Introducing Notebooks: A Power Tool for Data Scientists

Introducing Notebooks: A power tool for data scientists

Fast, flexible and collaborative data exploration and analysis

Data exploration and analysis is a repetitive, iterative process, but in order to meet business demands, data scientists do not always have the luxury of long development cycles. What if data scientists could answer bigger and tougher questions faster? What if they could more easily and rapidly experiment, test hypotheses and work more collaboratively on interactive analytics?

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Dell EMC HPC NFS Storage Solution—High Availability

Learn about the architecture, design, performance and setup for the Dell™ Network File System (NFS) Storage Solution with High Availability (NSS-HA) configurations with 144TB and 288TB capacities. The NSS-HA solution uses NFS with Red Hat® Scalable File System (XFS) and PowerVault™ storage to provide easy-to-manage, reliable and cost-effective storage architecture for high-performance computing (HPC) clusters.

Intel Inside®. New Possibilities Outside.

Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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Dell EMC HPC Solution for Manufacturing

This technical white paper describes the Dell HPC System for Manufacturing. The Dell HPC System for Manufacturing is designed and configured specifically for customers in the manufacturing domain. This system uses a flexible building block approach, where individual building blocks can be combined to build HPC systems which are ideal for customer specific work-loads and use cases. The individual building blocks are configured to provide good performance for specific application types and workloads common to this industry.

This whitepaper discusses the types of applications commonly used in the manufacturing domain, describes the building blocks that work well for each application, and provides measured, quantified performance results for the system.

Intel Inside®. New Possibilities Outside.

Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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Making Enterprise HPC Storage Simpler, Faster and More Productive

The Dell HPC Storage with Intel EE for Lustre Solution helps bring the benefits of an HPC file system to a broad range of enterprise organizations. Dell’s enterprise- ready Lustre parallel file storage solution can deliver a higher level of computing power and throughput, and make available information and insights derived from big data and compute-intensive applications — such as advanced modeling, simulation, and data analysis—to a wider audience of enterprise users. This HPC storage solution, backed by Dell and Intel, offers the potential to drive innovation, deliver higher quality products and designs, and sustain competitive advantage.

The Dell Storage for HPC with Intel® Enterprise Edition (EE) for Lustre Solution allows end-users that need the benefits of large–scale, high bandwidth storage to tap the power and scalability of Lustre, with its simplified installation, configuration, and management features that are backed by Dell and Intel.

Intel Inside®. New Possibilities Outside.

Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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Dell EMC HPC Solution for Genomics

Serious computation for life and death research Get the extreme power and storage needed for genomic processing and life sciences study. Dell HPC System for Life Sciences accelerates time-to-insight for a range of fields including drug design, cancer research, agriculture and forensics — and it:

  • Simplifies integration and workflow management with Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) systems
  • Achieves fast results with maximum efficiency; processes 163 genomes per day with 10X the data samples and 54 genomes per day with 50X the data samples; completes a genome analysis in less than 8 hours
  • Has a flexible design that scales from 4 to 40 nodes per system

Dell’s flexible, pretested configurations reduce lengthy implementation timelines from months to weeks and ensure lower upgrade and ongoing operational costs.

Intel Inside®. New Possibilities Outside.

Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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Dell EMC Solutions for High Performance Computing

Evolving research and technical workloads push the limits of high performance computing (HPC). Our scalable, flexible market-ready solutions — with the latest Intel® processors — readily handle compute and data-intensive workloads to drive breakthroughs faster. Learn how our HPC Blueprint, based on proven reference architectures, can help you:

  • Transform data into insights faster with less risk
  • Increase bandwidth, throughput and scalability
  • Streamline deployment and cluster management

Dell supports industry, research, government and education with market-ready HPC solutions that enable more innovation and discovery. Our scalable, flexible solutions readily handle compute and data-intensive research workloads, helping drive faster breakthroughs.

Intel Inside®. New Possibilities Outside.

Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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Free E-Book – Achieving Continuous Delivery for Databases

Continuous delivery helps teams reduce risk and increase efficiency and reliability of their software release process. But because of the specific challenges presented by the database, it isn’t always included in that process.

This book aims to show how it is possible to adapt many of the techniques used successfully in application development and make them applicable to the specific requirements of databases. By making the way we develop, test, deploy, and maintain databases more visible, predictable, and measurable, and working together more effectively as a team, organizations can start to reap the benefits of faster delivery, reduced costs, and increased quality.

Find out more about including the database in your continuous delivery process with this 110 page e-book.

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Persistent Storage for Containerized Applications

Linux containers are on course to change DevOps forever. Container technology will also impact how we think about persistent storage for applications and microservices.

In turn, software-defined storage will impact how storage is dynamically provisioned and managed for containerized applications. Using close integration with orchestration frameworks, such as Kubernetes and private Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) such as OpenShift, Red Hat® Storage extends the current limit of performance by providing seamless, enterprise-grade storage for critical applications in containers.

Watch this video to learn about the future of storage in a container-driven datacenter.

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Using Internet Data Sets to Understand Digital Threats

As businesses adapt to the rapidly changing digital landscape, more customer and business operations are shifting from behind the protection of firewalls to the open internet. This new level of exposure makes your company, customers, and prospects vulnerable to the extremely skilled persistent threats across the web, mobile, social, and email.

Fortunately, Internet data can be sorted, classified, and monitored over time to create highly connected data sets that provide a complete picture of your attackers and their evolving techniques. Security professionals must leverage the relationships between these data sets to surface new connections, group similar attack activity, and substantiate assumptions during incident response.

In this white paper, we’ll explore the technique of infrastructure chaining, and explore the data sets available to security professionals such as:

  • Passive DNS
  • SSL Certificates
  • Analytical Trackers
  • Host Sequence Pairs
  • Web Components
  • Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
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Appsession: Is our Appetite for Mobile Apps Putting us at Risk?

A RiskIQ Mobile Consumer Report

With so much of our personal information now flowing through mobile applications, has our security awareness kept pace? Have consumers adopted best practice behaviors or are they leaving themselves vulnerable to cyber attack?

To better understand consumer behavior, RiskIQ commissioned Ginger Comms to survey 1,000 US and 1,000 UK consumers aged 16 to 60+, specifically focusing on smartphone apps. The survey was conducted during February and March 2017.

The top line results show that over half of all respondents regularly display behaviors that put themselves at risk. Download the report to find out:

  • The percentage of users that click on ads promoting apps
  • The percentage of users that click on links in emails, mobile web, and social media promoting apps
  • The percentage of users that rarely or never inspect the T&C’s or permissions being requested during app installation
  • The percentage of users that reuse passwords across mobile apps
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The Rise of Machine Learning in Cybersecurity

All ML technology isn’t created equal. Learn how the CrowdStrike® ML-based Engine Defends Against Unknown Malware. While many organizations are guarding the front door with yesterday’s signature-based antivirus (AV) solutions, today’s unknown malware walks out the back door with all their data. What’s the answer?

A new white paper, “The Rise of Machine Learning in Cybersecurity,” explains machine learning (ML) technology — what it is, how it works and why it offers better protection against the sophisticated attacks that bypass standard security measures. You’ll also learn about CrowdStrike’s exclusive ML technology and how, as part of the Falcon platform’s next-gen AV solution, it dramatically increases your ability to detect attacks that use unknown malwar

Download this white paper to learn:

  • How different types of ML are applied in various industries and why it’s such an effective tool against unknown malware
  • Why ML technologies differ and what factors can increase the accuracy and effectiveness of ML
  • How CrowdStrike’s ML-based technology works as part of the Falcon platform’s next-generation AV, and why it offers superior protection over other AV solution
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Beat Ransomware in 5 Easy Steps

The threat from ransomware continues to grow and has become so prolific that it is no longer a question of “if” you are going to get hit, but when. A solid backup vendor and process is the only protection from an attack, but not all backup vendors completely solve the issue. Get a playbook of five steps organizations should use to protect themselves from the excessive downtime, data loss and business disruption of a ransomware attack.
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Privileged Password Security Policy Template

With privileged account credentials a favorite target of hackers, it’s critical that you have password protection policies in place to prevent unauthorized access and demonstrate security compliance. Thycotic and Information Shield make it easy for you.

This free Privileged Password Security Policy Template gives you best-practice policies to help your organization improve IT security and demonstrate regulatory compliance. You’ll save hours of effort leveraging these policies that are easily customizable in a matter of minutes.

  • Downloaded as an editable, easily customized Microsoft Word document
  • Developed according to best practice standards from SANS, NIST, GLBA, ISO17799, ISO9000 and more
  • Details how policies can be enforced with Thycotic Secret Server
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