitividad y, por lo tanto, su sostenibilidad a medio y largo plazo. Esto es lo que permite la adopción de un software de GMAO.
Gracias a este enfoque, es posible fortalecer el servicio de mantenimiento y, al mismo tiempo, reducir los costes.
El mantenimiento preventivo no se refiere solo a la prevención de fallas o interrupciones del servicio, sino que también debe considerarse como una estrategia de gestión de los gastos de mantenimiento.
Securing Leadership Buy-In for Safety Management Software
69% of Safety Professionals reported their 2023 focus was engaging leaders more in workplace health and safety.
Gaining leadership buy-in to invest in safety management software can feel like an uphill battle. Budget constraints, lack of understanding of the software’s true value, and competing priorities often hinder progress.
Our eBook offers a streamlined approach to building a persuasive argument for the adoption of safety management software, focusing on:
- Strategic Alignment: Demonstrating how the software supports the organization’s overall safety goals.
- Cost-Benefit Analysis: Simplifying the process of highlighting potential savings and efficiency gains.
- ROI Calculation: Providing a straightforward formula to showcase the financial benefits.
- Effective Communication: Tips for conveying the value proposition to stakeholders in a language they understand.
- Overcoming Objections: Strategies for addressing common concerns and resistance with evidence-based responses.
Guide to Buying Safety Management Software
Our guide is a valuable resource that provides you with insights and considerations for selecting the right safety software for your organization. Whether you are a safety professional, an operations manager, or a business owner, this guide will prove indispensable in your quest to enhance safety practices and maximize efficiency.
Inside the Guide, you will find step-by-step information including:
- Understanding your needs.
- Budget Considerations.
- Research Tactics.
- Provider Evaluation Tactics.
- Implementation Strategies.
- Reviewal Processes.
How to Future Proof Your Safety Program
Harnessing diverse data sources and advanced analysis, predictive safety offers comprehensive insights, foreseeing potential hazards and ensuring a safer workplace. Essentially, implementing such a safety strategy creates a future-proof safety program.
Inside this whitepaper, you will find detailed information including:
- Data Collection and Analysis Techniques.
- Implementation Considerations.
- Continuous Improvement and Future Outlook.
- How other companies have shifted.
- How we can help.
10 Reasons To Digitize Your EHS Management
Regardless of the industry you operate in, or the size of your organization, effective environmental health and safety (EHS) management is vital to your success – protecting both your people and your profits.
Inside this eBook, you will find detailed information including:
- Risks of ineffective EHS management.
- How digitized EHS management can help.
- How other companies have gone digital.
- How we can help.
5 Étapes Pour Réussir Votre Projet GMAO
Réussir l’implémentation de votre projet de GMAO représente un enjeu crucial pour poursuivre votre transformation numérique et rester dans la course vis-à-vis de vos concurrents.
Un déploiement de GMAO mal préparé ou insuffisamment accompagné peut se solder par un échec ou un abandon : mauvaise organisation, mauvaise préparation, ou personnel pas ou peu impliqué... Les raisons de la non-atteinte des objectifs sont souvent assez similaires.
Pas de panique ! Ces risques ne doivent pas vous effrayer pour autant, bien au contraire : en avoir conscience va vous aider à mettre en place les différentes étapes pour mettre votre projet GMAO sur la bonne voie.
Twimm vous propose un guide complet avec les 5 étapes clés pour digitaliser votre entreprise à l’aide dʼun logiciel GMAO simplement et efficacement.
Maintenance Préventive Immobilière : Comment Gagner En Efficacité Grâce À La GMAO?
L’activité de maintenance préventive est le coeur de métier des entreprises prestataires de service. Piloter efficacement tous les process liés à cette activité de maintenance est un enjeu stratégique pour leur rentabilité, leur compétitivité et donc leur pérennité à moyen et long terme.
C’est ce que permet l’adoption d’un logiciel de GMAO (Gestion de la Maintenance Assistée par Ordinateur).
En effet, lorsqu’elles utilisent une GMAO, les entreprises accroissent leur performance, en améliorant leur efficacité et leur qualité de service.
Grâce à cette approche, il est possible de renforcer le service de maintenance et de réduire parallèlement les coûts.
La maintenance préventive ne concerne pas seulement la prévention des pannes ou les interruptions de service mais elle doit également être considérée comme une stratégie de gestion des dépenses de maintenance.
Australia’s Top Sporting League Tackles Multiple Access Management Challenges Across Diverse Infrastructure with Securden
The National Rugby League, Australia's top sporting league, faced a daunting IT workload managing critical systems, cloud entitlements, and applications across its hybrid infrastructure. The team sought a comprehensive solution to address operational and security gaps, ultimately finding success with Securden. Now, they efficiently manage access requests from a central portal, implementing granular internal controls, regulating third-party access, and enforcing least privilege—all at a budget-friendly cost.
Overcoming The Security Risks Associated with Local Admin Accounts
The all-powerful local administrator accounts in Windows carry significant security risks, and improper management could lead to disastrous situations. It is believed that more than 90 percent of the security vulnerabilities in Windows arise due to local admin rights. From a security perspective, though local admin accounts by themselves don't cause issues, not managing them properly leads to serious repercussions.
This white paper analyzes the common practices in managing local admin accounts, the associated security risks, the strategies to mitigate the risks, and the comparative merits and demerits of different approaches.