Integration von Big Data in Geschäftsprozesse und Unternehmenssysteme

Integrieren Sie Ihrer Big Data Initiativen in Ihre Unternehmensweiten Geschäftsprozesse. Gerne machen wir Sie damit vertraut, wie sie mit Control-M für Hadoop die Anwendungsentwicklung beschleunigen und die Unternehmensintegration vereinfachen können.

Besprochene Themen schließen folgende Punkte ein:

• Wie kann sichergestellt werden, dass Sie aus ihren Big Data Initiativen den gewünschten Mehrwert erhalten.

• Wie können Sie mit Ihren Big Data initiativen sich den administrativen Herausforderungen & Bedürfnissen stellen und mögliche Konfrontationen erfolgreich meistern.

• Wie können Sie mit einem Enterprise Scheduler für Hadoop, weitere Automationsinseln vermeiden.

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Ten Ways to Boost Performance in Midsize Organizations

With the growing demand for faster business applications and the rapid spread of technology trends like Big Data, computing performance has never been more important. The challenges for midsize businesses are even greater. With fewer resources, IT teams in midmarket organizations need to be able to deliver mission-critical applications at full-horsepower to employees. They also need to be able to do more with less -- more computing power with fewer servers, smaller teams and leaner budgets. This IT Managers' Journal delivers 10 ways IT managers and data center professionals in midsize organizations can deliver more computing power to meet the promises they have made. Download this exclusive IT Managers' Journal and learn how to get more out of your data centers today.
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Intégration du Big Data aux processus métiers et aux systèmes d’entreprise

“Intégration du Big Data dans les processus métiers et le système d’information de l’entreprise“

Vous pourrez découvrir comme créer un maximum de valeur avec une bonne approche du Big Data pour votre entreprise.

Les sujets évoqués sont :

• Comment s’assurer que votre projet Big Data vous apportera toute la valeur souhaitée pour votre activité

• Que chacun de vos projets Big Data réponde à vos challenges métiers

• L’importance d’avoir une bonne approche des processus de batchs pour Hadoop

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Deliver Workload Automation for the App Developer

These are exciting times for enterprise application developers, as companies challenge them to build solutions that better exploit mobile devices, cloud infrastructures, sensor networks, big data, and APIs for widely used services such as Facebook and Gmail. Application development, however, isn't all intellectual exhilaration. It has its pain points, too, such as the toil that goes into creating and modifying batch workload jobs. This paper explores how app developers can use automation to deal with batch application workflows.
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Workload Automation – From Application Development to Digital

This paper, "Workload Automation – From Application Development to Digital Service Delivery," describes how a workload automation solution can eliminate the manual processes developers now use to define batch workflows and communicate them to schedulers.By extending the use of workload automation to developers, organizations can implement applications faster, slash costs, and increase service quality.
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Integrate Big Data into Business Processes and Enterprise Systems

In the paper, “Integrate Big Data into Your Business Processes and Enterprise Systems” you’ll learn how to drive maximum value with an enterprise approach to Big Data. Topics discussed include:

• How to ensure that your Big Data projects will drive clearly defined business value

• The operational challenges each Big Data initiative must address

• The importance of using an enterprise approach for Hadoop batch processing

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Intelligent Compliance: Establishing Trust in the Datacenter

With the average cost of a data breach reaching $3.5 million, the pressure is intense to maintain the security and compliance of your data center. It only takes one breach and the cost to your organization can spiral out of control. In this whitepaper, you will discover how your organization may be at risk and how you can protect your data center from costly and highly visible breaches.
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Intelligent Compliance: Establishing Trust in the Datacenter

With the average cost of a data breach reaching $3.5 million, the pressure is intense to maintain the security and compliance of your data center. It only takes one breach and the cost to your organization can spiral out of control. In this whitepaper, you will discover how your organization may be at risk and how you can protect your data center from costly and highly visible breaches.
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VMware vSphere Backups: What are you Missing?

Backups used to be easy. Just check the time stamp or the archive bit. If it changed, then back up the file.

Suddenly virtualization became popular, as did server applications. The unstructured data inside files and folders found itself sharing the datacenter with all manner of applications and databases. Virtual machines (VMs) joined physical machines as the method of delivering IT services.

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Application Delivery Controllers: Evolving to Support the User Experience

For many of today's data centers, the existing architecture is not designed for the needs of an increasingly mobile customer base. Users — no matter their location or specific device — are increasingly demanding rich, dynamic content. In this environment, a change in the network architecture is required for Web servers/Internet-facing content. IT organizations need to keep pace with end customer demand while still delivering highly efficient infrastructure. With Web-based applications and services now mission critical, there is a new focus on the end-user experience and the performance and availability of applications.
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PCI DSS Compliance in Cloud Environments

PCI DSS is a pragmatic set of best practices and security measures that any organization must follow if they accept and handle cardholder data online. The standard encompasses network security, data protection, data encryption, system security, access control, ongoing monitoring and testing and security policy development.
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ROI Benefits from Automating Application Delivery Solutions

One of the key tenets of a modern data center is the ability to leverage technologies that enable automation in order to accelerate business processes and ultimately time to market. Organizations that continue to deploy legacy infrastructures and ignore this transformation to modern automated environments will soon face a harsh reality: Their legacy IT environments have restricted their ability to compete. Considering the fact that all modern businesses rely on IT to power their operations, IT organizations need to examine all aspects of the IT infrastructure for its ability to be automated and ensure that the deployed technology is an enabler for this transformation and not an inhibitor.
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Forrester Report: Build a Better Business Case for UC

This report details Forrester Research, Inc.’s recommendation for IT professionals building out a Unified Communications and Collaboration infrastructure within their business. The key to success of a UC deployment is delivering benefits to both users and business units. This report guides IT professionals through the key needs, drivers, and likely benefits of a UC deployment. The report also predicts and quantifies how a communications and collaboration infrastructure rollout can reduce overall IT cost, drive productivity, and improve collaboration across the firm.
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IDC Technology Spotlight: Datacenter security

This Technology Spotlight explores the trends affecting datacenter server security, including trends influenced by what IDC calls the 3rd Platform of compute, and discusses the role that System x plays in the growing market for datacenter security with its new System x M5 servers — the x3650 M5, x3550 M5, NeXtScale nx360 M5, NeXtScale System with Water Cool Technology, and Flex System x240 M5 Compute Node, which all contain the latest Intel® Xeon® E5-2600 v3 series processors, with up to 18 cores per processor.

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