Do You Need Another CMS?

You don’t need another CMS. You need a smarter way to manage content.

Content infrastructure provides both the central hub for creating, editing and managing your content, and the tools to ship it to every digital platform. Learn how to get started for free in 5 easy steps.

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Do You Need Another CMS?

You don’t need another CMS. You need a smarter way to manage content.

Content infrastructure provides both the central hub for creating, editing and managing your content, and the tools to ship it to every digital platform. Learn how to get started for free in 5 easy steps.

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Remote Support Buyer’s Guide

More and more organizations are looking to implement an intuitive remote support solution that gives support professionals on-demand productivity and provides quick resolutions to the ever-evolving set of pains that bedevil support teams today. But choosing the best remote support solution can be a challenge, especially as user expectations grow and systems become more complex and offer more options and features.

This buyer’s guide can help you select the remote support tool that will work best for your organization. With more than 15 years of experience, LogMeIn delivers a market-leading portfolio of solutions to fit any of your remote support requirements.

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3 Ways Your Call Center Choice Can Make or Break Your CRM Investment

You’ve already got the best-in-class CRM software solution for your business, so you understand how important it is to manage customer relationships effectively. But if you’re also considering contact center software, your next choice could make the difference between a dynamic duo that delivers on the promise of powerful synergy, and a combination that costs more and does less than you thought.

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Executive guide to selecting a cloud-native development platform

When any organization starts planning for cloud-native applications, it is important to consider the entire time span: from selecting a development platform until an application is truly production-grade and ready for delivery in the cloud. It can be a long journey, with many decisions along the way that can help or hinder progress.

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Executive guide to selecting a cloud-native development platform

When any organization starts planning for cloud-native applications, it is important to consider the entire time span: from selecting a development platform until an application is truly production-grade and ready for delivery in the cloud. It can be a long journey, with many decisions along the way that can help or hinder progress.

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The Cloud-­First Data Protection Playbook

A growing number of businesses are adopting a cloud-first strategy, and data protection is often one of the first IT functions to migrate to cloud. However, simply relocating legacy backup solutions can lead to unexpected costs, incomplete data, and compromised performance. It can also make complying with regional data privacy rules more difficult.

Businesses migrating to the cloud need solutions that protect and manage data across endpoint, data center, and cloud workloads.

Download this strategic playbook and learn:

  • Why you should move data protection to the cloud
  • Reasons why businesses are going cloud-­first
  • Benefits of cloud­-native backup and recovery
  • 6 steps for a smooth transition to cloud backup and recovery

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What You Need to Know About SD-WAN

Up until recently, networks supporting corporate functions were clearly separated from the internet.

As more and more applications move to the cloud, traffic can take an indirect route, resulting in poor performance. Fortunately, networking technology has evolved to tackle these challenges. Enterprise IT leaders can use the simple best practices shared in this guide to reap the benefits of software-defined networking and make the unpredictable internet look and feel like your own network.

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The Cloud-­First Data Protection Playbook

A growing number of businesses are adopting a cloud-first strategy, and data protection is often one of the first IT functions to migrate to cloud. However, simply relocating legacy backup solutions can lead to unexpected costs, incomplete data, and compromised performance. It can also make complying with regional data privacy rules more difficult.

Businesses migrating to the cloud need solutions that protect and manage data across endpoint, data center, and cloud workloads.

Download this strategic playbook and learn:

  • Why you should move data protection to the cloud
  • Reasons why businesses are going cloud-­first
  • Benefits of cloud­-native backup and recovery
  • 6 steps for a smooth transition to cloud backup and recovery

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Druva turns up the heat in the DRaaS market with new enterprise features

Protecting and managing data is becoming more complex and costly, especially with ransomware, GDPR, backup/recovery and data locality requirements. That’s why your organization should start thinking about deploying a cloud backup and disaster recovery solution to overcome these challenges.

Read the 451 Research Report and you’ll discover why the DRaaS market is “white­hot,” key DRaaS trends, and how Druva fits into the equation:

  • Exponential acceleration of data moving to the cloud
  • Data protection giving way to data management
  • Merging of backup, DR, and business continuity functions
  • Need for analytics and machine learning techniques to determine the relative value of data

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Quick guide to power distribution

Power distribution is facilitated through different pieces of equipment that take the power conditioned by your uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and send it to your IT equipment. Power distribution units like rack PDUs can manage and even control energy consumption in smaller environments as well as large data center applications. Distributing power efficiently results in reduced operating costs and increased reliability. This guide should help you get familiar with power distribution, gain interesting insights and learn key considerations for future IT investments.

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Disaster preparedness and avoidance handbook

Today’s information-driven organizations depend on the 24/7 availability of their IT infrastructures. Not only are downtime costs enormous, but data integrity is threatened by an ever-growing array of hazards, including power outages, natural disasters, equipment failure, and user error. Additionally, as data centers become more software-defined, they are increasingly vulnerable to software problems and cybersecurity-related catastrophes.

While virtualization of the data center has proven to be revolutionary for IT professionals—providing increased reliability, flexibility, and control, among other benefits—in order to fully realize these advantages, DR processes must also be optimized. This can create some unique challenges as IT professionals must focus their virtualization disaster recovery strategy around backing up and recovering virtual machines (VMs) as opposed to physical servers.

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Disaster recovery checklist

Use Eaton’s disaster recovery checklist to ensure your company is prepared for an emergency or disaster. Included are specifics on department head onboarding, IT inventory assessment, network structures, diagrams, back up data procedures and more. Whether you want to assess the state of your current disaster recovery plan or start a grassroots recovery proposal, refer to this checklist to determine what’s needed to prepare for and respond to threats.

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SeamlessGov Buyer’s Guide

A digital office frees up your government to focus on more complex problems, offers a better experience for constituents, and creates new possibilities for engagement.

The good news: In the past decade, SaaS companies have made the process of “going digital” affordable and easy, saving you more time and money as you streamline internal operations and engagement with constituents.

So, where do you start?

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SeamlessGov Buyer’s Guide

A digital office frees up your government to focus on more complex problems, offers a better experience for constituents, and creates new possibilities for engagement.

The good news: In the past decade, SaaS companies have made the process of “going digital” affordable and easy, saving you more time and money as you streamline internal operations and engagement with constituents.

So, where do you start?

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