The 2018 Ransomware Hostage Rescue Manual

Ransomware is vicious malware that locks users out of their devices or blocks access to files until a sum of money or ransom is paid. Attacks cause downtime, data loss, possible intellectual property theft, and in certain industries an attack is considered a data breach. Phishing emails, compromised websites and free software are just a few ransomware tools hackers can use to extort you.

Ransomware can take many different forms, but when you boil it down, it's a simple concept to understand: ransomware is a hostage situation.

This Ransomware Hostage Rescue Manual is packed with actionable info that you need to prevent infections, and what to do when you are hit with ransomware. You will also receive a Ransomware Attack Response Checklist and Ransomware Prevention Checklist.

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The 2018 Threat Impact and Endpoint Protection Report

Ransomware is a multi-billion dollar business with the number of new ransomware variants continuing to grow quarter-over-quarter. Despite the many security offerings available, organizations continue to fall victim to ransomware attacks.

For this report, we surveyed businesses across all industries to find out what they're doing to defend themselves. We thoroughly examined who is at risk, what the scope and cost of an attack is, how organizations are protecting themselves from ransomware, and the effectiveness of their endpoint protection.

Find out what is really the best way to combat the threat of ransomware.

The results might surprise you!

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The CEO Fraud Prevention Manual

CEO fraud has ruined the careers of many executives and loyal employees. It is responsible for over $3 billion in losses and has victimized more than 22,000 organizations.

Don’t be next. The CEO Fraud Prevention Manual provides a thorough overview of how executives are compromised, how to prevent such an attack and what to do if you become a victim.

You’ll learn more about:

  • What is CEO fraud?
  • Who is at risk?
  • How can it be prevented?
  • Resolution and restitution options
  • Checklist for CEO fraud response and prevention
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Relativity Trust: Understanding Security in RelativityOne

An introduction to our commitment to protect e-discovery data

At Relativity, security isn’t just a checklist - it’s a way of life and a reflection of our core values. From our people and operations, to how we design RelativityOne and the foundation we build on in Microsoft Azure - security is a defining component of who we are. As such, we are committed to make RelativityOne the most trusted and reliable cloud solution you will ever use. Extending beyond ISO 27001 compliance, our information security practices and operations include how we deliver - such as staff onboarding and administrative safeguards, the processes and technology needed to protect your data, the security and privacy protection inherent to RelativityOne and Microsoft Azure’s infrastructure, and more.

Download this white paper for more details, from hiring practices to password policies and penetration tests.

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Mesa Systems Protects Against Phishing Email with EdgeWave ThreatTest

Established in 1981 with offices located throughout the western United States, Mesa Systems is a world-class, full-service provider of residential, commercial, and logistics-based transportation solutions for businesses and individuals. This case study reviews how Mesa Systems identified a new wave of phishing attacks getting past their existing defenses, and how they are giving their employees a simple tool that helps them flag suspicious emails in their inbox. It then automatically routes those emails through AI and expert human analysis in minutes. Mesa can now fight phishing attacks faster, resolving them in minutes, and they are no longer burdening IT with the time and cost of investigating and remediating suspicious emails.

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Phishing: The Threat from Within

A New Approach to Close the Phishing Security Gap

Your company is not alone. Phishing threatens every organization around the world, large and small. Attackers consider phishing a go-to technique to gain access to the network, because it yields great success. In this paper, we explore challenges IT professionals face when adopting a more traditional approach to email security, such as the significant time and cost burden of having IT manage suspicious email threat investigation and remediation. In addition, we identify new steps you can take to reduce email security awareness training requirements and how you can more quickly identify, report, investigate and resolve inbox phishing attacks in real-time.

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ThreatTest: Automated Phishing Email Incident Response Service

Email phishing attacks are the most prevalent variety of social attacks, which comprise nearly 44% of successful breaches.1 When a successful email attack reaches an employee’s inbox, the last thing you want is an employee wondering whether to open it—or ignoring it while the attacker moves on to the next employee target.

EdgeWave ThreatTest removes the guesswork and provides an automated process for employees to report suspicious emails and receive research support—alleviating helpdesk resource constraints. When an employee receives an email impersonation or other suspicious email, with a click of a button, ThreatTest provides rapid and accurate investigation and incident response.

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3 Ways to Modernize Your Infrastructure Using Intelligent DNS

DNS is the first point of contact between your users and your applications. This is a powerful decision point in your application stack. New advances in DNS traffic management are helping leading enterprises move to the cloud, implement a multi-location infrastructure, accelerate DevOps and meet their reliability goals. Learn how Salesforce, The Guardian, Weight Watchers and other leading enterprises are leveraging recent advances in DNS services to modernize their infrastructure.
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Don’t Lose Control Over Your .com

Even the most security focused businesses are susceptible to vulnerabilities such as DNS cache poisoning, DNS outages, or DDoS attacks. These can lead to a website or application becoming slow, completely unavailable, or even worse - hijacked. In this 30-minute live webinar, Jonathan Lewis, VP Product Marketing will cover the several, practical ways enterprises can protect themselves from losing control over their domain, and ensuring an excellent user experience for their customers.
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Architecture spotlight: Three considerations when choosing cloud for your contact center

A cloud contact center can offer many advantages in performance, scalability and security, compared to an on-premise contact center infrastructure. To maximize these advantages, it’s important to determine how best to leverage the cloud to meet your business’s specific needs.

Get informed answers, insights and best practices from Richard Snow, vice-president and research director of customer and contact center research, Ventana Research and Jack Nichols, director of PureCloud product management, Genesys.

Download this white paper from Genesys and Ventana Research for guidance as you replace or improve your existing contact center architecture. You’ll learn:

  • Pros and cons of private and public cloud contact center models
  • Best practices for a blended infrastructure
  • Differences between single and multitenant cloud architectures
  • How to determine if a vendor’s cloud solution meets your specific needs
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