Best Practices for Optimizing Website Performance With Tag Management
Many factors impact site performance, including the speed of the hosting provider, page design, number of http requests, and more. One big factor is the accumulation of digital marketing vendor tags and pixels on web pages. Tags can dramatically impact site performance in a number of ways, including poor tag design, slow response time associated with the collection servers, tag placement and the sheer number of tags accumulated on pages. Over the years, Tealium has pioneered many of the best practices in tagging and has incorporated various techniques to minimize the effect of tags on website performance.
They include:
- Tag Loading & Page Performance – Perceived Load Time vs Actual Load Time
- Asynchronous Loading
- Client-Side Tagging with Multi-CDNs
- Script Compression (gzip) and Bundling
- Conditional Loading
- Reduced Page Weight
- Fewer DNS Lookups
- Intelligent Cache
Using these techniques, our e-commerce clients can see a 20 to 50% increase in overall site speed. This whitepaper provides more details about these techniques and their associated benefits.