Flash Storage für Dummies“, NetApp Sonderedition

„Flash Storage für Dummies“ in der 2. NetApp Sonderedition erläutert die vielfältigen Einsatzbereiche und Vorteile von Flash-Storage-Technologie in Unternehmen. Mit der Flash-Technologie lassen sich Performance und Zuverlässigkeit von Storage-Infrastrukturen – von Storage mit Flash-Beschleunigung bis hin zu All-Flash-Arrays – steigern.

In diesem Buch werden unterschiedliche Aspekte von Flash-Storage betrachtet: seine Ursprünge und warum er für die Storage-Infrastruktur eine Erwägung wert ist.  Die wesentlichen Unterschiede zwischen den Flash-Storage-Lösungen von NetApp – NetApp Flash Cache, Flash Pool, rein Flash-basiertes FAS und EF-Series – werden unter die Lupe genommen und Sie lernen fünf Strategien für den Einsatz von Flash im nächsten Storage-Projekt kennen. Im klassischen Stil der „für Dummies“ Bücher erhalten Sie auch nützliche Tipps, wie Sie Flash am besten in Ihre IT-Umgebung integrieren.

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ESG Whitepaper: Breitgefächerte Flash-Lösungen für breitgefächerte Unternehmensziele

Der Einsatz von Flash Storage im Datacenter ist vielversprechend: hervorragende Performance, verbesserte Zuverlässigkeit, Kosteneffizienz und erstklassiges Datenmanagement. Mit unserer Expertise und unseren Innovationen unterstützen wir Sie bei der Implementierung von Flash Storage, um eine optimale Performance Ihrer Applikationen zu erreichen. In diesem Whitepaper erläutern wir unterschiedliche Ansätze bei der Implementierung von Flash. Außerdem möchten wir Ihnen zeigen, warum Sie dadurch Ihre Entscheidungsfindung erleichtern, Ihren Kunden bessere Services bieten und Wettbewerbsvorteile erzielen können.
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Introduction to Hyper-V High-Availability

Businesses now need to run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every single day of the year. Services must be kept online or customers will be lost. In today’s global marketplace, it is critical for systems to always be available so companies can remain competitive and keep their users satisfied. High datacenter availability can be achieved in several ways, but the most common and easiest is through the combination of server virtualization and failover clustering.
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4 Reasons Why You Can’t Do Without Data Visualization Any Longer

Terms such as Big Data and Internet of Things, unknown to most just a few years ago, are now commonly used not only by top managers and entrepreneurs, but also by the wider corporate pyramid.

We are often surprised by how things change at a speed which surpasses our ability to learn and to understand. And just as often, corporate dynamics and the context within which we move appear too complicated, too costly, too complex. All too much.

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Top 10 Trends for 2016 Business Intelligence

Data is changing the conversation—in boardrooms, in the media, and in social media. People are visualizing their data to explore questions, uncover insights, and share stories with both data experts and non-experts alike. As data usage grows, even more people will turn to data with both professional and personal questions. And employers will look for candidates who can think critically with data. Visual analytics will serve as the common language, empowering people to reach insights quickly, collaborate meaningfully, and build a community around data.
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How to Make Oracle Databases Faster and More Efficient with Pure Storage

Data (and database management systems, like Oracle) have never been more critical for competitive advantage. All modern IT initiatives – cloud, real time analytics, internet of things – intrinsically need to leverage more data, more quickly. All-flash storage is a next generation infrastructure technology that has the potential to unlock a new level of employee productivity and accelerate your business by reducing the amount of time spent waiting for databases and applications.
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La Customer Experience nell’Application Economy

Per anni abbiamo sentito parlare delle promesse del computing onnipresente e dell'avvento dell'economia delle applicazioni. Oggi, con il rapido progredire del mobile computing, siamo finalmente sul punto di vedere realizzata quella visione di effettiva onnipresenza del computing e dell'accesso alle applicazioni. E quando guardiamo ai potenti trend della banda larga del mobile computing e dell'impiego diffuso dei processi agili di sviluppo e di gestione IT, è evidente il motivo per cui molte aziende stanno rilasciando con successo sempre più applicazioni.
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Data Protection Without Limits

Globalization has become the norm. The exploding use of mobile devices and the Internet now requires most businesses’ websites to be constantly available. Additionally, employees need 24×7 access to corporate resources. These types of requirements drive the need for increased levels of availability and recoverability for your business services. Downtime can be extremely costly. A 2014 Gartner study called “The Cost of Downtime” revealed that the average cost of downtime for businesses was $5,600 per minute, which roughly equates to $300,000 per hour. That particular study was an average across all businesses. For many organizations, it can be much more. For instance, according to a Forbes article, a 30-minute outage for Amazon in 2013 cost the company an estimated $3 million in lost revenue.
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Windows To Go: Empower And Secure The Mobile Workforce

With the BYOD movement, IT has a golden opportunity: serve the productivity needs of a fast-evolving, mobile workforce, while simultaneously providing data protection expected by corporate leaders. Great news: you can meet these requirements today by leveraging technology that is secure, manageable and cost effective. Learn how.
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Application and Data Availability with Veeam and NetApp

In this technical whitepaper, Shawn Lieu and Michael Cade will guide you through three scenarios where Veeam Backup & Replication and NetApp technologies can be leveraged to achieve maximum application and data availability. One of the best ways to protect data and provide availability is to follow the “3-2-1 rule”— keep three copies of your data, stored on two different sets of media, with at least one copy stored off site. Implementing this level of availability can be somewhat challenging and requires planning ahead.
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Data Protection Without Limits

Globalization has become the norm. The exploding use of mobile devices and the Internet now requires most businesses’ websites to be constantly available. Additionally, employees need 24×7 access to corporate resources. These types of requirements drive the need for increased levels of availability and recoverability for your business services. Downtime can be extremely costly. A 2014 Gartner study called “The Cost of Downtime” revealed that the average cost of downtime for businesses was $5,600 per minute, which roughly equates to $300,000 per hour. That particular study was an average across all businesses. For many organizations, it can be much more. For instance, according to a Forbes article, a 30-minute outage for Amazon in 2013 cost the company an estimated $3 million in lost revenue.
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Datensicherung virtueller Maschinen mit HP StoreEverBandbibliotheken

Viele Unternehmen suchen nach Lösungen zur Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs, der Kühlanforderungen und des Serverstellplatzes. Auch die Speicherkapazität ist heutzutage ein wichtiger Aspekt. Der Wechsel zu einer virtualisierten Umgebung entschärft dieses Thema, da er eine Möglichkeit zur Konsolidierung des Rechenzentrums eröffnet. Eine weitere Strategie, die zu diesem Ziel beiträgt, ist die Speicherung der Daten auf preiswerteren bandbasierten Lösungen anstatt auf teuren Festplatten-basierten Speichermedien.
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Veeam vs. herkömmliche Backup-Tools: Die Top 10 Gründe, sich für Veeam zu entscheiden

Veeam® Backup & Replication™ ist nicht die einzige Möglichkeit zur Sicherung Ihres Modern Data Center™… aber definitiv die beste. Zwar können jetzt auch viele herkömmliche Backup-Tools Imagebasierte Backups virtueller Maschinen (VMs) erstellen, aber nur Veeam nutzt die Vorteile virtueller Umgebungen voll aus, um Kosten zu senken und den Mehrwert von Backups zu erhöhen – und zwar beträchtlich.
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