Meet Business Demands and Drive I.T. Innovation

Red Hat can help you gain control of your IT infrastructure at a lower cost. Red Hat®Enterprise Linux® and Red Hat Virtualization gives you the simplified management, military-grade security, and infrastracture flexibility you need to respond quickly to business demands now and innovate in the future. Plus, you’ll be ready for the move to the cloud when the right time comes.
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Casio Strengthens Its Core IT Infrastructure with Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization

Casio set out to create and transform its business through the use of innovative IT. In doing so, the company wanted to deliver IT solutions that created business processes and contributed to effective business management. Red Hat® Enterprise Virtualization has not only cut costs for Casio, but has also helped the company effectively handle business management challenges and prepare for a future cloud environment.
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Preparing for Private Cloud and Hybrid IT with Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure

Red Hat has developed a flexible, integrated solution that meets these requirements and helps organizations adopt a cloud infrastructure for both traditional and cloud-enabled workloads. Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure (RHCI) provides a datacenter virtualization platform for traditional applications and OpenStack for next-generation cloud applications, as well as a cloud management platform (CMP) to unify the management across both workload types, running on-premise or in public clouds. It is clear that enterprises will require a full solution to realize the many benefits of cloud while maintaining control and governance. RHCI is a prime example of a cloud solution that can help enterprises make the migration.
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Agile for Dummies

Confused by all the agile advice? Relax! With Agile For Dummies by your side you’ll learn the fundamentals of agile and how to increase the productivity of your software teams while enabling them to produce higher-quality solutions that better fulfill customer needs much faster.
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Product Development in the Cloud: No Cause for Concern

Companies today are faced with the challenge of a complex and hypercompetitive global market. Aggressive competition from emerging economies coupled with increasing costs in creating continued innovation make product differentiation a challenge. For these companies to thrive globally, they need to look at how they can speed up their internal decision making, and also their integration with partners up and down the value chain so as to enable fast responses to marketplace demands and the development and delivery of innovative products.
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Ten Strategies for Becoming an Effective CAD Leader

Successful engineering organizations have two important things in common: they know how to utilize computer-aided design (CAD) technology in ways that consistently advance productivity and instill innovation in product development, and they are led by capable managers who know how to best leverage available CAD tools. You, too, can become an effective CAD leader by taking a strategic approach to the implementation and use of CAD software and related applications.

These 10 strategies can show you how.

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IDC MaturityScape: Software License Optimization

Software vendors are increasing the number and scope of their software license audit activities. IDC recommends that customers deploy software license optimization to self-audit in advance of an audit and identify and fix the underlying issues that can cause noncompliance.
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Software Budgets, Waste & Shifts in Software Licensing

Enterprise software counts among an organization’s most strategic assets. Therefore it is not surprising that software comprises one of the largest line-items in most organizations’ IT budgets. As enterprises rebound from the “great recession,” they continue to look for ways to be agile, lean and efficient. In furtherance of those goals, software budgets are being examined closely, with an eye towards ferreting out waste, and ensuring acceptable ROI. As confirmed in this Report, organizations are evolving in their quest to derive more value from their software spend. And as application producers accommodate this trend, they are realizing greater value as well.
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Rapprocher innovation et valeur métier

Pour la première fois depuis longtemps, PDG, DSI et équipes IT s’accordent sur un point. Après avoir constaté les changements survenus sur le marché, ils ont pris conscience que pour rester compétitifs, ils devaient trouver un moyen de proposer plus rapidement de nouvelles applications et fonctionnalités et de nouveaux services, d’une qualité inédite, sans encourir de risques ou de dépenses supplémentaires.
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Guide pratique de prise en main de DevOps

Dans l’économie des applications, les logiciels sont l’affaire de chaque entreprise. Dès lors, une approche DevOps devient rapidement l’une des disciplines les plus précieuses pour votre activité. Axée sur l’amélioration de la qualité des nouvelles applications et l’accélération de leur mise sur le marché, une méthodologie DevOps implique une intégration étroite entre développement et production.
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Ein praxisorientierter Leitfaden für die Einführung von DevOps

In der Application Economy ist jedes Unternehmen ein Softwareunternehmen. Daher wird DevOps auch schnell zu einer der wichtigsten Disziplinen in Ihrem Unternehmen werden. Der Fokus von DevOps liegt auf der Verbesserung der Qualität und beschleunigten Bereitstellung von Anwendungen auf dem Markt. Und dazu ist eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Development und Operations erforderlich.
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Building a Shortcut Between Innovation and Business Value

For the first time in a long time, CEOs, CIOs and IT groups are on the same page. They’ve seen the changes in the marketplace, and they know that if they want to compete, they must find a way to deliver new applications, services and capabilities faster and at a higher quality than ever before – and do so without taking on new costs or risks.

It’s clear why the current environment is the way it is: Thanks to the innovative consumer devices and services they interact with on a daily basis, today’s users have become conditioned to expect a compelling, flawless experience from every technology they encounter – whether in or out of the office. And if the experience isn’t meeting their expectations, they have no qualms with moving on to another one that does.

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Everyone SHIFT LEFT to High-Velocity Application Delivery

When it comes to delivering applications, what if you could SHIFT your timeline LEFT and turn out apps 25 to 50 percent faster with higher quality and less labor? What if you could SHIFT LEFT and achieve 100 percent return on your investment by the time you deliver your next application? What if you could SHIFT LEFT and make DevOps a reality?
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Perspectivas de DevOps

Como empresa que trabaja día a día con un equipo de profesionales expertos en desarrollo y operaciones de verdaderas aplicaciones de software en todos los ámbitos del mundo real, en CA somos conscientes de que el neologismo DevOps bien merece una aclaración, un análisis y un examen.

En el marco del programa que hemos dado en bautizar como Perspectivas de DevOps de CA, hemos charlado con varias figuras destacadas de esta comunidad para abordar los principales problemas que afectan actualmente a la metodología DevOps.

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Acortar camino entre la innovación y el valor de negocio

Por primera vez en mucho tiempo, existe sintonía entre los directores ejecutivos y los grupos y directores de TI, pues han podido constatar los cambios que han tenido lugar en el mercado y son conscientes de que, si desean competir, deben dar con una forma de agilizar y de mejorar en términos de calidad la entrega de nuevos servicios, aplicaciones y capacidades como nunca hasta ahora sin incurrir en nuevos costes o riesgos.
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