API Monetization: Unlocking the Value of Your Data

It should come as no surprise that exposing business data outside of the enterprise creates a range of new security and management challenges. API Management solutions make it simple for even the most security-conscious organization to open their information assets without impacting data security or the performance of backend systems. So in the end, you can focus not on the risks of API monetization, but rather, on the rewards.
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API Strategy and Architecture: A Coordinated Approach

The rise of the application programming interface (API) represents a business opportunity and a technical challenge. For business leaders, APIs present the opportunity to open new revenue streams and maximize customer value. But enterprise architects are the ones charged with creating the APIs that make backend systems available for reuse in new Web and mobile apps.
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Transforming Digital Business with APIs

The app, in many digital forms, mobile, cloud and the Internet of Things, has created the opportunity for enterprises to optimize interaction with employees, customers and business partners fundamentally new ways. Chooseing the right digital platform can be the difference between success and failure.
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Protecting Your APIs Against Attack and Hijack

The application programming interface (API) is an emerging technology for integrating applications using Web technology. This approach is exploding in popularity because it builds on well-understood techniques and leverages some existing infrastructure. But it is a mistake to think you can secure APIs using the same methods and technology with which we secured the browser-centric Web. APIs are fundamentally different from websites and have an entirely unique risk profile that must be addressed.
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Live Event: Cloud & SDN – What It Means For Your Wi-Fi

The rapid evolution of networking solutions and the impact of macro technology trends makes future-proofing your infrastructure more complex than ever. With hype around Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Cloud reaching tipping point, what impact do these technologies have on the future design, deployment, and support of your wireless LAN infrastructure?

Join us on Thursday, 21 January 2016 to explore the possibilities and chart Wi-Fi’s evolutionary path to determine where best to place your bets in 2016 and beyond.

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WiFi Is a Game Changer for the Connected Enterprise

Digital transformation has become a top priority for businesses and IT leaders. Organizations of all sizes are looking to harness the power of contextual information and analytics to make better, faster decisions that will enable them to gain a competitive advantage. A business that wants to evolve into a digital organization must first become a connected enterprise. It’s the connection of things and devices that will act as the foundation of a digital organization.

Becoming a connected enterprise is an evolutionary leap for businesses. You require new tools processes, and understanding. Use this download as your guide to a more connected enterprise.

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Analyst Webinar ‐ Building the Connected Experience

In this webinar you will learn from Forrester about Wi-Fi trends in 2016 that include:

• How Cloud Networking is becoming the new standard for network management

• The evolution of Wi-Fi, from basic connectivity to systems of personalized engagement and business intelligence

• The importance of having an application platform that leverages your wireless network

• Examples from customers that are using their networks to transform their business

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IDC Whitepaper: NetApp All Flash FAS: Performance of Flash with Feature-Rich Enterprise Storage Functionality

ESG published white paper focusing on NetApp Flash Strategy and Offerings—a Breadth of Choice. NetApp supports hybrid infrastructures—including cloud as needed—in both principle and in fact. Within that infrastructure, it offers a portfolio of differentiated solutions—multiple all-flash arrays, and multiple hybrid flash arrays—that enable NetApp’s customers to integrate flash into their enterprises in whatever way makes the most sense for their business, needs, and options/constraints. NetApp has been a leading trailblazer in flash for some years now: it is to be applauded for thinking broadly and not just following the herd to certify an SSD or two into its storage boxes.
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Evaluator Group: Investing Strategically in All Flash Arrays

For customers looking to implement flash for primary data center storge, NetApp's All Flash FAS systems offer some significant advantages over competiitve offerings. Customer can deploy All Flash FAS arrays for specific applications now and later extend them to private and hybrid cloud-based applications as enterprise IT's longer term strategy dictates. Read this technology insight paper on investing strategically in all flash arrays.
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Addressing Evolving Database Challenges with New Technologies

More data has been produced in the last 10 years than all previous decades combined. This increase in data volumes has introduced an entirely new set of challenges for DBAs around performance and availability. To better understand these challenges we carried out a survey of IT decision makers in companies with employees of 500 or more. Check out the results of this survey to see what challenges you share.
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E.P.I.C. Application Performance Management

Internet of Things, cloud, social network e altre tendenze hanno meritatamente conquistato una notevole popolarità, ma c'è un denominatore comune cruciale che potrebbe sorpassarli tutti per importanza: l'applicazione. Secondo le previsioni, il valore combinato di app a pagamento, acquisti di beni e servizi tramite app e pubblicità in-app sembra destinato a raddoppiare entro il 2017, arrivando a 151 miliardi di dollari.
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La Customer Experience nell’Application Economy

Per anni abbiamo sentito parlare delle promesse del computing onnipresente e dell'avvento dell'economia delle applicazioni. Oggi, con il rapido progredire del mobile computing, siamo finalmente sul punto di vedere realizzata quella visione di effettiva onnipresenza del computing e dell'accesso alle applicazioni. E quando guardiamo ai potenti trend della banda larga del mobile computing e dell'impiego diffuso dei processi agili di sviluppo e di gestione IT, è evidente il motivo per cui molte aziende stanno rilasciando con successo sempre più applicazioni.
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Migliorare la customer experience nel mondo mobile

Tablet, telefoni, orologi: ci affidiamo a loro e alle applicazioni e ai servizi che offrono. Nella nuova economia delle applicazioni, questi device hanno cambiato il nostro modo di vivere, lavorare e divertirci. Pensate appositamente per i device mobile, queste app si sono affermate come potentissimi generatori di ricavi. Nel 2014, le vendite di app hanno raggiunto i 30 miliardi di dollari e si prevede che, entro il 2017, il valore combinato di app a pagamento, acquisti di beni e servizi tramite app e pubblicità arriverà a 151 miliardi di dollari negli Stati Uniti.
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Perchè Agile Operations è fondamentale per la Digital Transformation

In passato, quando gli ambienti aziendali erano meno instabili e complessi di oggi, le operations IT si occupavano esclusivamente della stabilità. Con l'avvento dell'economia delle applicazioni, ogni azienda ha iniziato a produrre software e la pressione competitiva alla rapida innovazione e all'iterazione delle applicazioni sono aumentate in maniera esponenziale.
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