Whitepaper – A global banks 3 step strategy for unlocking legacy systems

IT teams across industries face growing pressure to deliver projects faster while reducing costs. All too often, dated legacy systems hinder IT’s ability to accomplish either of these objectives. Legacy systems can also slow the speed at which IT can deliver new projects to support the business. For these reasons, legacy modernization has emerged as a key strategic imperative. But where should organizations start? One large global bank provides a detailed blueprint for how large enterprises can do so.

Read this legacy modernization blueprint to learn:

  • The bank’s legacy modernization strategy, and how they used Anypoint Platform.
  • Best practices for modernizing legacy SOA web services.
  • How to think about re-architecting monolithic applications into microservices.
  • The role that APIs play in driving an effective legacy modernization strategy.

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Whitepaper: Accelerating Automation: How Businesses are Adapting to a Post COVID-19 World

Business process automation is challenging at the baseline – and COVID-19 has made it feel nearly impossible. However, it is more important now than ever.

Organizations overwhelmingly agree that business process automation must be embraced to address new, immediate business realities as well as to ensure long-term survival. This is not an easy road. Those who are most effective at overcoming barriers and rallying their teams to embrace change will be well- poised to win in the future.

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State of the Customer Data Platform

In the 2020 Tealium State of the CDP Report, we asked over 300 U.S. decision makers in marketing and data/analytics how they are leveraging CDPs today, the challenges they face with current vendors and their future plans for CDP technology. The results reveal that many organizations are still searching for the right solution: 58% of respondents with CDPs said they are planning to switch to a different provider within the next 12 months.

Something needs to change for customer data to reach its full potential. Businesses need greater clarity into what CDPs do, how to select the right CDP and how to optimize the technology — or they risk missing out on enormous CDP benefits.

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Get ahead of your next security breach – 5 Steps to mitigate the risks of privileged accounts

Privileged accounts are a necessity in any enterprise IT environment, since they enable administrators to manage the environment. But as news reports constantly remind us, granting privileged access increases the risk of a security breach, no matter what industry your organization represents. However, your organization does not have to become the next statistic.

By taking the five concrete steps outlined in this paper, you can help protect your organization from the risks inherent in privileged accounts.

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Is Biometrics the future of security?

One of the first things that every IT security professional need to know is that there are no “silver bullets” in this field. Defense in depth is one of the oldest IT security concepts. Its main point is that “layered security mechanisms increase security of the system as a whole. If an attack causes one security mechanism to fail, other mechanisms may still provide the necessary security to protect the system. Behavioral biometrics methods, such as keystroke dynamics or mouse movement analysis are ideal additional layers of defense. Besides the usual preventive security systems, such as firewalls or security doors, enterprises can introduce these solutions easily, without subjecting their employees to obtrusive analyses. More importantly, these provide results in real- time, able to monitor the activities of users continuously and accurately enough to avoid false alerts.

One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Analytics integrates data from our session management solution, with a variety of logs and contextual data points. Our thirteen algorithms scrutinize seventeen behavioral characteristics generating user behavior profiles for each individual privileged user that are continually adjusted using machine learning.

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What do your Peers have to Say about One Identity Safeguard

Privileged Access Management (PAM) is an established security countermeasure, but the current threat environment and compliance burdens render manual approaches to PAM inadequate. A PAM solution is now essential. A range of choices is available, with the next generation offering the best functionality with the least friction.

This paper examines the factors that go into selecting a PAM solution, based on experiences described by One Identity Safeguard users on IT Central Station. They recommend assessing a potential PAM solution for its ease of deployment and use, its transparency, scalability, and ability to work with existing IT and business operations.

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2020 KuppingerCole Leadership Compass for PAM

Privileged Access Management (PAM) is one of the most important areas of risk management and security in any organization. Privileged accounts have traditionally been given to administrators to access critical data and applications. But, changing business practices, hybrid IT, cloud and other aspects of digital transformation has meant that users of privileged accounts have become more numerous and widespread. To reduce the risk of privileged accounts being hijacked or fraudulently used, and to uphold stringent regulatory compliance within an organization, a strong PAM solution is essential.

This report is an overview of the market for Privilege Access Management (PAM) solutions and provides a compass to help buyers find the solution that best meets their needs. KuppingerCole examines the market segment, vendor functionality, relative market share, and innovative approaches to providing PAM solutions.

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How to create, distribute and manage video content to drive ecommerce

Today, video is the most compelling content on the web, and is undeniably one of the most powerful tools available to retailers in the internet age. Yet how to create, edit, manage and distribute video across devices – and across a whole retail business – at the scale needed to satisfy the massive and growing hunger for video content is a real challenge.

This whitepaper will not only outline the familiar ideas of the power of video and why it is important, but will also focus on how to create, manage and distribute this content at scale and across channels and platforms for reuse – efficiently and cost effectively, with real ROI goals.

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Zero Trust Whitepaper

Modern cyberattacks are not limited to just network intrusion from the outside. Internal threat actors can often be found at the center of sophisticated attacks.

The Zero Trust model, based on the simple principle of “trust nobody”, defines rules which enhance the security of networks against attacks, whether they are initiated from the outside or within. However, with the rise of encryption of internet traffic, it is becoming increasingly difficult to implement the Zero Trust model in an effective way.

In this white paper, readers will learn about modern cyber threats, what the Zero Trust model is and how it can be used to protect users and data against such attacks, the role of visibility in the implementation of Zero Trust and how TLS decryption is essential for the implementation of a fool proof Zero Trust strategy.

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Osterman Research: Why You Must Archive Business Content And What You Can Do With It

The right solution for archiving electronic content provides the foundation supporting the conventional, defensive applications for data retention such as compliance and e-discovery; but also the proactive applications that enable competitive and other advantages.

Sponsored by Mimecast, this paper from Osterman Research details how archiving trends and use cases are changing and key recommendations on building a next-generation solution.

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Building a Modern Information Governance Strategy

Information management is getting harder.

Organizations face increasing data volumes, more stringent legal and regulatory record-keeping requirements, stricter privacy rules, increasing threat of breaches and decreasing employee productivity.

Companies are also finding that their old-fashioned, legacy archive strategies are increasingly ineffective. This is driving many organizations to rethink their approach, developing more modern Information Governance strategies.

Download this whitepaper to explore how to build a modern information governance strategy.

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Eliminate Friction in Design Collaboration

Traditional tools of the engineering trade don’t accommodate today’s need for cross-team collaboration. From using different mechanical computer-aided design (MCAD) applications to working on projects with stakeholders located all over the world, engineers have to overcome various obstacles to get the job done. Learn how technology can help streamline communications and collaboration, ultimately setting up your team for success.

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The How-To Guide for Changing CAD Tools

When competing in today’s global economy, investments in the design process can help companies quickly develop high-quality, innovative products more economically—helping them stand out from the competition. This white paper explores what is driving companies to change CAD tools and what successful companies are looking for when purchasing a new CAD tool.

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Your Phone System in the Cloud

Jive Voice—our cloud-based phone system—gives you a professional boost. Enjoy our suite of Hosted VoIP features, including unlimited voicemail boxes, auto attendants, and local and long-distance calling. Focus on your priorities, not your tech.
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