Sponsor: NetHawk

Hybrid Cloud Strategy for Dummies

Jumping onto the cloud is easy. Getting it right is somewhat trickier. Getting it right for the long term is a big challenge. A good cloud strategy helps you and your organization work things out, makes sure all the bits and pieces fit together well, and improves the odds of realizing your business goals.

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Enterprise Automation With a DevOps Methodology

Practical steps and best practices for automation implementation

Applying modern automation to your enterprise application environment helps your business better serve your customers—so you can be successful in the digital economy. This high-level enterprise automation checklist can help you transition to a more automated, efficient environment.

  • Start small
  • Spread awareness
  • Automate your tools
  • Fail early, fail fast
  • Adopt agile methodologies
  • Refine your DevOps toolchain

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Transformation Takes Practice

Deliver with increased speed and innovation using open ways of working

It is a question asked time and again by business leaders: Why are so many digital transformation efforts failing?

In this e-book, we’ll explore how open transformation— the process of probing, sensing, and responding in a collaborative, continuous cycle of discovery and delivery— leads to more meaningful outcomes in software development, product innovation, and more.

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Container Adoption Journey

Facing a competitive landscape

As organizations shift to cloud-native development, they’re realizing the need to change their approach to software development.

They need a solution that combines microservices architectures, workflow and pipeline automation, open hybrid cloud platforms, and a team organization that focuses on better supporting customer needs and providing self-service capabilities.

Container platforms are a fast-growing category of enterprise software, offering powerful technology to accelerate the development and delivery of applications. While containers help developers package applications for consistent deployment, they also provide a framework and common language that links development and operations teams.

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Adopt Cloud-Native Development

Adapt to a digital, cloud-native world

Cloud-native application development can help you compete in a digital world. By adapting your technology, processes, and organization, you can rapidly innovate and deliver high-value offerings to your customers. Cloud-native development also aligns cloud technology with business needs and development processes to improve software production and delivery life cycles for both new and existing applications.

Open platforms, tools, and ways of working can help you derive even more value, speed, and agility from your applications and cloud platforms. Open source communities advance technology at a rapid pace and promote interoperability, allowing you to deploy modern tools and platforms that evolve with you over time. Open ways of working encourage inclusivity, collaboration, and transparency, allowing every staff member to contribute and bring new ideas forward.

You can also deliver more value to customers and gain many benefits for your organization.

IT-focused outcomes include:

  • Faster application updates
  • Rapid application deployment
  • Quicker fault recovery
  • Improved accuracy

Business-focused outcomes include:

  • Faster time to market for new features and services
  • Improved product and service quality
  • Lower operational and capital costs
  • Increased relevance and competitiveness

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