The Definitive Guide to Embedded Analytics

The Definitive Guide to Embedded Analytics is designed to answer any and all questions you have about the topic. It will show you what embedded analytics is and how it can help your company. It will show you how to select the right system, and what investments are required for success.
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Thirsting for Insight? Quench It With 5 Data Management for Analytics Best Practices

We all know that good, clean water is core to life. Without it, we can only survive for around three days. So what happens if your water source is polluted? Well, unless you filter the water sufficiently, there will definitely be some negative consequences. To get better results, you could enrich the water with fluoride, filter out the arsenic, and deliver it at the right pressure and temperature.

In a similar way, “unpolluted” data is core to a successful business – particularly one that relies on analytics to survive. But preparing data for analytics brings with it different requirements than storing data in a warehouse. How difficult is it to manage unfiltered data and get it ready for analytics?

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Eight Considerations for Utilising Big Data Analytics with Hadoop

The power of Hadoop is that it utilises schema on read. With a data warehouse, you often have to know what the tables look like before loading data. With Hadoop, you can pull data from any source or type and then figure out how to organize it. Organisations are beginning to use Hadoop as a dumping ground for all kinds of data because it is inexpensive and doesn’t require a schema on write. Such storage is often referred to as a Hadoop “data lake.” On the flip side, the Hadoop/MapReduce engine is not optimised for the iterative processing that analytics often requires. It is best suited to batch processing.
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Datensicherung virtueller Maschinen mit HP StoreEverBandbibliotheken

Viele Unternehmen suchen nach Lösungen zur Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs, der Kühlanforderungen und des Serverstellplatzes. Auch die Speicherkapazität ist heutzutage ein wichtiger Aspekt. Der Wechsel zu einer virtualisierten Umgebung entschärft dieses Thema, da er eine Möglichkeit zur Konsolidierung des Rechenzentrums eröffnet. Eine weitere Strategie, die zu diesem Ziel beiträgt, ist die Speicherung der Daten auf preiswerteren bandbasierten Lösungen anstatt auf teuren Festplatten-basierten Speichermedien.
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Veeam vs. herkömmliche Backup-Tools: Die Top 10 Gründe, sich für Veeam zu entscheiden

Veeam® Backup & Replication™ ist nicht die einzige Möglichkeit zur Sicherung Ihres Modern Data Center™… aber definitiv die beste. Zwar können jetzt auch viele herkömmliche Backup-Tools Imagebasierte Backups virtueller Maschinen (VMs) erstellen, aber nur Veeam nutzt die Vorteile virtueller Umgebungen voll aus, um Kosten zu senken und den Mehrwert von Backups zu erhöhen – und zwar beträchtlich.
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Prototype to Production with IMSL Numerical Libraries

In this paper, we describe how to call IMSL routines directly from R and Matlab. In general, use of IMSL reduces software production time and costs. Moreover, the technique we describe streamlines the process further by easing the transition from algorithm development to production code. We show how to integrate IMSL with common tools used by applied mathematicians, data scientists, and advanced algorithm groups.
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The 10 Most Useful Toad™ Features

Millions of users trust Toad solutions to provide a simple, consistent way to build manage and maintain their databases. Toad is a fully mature product with over three million lines of code, and it’s improving all the time. In fact, there are so many useful features that even people who have been using the product for years may be missing out on some of Toad’s best functionality.
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Neue Funktionen von Toad for Oracle® 2015

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen die Veröffentlichung von Toad for Oracle 2015 bekanntzugeben. In dieser technischen Übersicht werden die Verbesserungen und neuen Funktionen vorgestellt. Außerdem erhalten Sie Informationen zur Evaluierung und Verwendung des Tools. Die neuesten Updates von Toad werden Ihre täglichen Aufgaben deutlich vereinfachen und optimieren. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob Sie schon lange mit Toad arbeiten oder ob Toad für Sie Neuland ist.
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Toad™ for Oracle® Tips and Tricks

I have used Toad™ for 10 years, since I made the leap from Access® to Oracle®. Most of my time is spent in the editor, writing new code or opening and running one of the many snippets I have saved there over the years. Toad makes me more efficient, the latest version reminds me of errors before I even hit compile. Using code review, there is an instructor standing over my shoulder every time I hit format.
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The 10 Most Useful Toad™ Features

Millions of users trust Toad solutions to provide a simple, consistent way to build manage and maintain their databases. Toad is a fully mature product with over three million lines of code, and it’s improving all the time. In fact, there are so many useful features that even people who have been using the product for years may be missing out on some of Toad’s best functionality.
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Neue Funktionen von Toad for Oracle® 2015

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen die Veröffentlichung von Toad for Oracle 2015 bekanntzugeben. In dieser technischen Übersicht werden die Verbesserungen und neuen Funktionen vorgestellt. Außerdem erhalten Sie Informationen zur Evaluierung und Verwendung des Tools. Die neuesten Updates von Toad werden Ihre täglichen Aufgaben deutlich vereinfachen und optimieren. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob Sie schon lange mit Toad arbeiten oder ob Toad für Sie Neuland ist.
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Solution Overview: EMC XtremIO for Exchange Server

XtremIO reduces datacenter footprint and complexity with unstoppable in-line data reduction capabilities which address storage sprawl for Exchange databases. Thin provisioning doesn’t just eliminate space at the end of the drive, it eliminates all of the whitespace found within the database!
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Mantenere la Business Continuity contrastando gli attuali attacchi avanzati

Il concetto degli odierni attacchi avanzati, noti anche come minacce persistenti avanzate (Advanced Persistent Threats, APT), è entrato a far parte del vocabolario e della mentalità della comunità IT. Sull'onda del susseguirsi di notizie su violazioni di dati, le APT hanno acquisito un significato “leggendario”, ma sono largamente fraintese. Soprattutto è passata l'idea che ogni violazione dei dati fosse un'APT, anche nei casi in cui le indagini a posteriori hanno dimostrato che l'infiltrazione iniziale della rete era stata causata da un errore umano o da difetti di progettazione.
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