Drive Business Success with a Dual-Track Approach to Transformation

Digital transformation has become the watchword—or, some would say, buzzword—in corporate suites for much of the past decade. The drive to leverage digital capabilities comes as operational agility is seen as the answer for innovating new business models and serving rapidly shifting customer demands.

Research by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services explores why IT leaders are embracing dual-track transformation, the impacts on their businesses, and how they are implementing rapid-cycle innovation to support this strategy.

In this report, learn about the data that reflects input from over 400 IT leaders, and why it’s never been more important for organizations to get more out of their technology and people and build the solutions they need that connect their data and systems.

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Overcome Cloud Security Challenges Today

According to Gartner, “Through 2022, at least 95% of cloud security failures will be the customer’s fault.”

The most significant step an organization can take to ensure appropriate levels of cloud security is for the corporate leadership to agree that cloud computing has become indispensable, and that it should be governed through planning and policy.

Access the report to learn how to overcome the below challenges:

  • Delaying cloud migrations due to an exaggerated fear of the security of cloud providers resulting in loss opportunity and inappropriate spending
  • A strategic cloud strategy is lagging behind cloud usage, leaving a hole in governance leading to unnecessary compliance incidents and data leakage
  • A lack of skills and resources for cloud use cases

Pause for this 16 minute read to avoid cloud security failures.

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Overcome Cloud Security Challenges Today

According to Gartner, “Through 2022, at least 95% of cloud security failures will be the customer’s fault.”

The most significant step an organization can take to ensure appropriate levels of cloud security is for the corporate leadership to agree that cloud computing has become indispensable, and that it should be governed through planning and policy.

Access the report to learn how to overcome the below challenges:

  • Delaying cloud migrations due to an exaggerated fear of the security of cloud providers resulting in loss opportunity and inappropriate spending
  • A strategic cloud strategy is lagging behind cloud usage, leaving a hole in governance leading to unnecessary compliance incidents and data leakage
  • A lack of skills and resources for cloud use cases

Pause for this 16 minute read to avoid cloud security failures.

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Beyond the Perimeter: The Need for Pervasive Email Security

Many organizations are coming up short when protecting against modern email threats. A more comprehensive email security solution is needed, one that protects at the perimeter, inside the network and the organization, and beyond the perimeter. Mimecast's Email Security 3.0 strategy can help. Get the full report!

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Prevent Fraud And Phishing Attacks With DMARC

Despite the many security technologies and education in place, phishing and business email compromise remain two of the biggest threats for organizations everywhere. Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC) is an email authentication protocol that verifies legitimate senders and prevents malicious emails or unverified sources from ever reaching the workforce’s inbox. In this report, you will learn what DMARC is, how it works, and how S&R leaders implement it today. Get the full report!

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A Galaxy of IT Insights

At Eaton, we've always strived to get to know IT pros and their needs by listening to them directly. Recently we launched My IT Galaxy, a questionnaire-slash-infographic creator, where nearly 900 IT pros told us about their day-to-day realities, infrastructure, and stance on pizza toppings.

Our survey included a spectrum of environments, organizations and industries, including education, healthcare, finance, and retail. And so, a whole galaxy of IT insights was born. Here are some of the results.

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A Galaxy of IT Insights

At Eaton, we've always strived to get to know IT pros and their needs by listening to them directly. Recently we launched My IT Galaxy, a questionnaire-slash-infographic creator, where nearly 900 IT pros told us about their day-to-day realities, infrastructure, and stance on pizza toppings.

Our survey included a spectrum of environments, organizations and industries, including education, healthcare, finance, and retail. And so, a whole galaxy of IT insights was born. Here are some of the results.

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5 key data protection trends and challenges

Questions and answers featuring Forrester Research


Forrester Senior Analyst, Naveen Chhabra, shares his perspective on how to navigate through data resiliency challenges in today’s evolving IT environment.

Get answers to the top five questions Forrester clients often ask:

  • What are the major factors driving cost and complexity in delivering business resilience?
  • How does cloud backup help meet compliance requirements?
  • What are top IT admin challenges that they face on a weekly basis?
  • What are the new challenges around security and governance?
  • Is direct-to-cloud backup a viable solution?

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The Road To Digital Experience Success: A Modern Approach For Mid-Size Firms

As emerging technologies stretch the job market and take over mundane tasks, mid-size firms will increasingly struggle to attract and maintain the best talent. These organizations must accelerate their internal digital experience improvement efforts now before it is too late.

Read this Forrester report commissioned by Dell Technologies to find out the unique challenges faced by mid-size firms in their efforts to improve employee experience (EX).

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The Case for End-To-End Security Solutions For Mid-Market Firms

In a digital business, processes are rarely, if ever, confined to the infrastructure of the company. Customers and employees engage across numerous digital channels and dozens of third-party relationships critical to operations. IT leaders must rapidly evolve to protect their firms’ brands, strengthen their reputations, and build customer trust. To do so, security and productivity should go hand-in-hand, and that means a well-defined policy framework, metrics that demonstrate business value, and a business-aligned strategy that ties all this together.

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The Balanced Security Imperative

Balanced security requires firms to transition from treating privacy and data security as compliance requirements to one that champions privacy and uses its technology prowess to differentiate the brand. Any misstep with or changes to the IT infrastructure can and will exacerbate complexity, which is why building a balanced security strategy is so important. A balanced security strategy negates complexity by keeping up with the pace of technological change as well as industry disruption and evolving regulatory compliance. In March 2019, Dell commissioned Forrester Consulting to evaluate the evolving security trends and technology needed to protect and enable employees. Our study found that empowering employees while adhering to security protocols improves employee productivity. Forrester conducted an online survey of 887 senior business and IT decision makers to explore this topic.

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Managing Security Risk And Compliance In A Challenging Landscape (updated)

Security leaders have been in front of boards and executive committees long enough to know that security metrics that simply portray statistics from monitoring tools, or count the number of malware attacks, add relatively little value to strategy and budget decisions. Protecting sensitive customer and company data shouldn’t be just a compliance obligation, it should be a business imperative. This is exactly why the right technology partners will help push security, risk, and compliance objectives forward. In March 2019, Dell commissioned Forrester Consulting to evaluate the evolving security trends and technology needed to protect and enable employees. Our study found that empowering employees while adhering to security protocols improves employee productivity. Forrester conducted an online survey of 887 senior business and IT decision makers to explore this topic.

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Transformative Automation: Balancing Power and Simplicity

In a post-pandemic world, businesses are still struggling how to automate complex and mission-critical processes. Companies know they need transformative automation—but how and where to start? It is the “how” that continues to challenge most businesses. The digital “visionaries” like Netflix, Amazon, Apple, Google, and Facebook, have all achieved incredible outcomes— So, how can you?

IDC Research explores how a modern approach to business automation can enable businesses of all kinds to grasp the nettle of transformation and work within their constraints to execute at scale.

In a recent report, Transformative Automation: Balancing Power and Simplicity, IDC Research uncovers:

  • The weakest links in a business for delivering transformation and how to overcome the challenges
  • What the key obstacles are for better enterprise decision making
  • How to drive change in digital products, services, experiences and processes
  • What you need to create a new business automation toolkit

Download the IDC Research Infobrief: Transformative Automation: Balancing Power and Simplicity for free today.

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