Microsoft Office 365 License Optimization Report

To thrive in today’s highly competitive business climate, organizations must continue to leverage their cloud-based apps and services to their full potential.

With 40% of enterprise organizations mismanaging their O365 licenses - most IT teams need to devote more time and resources to better understand the dynamic licensing needs of their organizations.

Download the full report and see how enterprises are taking back control of their cloud budgets and reaping the full value of their M365 licenses.

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The Total Economic Impact of YayPay By Quadient

Discover your potential 3-year business benefits and cost savings in this study by Forrester Consulting, commissioned by YayPay.


  • TEI framework to apply to your own organization to examine YayPay's potential economic impact.
  • Key findings - quantified and unquantified benefits.
  • Customer testimonials.
  • YayPay overview and value proposition.
  • Composite organization example and analysis of benefits.
  • Financial summary.

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2020 State of AI-Based Machine Vision

Of the many use cases in manufacturing, visual inspection—a task that involves using human eye or machine vision to verify if a product is free of defects or if parts are correctly assembled—is well-suited for AI. According to a study by McKinsey & Company, AI-powered quality inspection can increase productivity by up to 50% and defect detection rates by up to 90% compared to manual inspection.

Given these benefits, have businesses started using AI in visual inspections? If so, what is the level of adoption, and what are the challenges? These questions and more drove Landing AI, an industrial AI company, and the Association for Advancing Automation to launch this survey on the state of AI-based machine vision.

The survey polled 110 companies from the manufacturing and machine vision industry with both multiple and single choice questions. Respondents who took the survey perform a variety of roles and include C-suite executives, automation engineers and plant managers. One main takeaway is that businesses have high confidence in the effectiveness of AI, and a growing number of companies are already using deep learning-based machine vision for automated visual inspection.

In this report, we will highlight four key findings, detail those discoveries, and provide analysis.

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State of the Market for Enterprise Cloud Deployment for SAP Users

This special report compiles all the research found when SAPinsider surveyed 116 members of their community. The purpose of the survey was to determine what is critical to their cloud deployment, which cloud providers and deployment models they are using, and what workloads they are running in the cloud. In this special report, learn what drives organizations in their approach to enterprise cloud deployment, discover the top requirements and tools for cloud deployment strategies, and gain your strategy guidance for optimizing cloud deployment processes.

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How to Navigate the New Frontier for Commercial Real State

Staff members are eager to return to work—they crave interaction, relationships with clients, collaboration with colleagues, a renewed sense of routine, face time with bosses or mentors that doesn’t take place over zoom, and access to their superior office workstation setup.

Other workers, however, have enjoyed the experience of working at home and are reluctant to return on a full-time basis. Companies are looking to balance these competing wishes with both compassion and business savvy. This ebook serves as a guide for companies looking to recalibrate their staffing and facility requirements in the post-COVID environment.

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Brivo Smart Security Trends Report: Physical Security Disruption in the COVID Era

The report highlights our annual survey of security and facility professionals. The insights showcase how organizations are planning to bring employees back to the office, and how access control is helping them reopen safely.

Read the report for these key trends:

  • COVID changes to physical security priorities
  • Technology integrations continue to be a primary focus
  • Cloud adoption accelerates security modernization
  • Data analytics help navigate the next era of access control

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Home Unbound: Transitioning Back to the Office After Covid

Spurred by their employers’ requirements, desire for daily human interaction, and the need to reconnect with clients and stakeholders, more than half of Americans (53%) expect to return to the workplace full time within the next six months. Businesses planning to welcome their employees back to the workplace should be preparing now to address staff concerns to maximize the likelihood of a safe and productive resumption.

Download the report to explore:

  • What office workers need to feel safe returning to the office
  • The protocols to put in place to ensure a healthy and confident return to the office
  • The proptech that can help enforce those protocols

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The Total Economic Impact™ Of IBM Security Guardium Oct 2020

IBM commissioned Forrester Research consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact (TEI) study to examine the potential return on investment (ROI) that organizations may realize by deploying IBM Security Guardium. The study uncovered that organizations achieve cost and risk reductions while increasing productivity and tactical efficiencies from implementing IBM Security Guardium. Read the study to learn more.

Read the Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study to learn how to:

  • Achieve cost and risk reductions
  • Increase productivity and tactical efficiencies
  • Evaluate the potential return on investment

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The Total Economic Impact™ Of IBM Security Guardium Oct 2020

IBM commissioned Forrester Research consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact (TEI) study to examine the potential return on investment (ROI) that organizations may realize by deploying IBM Security Guardium. The study uncovered that organizations achieve cost and risk reductions while increasing productivity and tactical efficiencies from implementing IBM Security Guardium. Read the study to learn more.

Read the Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study to learn how to:

  • Achieve cost and risk reductions
  • Increase productivity and tactical efficiencies
  • Evaluate the potential return on investment

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