Gartner: Becoming Masters of Data and Analytics: 2019 Data and Analytics Predictions

To stay competitive in an increasingly digital world, businesses must become masters of data. By 2020, more than seven billion people & companies, and at least 35 million devices, will be wired to the web. Success now depends on not only keeping up with fast paced digital innovation, but also harnessing the continual data explosion it creates; and this will mean a sizeable shift in the way companies handle their insights.

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Forrester: Customer Data Maturity Powers the Modern Enterprise

With the growing importance of customer insights in organizations, the role of analytics to extract insight from customer data and embed it back into organizational processes is at the forefront of business transformation. This increased profile has elevated the customer insights role from data geeks feeding the marketing funnel to critical change agents and strategic business partners. It has also made it crucial for companies to have a coherent and consistently executed customer data strategy. In order to seize the opportunity presented by this shift in data’s role, companies must plot a deliberate strategic course — beginning with a clear-eyed assessment of their current capabilities and needs.

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Gartner: Before You Buy: A Guide For Choosing a Customer Data Platform

In this newsletter, Tealium features the Gartner report, Market Guide for Customer Data Platforms for Marketing. We aim to identify obstacles caused by fragmented customer data silos & establish how CDPs can help data & analytical professionals at enterprise companies improve their first party data management. The recommendations come as the result of a yearlong study, in which Gartner analysts surveyed more than 400 martech end users and technology vendors, and collaborated with high-tier industry publications & reports for secondary research. Consequently, they offer comprehensive insight into CDPs available from a variety of vendors, and factors to consider when evaluating implementation.

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Gartner: Becoming Masters of Data and Analytics: 2019 Data and Analytics Predictions

To stay competitive in an increasingly digital world, businesses must become masters of data. By 2020, more than seven billion people & companies, and at least 35 million devices, will be wired to the web. Success now depends on not only keeping up with fast paced digital innovation, but also harnessing the continual data explosion it creates; and this will mean a sizeable shift in the way companies handle their insights.

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Gartner: Before You Buy: A Guide For Choosing a Customer Data Platform

In this newsletter, Tealium features the Gartner report, Market Guide for Customer Data Platforms for Marketing. We aim to identify obstacles caused by fragmented customer data silos & establish how CDPs can help data & analytical professionals at enterprise companies improve their first party data management. The recommendations come as the result of a yearlong study, in which Gartner analysts surveyed more than 400 martech end users and technology vendors, and collaborated with high-tier industry publications & reports for secondary research. Consequently, they offer comprehensive insight into CDPs available from a variety of vendors, and factors to consider when evaluating implementation.

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Forrester: Customer Data Maturity Powers the Modern Enterprise

With the growing importance of customer insights in organizations, the role of analytics to extract insight from customer data and embed it back into organizational processes is at the forefront of business transformation. This increased profile has elevated the customer insights role from data geeks feeding the marketing funnel to critical change agents and strategic business partners. It has also made it crucial for companies to have a coherent and consistently executed customer data strategy. In order to seize the opportunity presented by this shift in data’s role, companies must plot a deliberate strategic course — beginning with a clear-eyed assessment of their current capabilities and needs.

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Forrester: Customer Data Maturity Powers the Modern Enterprise

With the growing importance of customer insights in organizations, the role of analytics to extract insight from customer data and embed it back into organizational processes is at the forefront of business transformation. This increased profile has elevated the customer insights role from data geeks feeding the marketing funnel to critical change agents and strategic business partners. It has also made it crucial for companies to have a coherent and consistently executed customer data strategy. In order to seize the opportunity presented by this shift in data’s role, companies must plot a deliberate strategic course — beginning with a clear-eyed assessment of their current capabilities and needs.

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Gartner: Becoming Masters of Data and Analytics: 2019 Data and Analytics Predictions

To stay competitive in an increasingly digital world, businesses must become masters of data. By 2020, more than seven billion people & companies, and at least 35 million devices, will be wired to the web. Success now depends on not only keeping up with fast paced digital innovation, but also harnessing the continual data explosion it creates; and this will mean a sizeable shift in the way companies handle their insights.

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Gartner: Before You Buy: A Guide For Choosing a Customer Data Platform

In this newsletter, Tealium features the Gartner report, Market Guide for Customer Data Platforms for Marketing. We aim to identify obstacles caused by fragmented customer data silos & establish how CDPs can help data & analytical professionals at enterprise companies improve their first party data management. The recommendations come as the result of a yearlong study, in which Gartner analysts surveyed more than 400 martech end users and technology vendors, and collaborated with high-tier industry publications & reports for secondary research. Consequently, they offer comprehensive insight into CDPs available from a variety of vendors, and factors to consider when evaluating implementation.

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Navigating the Open Source Risk Landscape

Open source use isn’t risky, but unmanaged use of open source is.

Open source software forms the backbone of nearly every application in every industry. Chances are that includes the applications your company develops as well. If you can’t produce an accurate inventory of the licenses, versions, and patch status of the open source components in your applications, it’s time to assess your open source management policies.

This paper provides insights and recommendations to help organizations and their development and IT teams better manage the open source risk landscape. It covers:

  • Open source license risk and the need to identify and catalog open source licenses.
  • Security risk that comes with open source use and inadequate vulnerability management.
  • Operational open source risk, version control, and the dangers of using inactive components.

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2019 Open Source Security And Risk Analysis

Can you say with confidence that the open source components used in your applications are up-to-date with all crucial patches applied? It’s impossible to patch software when you don’t know you’re using it.

The 2019 OSSRA report offers an in-depth look at the state of open source security, compliance, and code quality risk in commercial software. Based on the anonymized data of over 1,200 audited codebases, this report provides:

  • The latest insights and surprising statistics about open source security and license risk.
  • The components most likely to have identified vulnerabilities.
  • Six key recommendations to improve your application risk management processes.

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Closing The Gap In SaaS Security

Companies lack the ability to monitor and manage the interactions going on across SaaS applications. Join experts from Okta and BetterCloud for a deep dive on the #1 item on the roadmap for today’s IT and security teams. This webinar covers:

  • Beyond IDaaS: the key differences between user connections and user interactions.
  • Understanding insider threats: how susceptible are you?
  • Forming a systematic approach to managing and securing user interactions across a sprawling SaaS landscape.

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State of Insider Threats in the Digital Workplace

While cybercriminals, hacktivists, and ransomware often make a big splash in the news headlines, the reality is that the biggest security threat is often right in front of you.

Insiders—people already in your organization—pose a pervasive security risk, whether their behavior is malicious or accidental.

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The Ultimate Offboarding Checklist for Modern IT Professionals

What should a complete offboarding workflow look like?

Offboarding in the age of SaaS is more than just revoking access. There are many more steps than people often realize—steps that are critical for data security, compliance efforts, and business continuity.

Of course, every company’s offboarding process will differ slightly, from the timing of certain steps to what your source of truth is. We’ve offboarded one million employees across 3,000 companies, and we’ve seen all kinds of variations. But generally speaking, these best practices will make sure that every user is fully offboarded, every time, without fail.

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