Keeping distributed endpoints safe and secure

In today's far-reaching environments, where the numbers and varieties of servers, desktops, laptops, mobile devices and specialized equipment such as point-of-sale (POS) devices, ATMs and self-service kiosks - known collectively as "endpoints" - are growing at unprecedented rates, traditional protection schemes such as firewalls and anti-virus agents are no longer sufficient on their own. With rapidly increasing numbers of remote workers and mobile devices, there is no well-defined perimeter. The perimeter, by necessity, must be the endpoint itself.
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Securing end-user mobile devices in the enterprise

Mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets, enable increasing numbers of employees to work "anywhere, anytime. "The security of enterprise data is a key concern, particularly on mobile devices that are easily lost or stolen. The security risk is further heightened by the proliferation of employee-owned mobile devices in many enterprises. Employees will almost always take the path of least resistance in leveraging mobile devices for business purposes, which may lead to unsafe computing practices. A clearly documented and enforceable mobile security policy is critical to reducing the risk of data loss.
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