4 Ways to Empower your IT Service Management

Find out how IT Service Management (ITSM) can bring order and relief to an overwhelmed IT department, giving the team more time to focus on big-picture initiatives and help drive the whole business faster.

In this eBook, Salesforce shares 4 elements of ITSM that are critical to IT empowerment, including:

  • Self-service options
  • Low–friction communication
  • Reporting and dashboards
  • A future-ready platform
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Cloud Phone Systems for Dummies


  • What cloud phone systems are and how they can benefit your company
  • About the many advantages a cloud phone system offers
  • Features that can help both the small business and a call center
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2016 State of Application Security

Arxan, an IBM application security partner, has released its 5th Annual State of Application Security report.

Download the report to learn the latest statistics and insights on the extent to which apps are being hacked.
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Next Stage of DevOps: Integrating Security from the Start

Despite all the hype and promise, one important group of participants has often been left on the DevOps sideline: IT security experts. Now, more and more organizations have realized that the IT security team should occupy a prominent seat at the DevOps table. This CSO white paper from Hewlett Packard Enterprise looks at the current state of security DevOps and how to overcome barriers to Secure DevOps Benefits.
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Strategies for securing your digital enterprise security playbook

Learn how innovative enterprise security solutions can help you pre-empt threats before they reach your front door, changing your stance from reactive to proactive.

Cybercrime attackers grow more sophisticated by the day. Due to the complexities of the digital era, yesterday’s security solutions are no longer adequate. What does it take to protect your business in this challenging new landscape?

This playbook shows you the steps to take to build a security framework that helps you detect and respond to cyber threats while safeguarding continuity and compliance and effectively mitigating risk.
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Mobile Application Security Report 2016

HPE’s first mobile application security study was published in the fall of 2013. At that time we analyzed 2,000 applications and found that 97% of them accessed at least one private information source. Now, over two years later, and after testing over 36,000 applications, the situation has not improved; 96.52% of applications were flagged in at least one of the 10 core privacy checks.
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Secure Stateless Tokenization: Data Protection and PCI Scope Reduction for Today’s Businesses

Cyber criminals have proved adept at thwarting existing IT defenses and exploiting weak links in the payments ecosystem. Merchants, service providers, and enterprises thus face severe and ongoing challenges securing card data from capture through the transaction lifecycle. Organizations are also under pressure to achieve scope and cost reduction goals in meeting compliance mandates such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Tokenization – replacing card numbers with tokens – is one method of data protection and audit scope reduction recommended by the PCI DSS Security Standards Council. Reducing audit scope using tokenization can both accelerate initial compliance efforts and reduce costs for future audits.
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Data-Centric Protection: Enabling Business Agility While Protecting Data Assets

Corporate, government and other enterprises are under relentless attack by cyber criminals determined to steal business-critical data and confidential customer and third-party information. Whether for the purpose of identity theft, corporate espionage or other malicious ends, hordes of hackers running the gamut from organized crime groups to sovereign government organizations are working around the clock, around the globe to penetrate data stores in virtually every industry sector.

Year after year, organizations have struggled to thwart these criminals and the existential risks they pose to business enterprises. Yet, vulnerabilities continue to abound and the associated attacks are more pervasive, more sophisticated and more damaging than ever. And, that damage can affect an organization’s reputation, bottom line, and impact business success for years.
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SANS Threat Hunting: Open Season on the Adversary

Learn how threat hunting can help your enterprise security team aggressively track and eliminate cyber adversaries from your network as early as possible.
To build a mature threat-hunting program your organization needs to adopt the following goals:
- To provide early and accurate detection.
- To control and reduce impact and damage with faster response.
- To improve defenses to make successful attacks increasingly difficult.
- To gain better visibility into the organization’s weaknesses.

This report provides you with real-life results, advice and best practices for threat hunting processes.
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2016 State of Security Operations

Hacker attacks are increasing, and the cost to businesses is growing. Experts tell us it's not if you'll be breached, it's when. So the effectiveness of your security operations determines how much damage you'll suffer. Since 2008, Hewett Packard Enterprise Security has performed 154 assessments of the maturity of security operations in 114 security operations centers (SOCs).

The 2016 report is both disturbing and encouraging. There has been a year-to-year decline in overall security operation maturity. But there is also encouraging news—many SOCs are adopting innovative techniques that leverage the power of data and analytics to stay ahead of the threat. Read the report to learn the findings and understand the trends in security operations.

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Cyber Security Best Practices

Discover how enterprise security best practices can help you avoid suffering financial losses, damage to your brand, and damage to customer relationships caused by undetected or detected too late cyber attacks.

On average, advanced attacks now persist in the network seven months before they are detected. The time to resolve those attacks once detected has increased by 221 percent to 45 days.

This paper shows you how you can tap into the best threat intelligence solutions and what new ideas you can use in your organization to find the needle in the haystack that indicates hackers are at work.

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Behind the Mask: The Changing Face of Hacking

Headlines featuring large-scale cyber breaches at Target, Home Depot, Sony Pictures, and others have taught us one thing—no one is safe. But who are the hackers who are able to pull off such huge attacks against sophisticated targets, including the U.S. Government? And how do they do it?

This new report will help you learn more about hackers and how they work, which can help you better plan and deploy your own defenses. Read it to understand:

  • The attack methods hackers use
  • Why simple approaches like phishing still work
  • How HPE Security Research provides actionable security intelligence that can help make your organization safer
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