Is Your Company Ready for The Future of Work?
The unexpected arrival of the pandemic in 2020 forced every organization to assemble a patchwork of unplanned workforce responses as many moved to remote-work solutions. Now, every firm faces difficult decisions around what the future of the office — and the future of work — will be. It is now time for organizations to decide where employees can or will work from in the future.
In this environment, leaders must make a series of choices for how to best support their workforce with infrastructure that promotes employee safety, connects a distributed workforce, and fuels distanced collaboration. Document management (DM) strategies are a key enabler the future of work, but organizations must act to ensure these strategies support their employees’ current and future needs.
Forrester predicts that around 60% of organizations will adopt a hybrid future work model, which is defined as at least 10% of employees working in anywhere-work mode at least two days a week. This is similar to how our survey respondents plan to orient their document management strategies.