Software-defined Storage simplifies the management process

Software-defined storage (SDS) is initiating a paradigm shift in the field of computer storage: We are moving away from providing hardware-based storage functions and services towards a software-orientated alternative. As a result, systems management can be automated and centralised, therefore its functions can be shared on all systems throughout the infrastructure, irrespective of the specific device or manufacturer. Below is an overview of the added value that can be achieved with regard to data management by switching to SDS and its invaluable functions and tools.
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Guaranteed data security with Software-defined Storage

The term „software-defined“ is now regularly used to describe storage. You would be hard-pressed to find any major supplier who today does not use this keyword to describe their products. Yet, what exactly does this concept imply, what are the advantages for businesses when they implement it and at what point is it worthwhile considering software-defined storage?
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Une solution SDS simplifie le processus de gestion du stockage

Le terme « software-defined » sert souvent à décrire le stockage. Il est pratiquement impossible de trouver aujourd’hui un grand fournisseur qui ne qualifie pas ainsi ses produits. Toutefois, en quoi consiste exactement le stockage SDS, quels sont les avantages pour l’entreprise qui le met en oeuvre et dans quelle mesure convient-il de s’y intéresser ?
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Speed, Scale, Security: Orchestrating a Great Download Experience

Delivering software is becoming harder every day. Not only do you have to compete in a universe of 15 billion connected devices, but also with a growing number of users downloading everything from new applications to virus updates.

The result is a growing congestion that can undermine your ability to get your application, software patch, or device update to your end users as quickly as possible. And every minute that your users spend trying to download your software is a minute they can’t spend using it.

What it ultimately comes down to is latency.

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Limelight Orchestrate for Media & Broadcast

Every broadcaster and media content owner struggles with how to simplify and reduce costs of media publishing workflow. Instantaneously delivering high quality video worldwide to every screen has led to needlessly complex systems. Too often, multiple third party tools are required to encode, publish, and deliver high performing content, as well as integrate ads, gather analytics, and ensure content security—all of which can impact how quickly you can deliver high quality content to your viewers, who expect a seamless experience on every screen.
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Nintendo’s Limelight Solution

Families and children around the world love Nintendo. They are fans of the state-of-the-art game consoles such as the new Wii U and they enjoy the variety of exciting game classics from Mario Bros. to Princess Zelda. And, thanks to the educational value of the content, Nintendo captures the hearts of audiences both young and old.

So what is Nintendo’s secret sauce? They understand what it means to create meaningful connections with fans by managing their digital content across devices and by leveraging the power of video. Nintendo provides authentic and homogenous high performance gaming and entertainment experiences to fans on their game consoles and on their branded websites.

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Stream On: Case Study

StreamOn is one of Canada’s oldest and most established streaming companies. The company began in 2002 as the result of a need to develop a plug and play, seamless streaming solution for the OK Radio Group’s 10-radio stations. StreamOn currently serves a growing customer base of over 300 radio stations in North, Central and South America, along with the Caribbean, Africa, and the South Pacific.
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Building a Better Game Experience

As the video game market has grown, it has become increasingly competitive. Traditional console and PC games are now competing against smartphone and tablet titles as the mobile segment explodes in popularity. But gamers have limited time playing, on average, only 1-2 hours per day. In order to capture mindshare, and a share of the $100 billion gaming wallet, game developers and studios must expand their titles to become more of an experience. Although they must provide a top quality storyline with easy-to-use controls, they must also extend that game experience into new channels and new platforms if they hope to remain top-of-mind with gamers.
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Sophos Finds a Scalable Global Delivery Partner with Limelight Networks

Sophos analysts monitor and research potential threats from around the globe as they happen. SophosLab facilities in the UK, Australia, Hungary, and Canada collect data and respond to new threats 24/7/365. They draw upon multiple data points—millions of emails, URLS, files—that come into the labs each day to develop new security definitions in real-time. In order to keep pace with downloading security updates, Sophos realized they could no longer serve their growing customer base from their own network.
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The State of Digital Downloads

The way we interact with the world is transforming, thanks to the devices we use every day—tablets, smartphones, computers, and gaming consoles. No longer do we look to analog sources of information and entertainment. We are increasingly beholden to a blossoming digital world through which we acquire information, express ourselves, and interact with each other. The result is a growing relationship with those devices. From sun-up to sundown, they keep us connected to the digital content and applications that have begun to define our lives.
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Speed, Scale, Security: Orchestrating a Great Download Experience

Delivering software is becoming harder every day. Not only do you have to compete in a universe of 15 billion connected devices, but also with a growing number of users downloading everything from new applications to virus updates.

The result is a growing congestion that can undermine your ability to get your application, software patch, or device update to your end users as quickly as possible. And every minute that your users spend trying to download your software is a minute they can’t spend using it.

What it ultimately comes down to is latency.

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Limelight Orchestrate for Media & Broadcast

Every broadcaster and media content owner struggles with how to simplify and reduce costs of media publishing workflow. Instantaneously delivering high quality video worldwide to every screen has led to needlessly complex systems. Too often, multiple third party tools are required to encode, publish, and deliver high performing content, as well as integrate ads, gather analytics, and ensure content security—all of which can impact how quickly you can deliver high quality content to your viewers, who expect a seamless experience on every screen.
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Software Download: The Challenge for Game Developers

Digital distribution is the fastest growing method to sell games, upgrade and fix game software, and push out new enhancements to existing games. For example, Steam, one of the largest game distribution sites in the world, distributes over 3000 games to more than 100 million active users while supporting 5-8 million players simultaneously. The percentage of video gamers choosing digital distribution over DVDs grew from 40% in 2012 to over 50% in 2013, according to the Entertainment Software Association, and this number will keep climbing.
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