Data protection for big data environments

The rapidly increasing volume, variety and velocity of data are driving the immediate need for data protection. With 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created every day, organizations cannot wait to establish business-driven protection policies for keeping data safe. The rising volume of data and the growing number of analytics systems storing sensitive data exponentially increases the risk of breaches. IBM® InfoSphere® has evolved information integration and governance to help organizations create and enforce real-time data security and privacy policies to keep data safe.

As organizations plan big data projects, business and IT leaders must recognize that data security cannot simply be added later - it must be built into big data implementations from the start. This ebook walks through the requirements of big data security.

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Information Governance Best Practices: Adopt a Use Case Approach

When should you implement integration governance? According to this Gartner research note, you should start now if you are an IT professional considering an initiative like master data management (MDM), e-discovery, information archiving or cloud migration. The need for governance is prompted by a combination of massive data growth, litigation, new data types, scrutiny from a regulatory perspective and new information privacy risks.
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Integrating and governing big data

While the term “big data” has only recently come into vogue, IBM has designed solutions capable of handling very large quantities of data for decades, leading the way with data integration, management, security and analytics solutions known for their reliability, flexibility and scalability. The end-to-end information integration capabilities of IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server are designed to help organizations understand, cleanse, monitor, transform and deliver data—as well as collaborate to bridge the gap between business and IT.
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6 Reasons to Upgrade Your Database

In an era of big data, you must accommodate a rapidly increasing volume, variety and velocity of data while extracting actionable business insight from that data, faster than ever before. These needs create a daunting array of workload challenges and place tremendous demands on your underlying IT infrastructure and database systems. In many cases, these systems are no longer up to the task—so it’s time to make a decision: use more staff to keep up with the fixes, patches, add-ons and continual tuning required to make your existing systems meet performance goals, or move to a new database solution so you can assign your staff to new, innovative projects that move your business forward. Read the ebook to find out if the time to change your database is now. Register now.
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Understanding big data so you can act with confidence

A solid information integration and governance program should include automated discovery, profiling and understanding of diverse data sets. IBM InfoSphere is designed to do all of these things by evolving information integration and governance to meet the challenges presented by big data.
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IDC: Real-time Compression Advances Storage Optimization

It should come as no surprise that storage budgets are constantly under pressure from opposing forces: On one hand, economic forces are pushing budgets to either stay flat or, in many cases, shrink as a percentage of a company's revenue. On the other hand, the infrastructure struggles to keep up with the pace of data growth, pressured by many variables, both social and economic. Businesses have no choice but to acclimate their storage infrastructure to the unprecedented levels at which data is growing.
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Flash Storage eBook: How to improve data center economics

In business timing is everything, especially for business-critical applications. Delays in delivering critical data and processing can significantly increase business and financial risks. IBM’s new eBook FlashAhead discusses these challenges and offers up the all-flash storage system as a solution.
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Intelligent Compliance – Establishing Trust in the Datacenter

With the average cost of a data breach reaching $3.5 million, the pressure is intense to maintain the security and compliance of your data center. It only takes one breach and the cost to your organization can spiral out of control.

In this whitepaper, you will discover how your organization may be at risk and how you can protect your data center from costly and highly visible breaches. Through the Intelligent Compliance process, you will learn how you can:

• Automate the discovery process for your infrastructure

• Continuously assess risk and compliance

• Proactively prevent problems from recurring

• Cost-effectively automate remediation, including exceptions

Read the whitepaper today to take the stress out of security and compliance – and put the trust back into your data center.

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What is this “File Sync” Thing and Why Should I Care About It?

Not so long ago, the office was the only place you could work. But when smartphones and tablets came along, the only thing holding us back from getting work done anywhere, any time was having access to our data. That led to the creation of a whole new class of solutions designed to keep files current across our rapidly proliferating fleets of devices — through a technology known as ‘sync.’ All of a sudden, getting a file from your work laptop to your iPad became as simple as clicking “Save.” So it’s no surprise that 55% of information workers in North America and Europe who use a tablet at work are using file sync and share tools.
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The Truth About Cloud Security

“Security” is the number one issue holding business leaders back from the cloud. But does the reality match the perception? Keeping data close to home, on premises, makes business and IT leaders feel inherently more secure.1 But the truth is, cloud solutions can offer companies real, tangible security advantages. Before you assume that on-site is the only way to keep data safe, it’s worth taking a comprehensive approach to evaluating risks. Doing so can lead to big benefits.
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The Keys to Securing Data in a Collaborative Workplace

Losing data is costly. According to the Ponemon Institute, the average data breach costs US organizations an estimated $200 per record, or $5.4 million total per breach. And apparently these breaches are equally likely to be from criminal attack as from employee or contractor negligence. It makes sense then that surveys point to data loss via unsecured file sync and share solutions as one of IT’s biggest concerns. IT professionals have spent years learning how to protect their organizations from hackers, but how do you ward off both external and internal threats when employees are seeking ways to collaborate more and more?
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5 Ways Dropbox for Business Keeps Your Data Protected

Protecting your data isn’t a feature on a checklist, something to be tacked on as an afterthought. Security is at the heart of Dropbox for Business, informing not only how we approach new features and enhancements, but also how we’ve designed the product itself. Download here to find out how we’ve built Dropbox for Business to keep data safe for all our users.
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