Intelligent Compliance – Establishing Trust in the Datacenter

With the average cost of a data breach reaching $3.5 million, the pressure is intense to maintain the security and compliance of your data center. It only takes one breach and the cost to your organization can spiral out of control.

In this whitepaper, you will discover how your organization may be at risk and how you can protect your data center from costly and highly visible breaches. Through the Intelligent Compliance process, you will learn how you can:

• Automate the discovery process for your infrastructure

• Continuously assess risk and compliance

• Proactively prevent problems from recurring

• Cost-effectively automate remediation, including exceptions

Read the whitepaper today to take the stress out of security and compliance – and put the trust back into your data center.

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What is this “File Sync” Thing and Why Should I Care About It?

Not so long ago, the office was the only place you could work. But when smartphones and tablets came along, the only thing holding us back from getting work done anywhere, any time was having access to our data. That led to the creation of a whole new class of solutions designed to keep files current across our rapidly proliferating fleets of devices — through a technology known as ‘sync.’ All of a sudden, getting a file from your work laptop to your iPad became as simple as clicking “Save.” So it’s no surprise that 55% of information workers in North America and Europe who use a tablet at work are using file sync and share tools.
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5 Ways Dropbox for Business Keeps Your Data Protected

Protecting your data isn’t a feature on a checklist, something to be tacked on as an afterthought. Security is at the heart of Dropbox for Business, informing not only how we approach new features and enhancements, but also how we’ve designed the product itself. Download here to find out how we’ve built Dropbox for Business to keep data safe for all our users.
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Analytics: A blueprint for value in midmarket organizations – Converting big data and analytics insights into results

The IBM Institute for Business Value conducted a global study to investigate how organizations were creating value from an ever-growing volume of data obtained from a variety of sources. This resulted from data-derived insights, which then guided actions taken at every level of the organization. The findings identified nine levers that enabled the organizations to create the most value. Read the study to see not only why it’s vital for midsize companies to act on this opportunity but also which actions lead to greatest success.
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IDC Report: Optimize IT and Business Gains

Data is increasingly critical to driving business. This IDC Whitepaper outlines how CIOs can understand what the "total cost of data" is across their entire organization and how Delphix can assist them in managing the data that drives the business forward.
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Agile Computing: The Time is Right for DevOps

Can your organization rapidly deliver quality applications? For 60% of your peers, the answer is no. In this research report from CA Technologies and IDG, read how many IT leaders are finding help through the DevOps movement: a discipline with the mission to improve IT service delivery agility and quality.
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Ten ways to save money with IBM data protection

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager solutions can help organizations save money while addressing their data storage challenges by providing data reduction, unified recovery management, capacity-based licensing, scalability, high performance, data life-cycle management, and high reliability.
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7 Elements Radically Simple OS Migration

OS migration is typically time-consuming and expensive. The average enterprise migration project takes 18-32 months from conception to completion and involves significant IT time and end-user downtime.1 An endpoint backup solution can drastically simplify the process by enabling IT to migrate data and personal settings effectively and seamlessly.
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Running at the speed of business

IBM DB2 offers multi-platform flexibility and optimized capabilities for a variety of workloads. This e-book highlights some common scenarios where DB2 helps businesses derive unprecedented value from expanding data stores—affordably and reliably.
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DataStax Enterprise – Powered by Apache Cassandra™

DataStax Enterprise (DSE), built on Apache Cassandra™, delivers what modern businesses need to compete in today’s high-speed, always-on data economy. Within-memory computing capabilities, enterprise-level security, fast and powerful built-in analytics and enterprise search, visual management, and expert support, DataStax Enterprise is the best database choice for online applications that require fast performance with no downtime.
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Data Integration for Dummies eBook

Whether you need to explain data integration to the business (or your boss, kids, or parents) or you’re looking for an alternative to hand-coding data mappings, “Data Integration For Dummies” is for you. This eBook gives you the information you need to learn the basics fast and make smarter decisions.

You’ll learn what data integration is, how it works, and how you can use the technology to become more competitive as you combine your existing data sources with new data sources to provide the business intelligence your organization needs to compete effectively.

Download your copy and get up to speed on:

• The top 10 criteria to keep in mind when shopping for data integration tools
• Data integration challenges that crop up in every implementation, and how to tackle them before they get out of control
• Real-life examples of how data integration can help for sectors like government, retail, healthcare, and finance
• How it's now possible to launch data integration on a small scale and grow on-premise and in the cloud, with virtually no hand-coding

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The Business Value of Managed Services

Businesses around the world are looking for ways to innovate, improve customer relationships and drive down costs. But it can be challenging to find the right people and resources to support those corporate initiatives. Managed services from IBM can help.
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