Managing and Securing Mobile Devices for Dummies
Look around you. Everybody relies on their smart devices to do work. The coming of age of mobile devices see them swiftly replace conventional work methods. On the other hand, their very mobile nature and high user dependence makes them a juicy prey to thieves and hackers. The vulnerability of these devices and their stored data heightens their stakes for organizations, who demand a sensible and robust device management practice from the IT.
To help you keep up with advancing mobile technology, while protecting corporate data and assets, ManageEngine gives you a definitive direction in the latest ebook on Managing and Securing Mobile Devices. You will get a contemporary and holistic understanding of mobile device management and security. With Managing and Securing Mobile Devices For Dummies, you will learn about:
- Managing a diverse mobile environment
- Addressing present-day mobile security challenges
- Integrating BYOD and corporate-owned devices
- Best management and security practices