Protection from Advanced Threats with Symantec Insight/SONAR
Learn more from this Symantec Solution Brief.
Enterprise Organizations Need to Prepare for Cyber-attack ‘Hunting’
Large organizations must move beyond a threat prevention mentality to become proactive cyber-attack “hunters” that constantly monitor their networks for signs of trouble. This shift to proactive hunting will require new technologies that collect, process, and analyze massive amounts of security data, offer intelligent security analytics for real-time incident detection, integrate threat intelligence to align suspicious internal activities with external threats, and provide analysts with the right data analytics features to query and manipulate data for historical investigations.
Few Fully Prepared for Software Security Risks
Hackers penetrate organizations and steal information through vulnerabilities in software applications. Yet less than half of IT organizations have confidence in the security of the software that runs their businesses. And just 11 percent say they know with confidence which applications are at risk. Those are among the findings of a Gatepoint survey on software security assurance (SSA) highlighted by this white paper.
Read the paper to learn:
• How many respondents have full-scale SSA programs in place
• How SSA works
• How much SSA has reduced remediation time
Companies cautiously optimistic about cybersecurity
Optimism is good. But being overconfident about your ability to counter cyber attacks is dangerous. And that's what many security professionals are doing according to new research by SC Magazine. Eighty percent of survey respondents believe the chances of being breached are 50-50 or less. But the Ponemon Institute 2015 Cost of Cyber Crime Study finds the average company actually experiences 1.9 successful cyber attacks per week.
The disconnect seems to spring from respondents' confidence that they can block known attacks coupled with concern about new and unknown hacker threats. Read this report to learn:
• Respondents' highest cyber defense priorities
• How they view their ability to respond to breaches
• The five top action items for security professionals
UBM Security Trends
In this UBM report, we will examine the overall security trends that are driving the need for change, as well as plans and strategies around application security, network security, and data security.
Last year, organizations worldwide spent more per security breach than they did the previous year. The cost to detect, respond to, and mitigate a breach was around $7.7 million—1.9% higher than in 2014. For US companies, those costs were much higher, at around $15 million on an annualized basis.
Read this report today. You’ll be surprised to learn:
• Who causes the costliest crimes
• How “threat actors” gather information prior to their attacks
• What the biggest security concerns are world-wide
• Why web applications are so vulnerable to attack, and the most common problems
2016 State of Security Operations
Hacker attacks are increasing, and the cost to businesses is growing. Experts tell us it's not if you'll be breached, it's when. So the effectiveness of your security operations determines how much damage you'll suffer. Since 2008, Hewett Packard Enterprise Security has performed 154 assessments of the maturity of security operations in 114 security operations centers (SOCs).
The 2016 report is both disturbing and encouraging. There has been a year-to-year decline in overall security operation maturity. But there is also encouraging news—many SOCs are adopting innovative techniques that leverage the power of data and analytics to stay ahead of the threat. Read the report to learn the findings and understand the trends in security operations.
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Cost of Data Breach – Impact of Business Continuity Management
What truly affects the cost of a data breach? Ponemon Institute’s latest study of 350 organizations around the globe details both the cost and impact of data breaches, with breakdowns by industry and country. Read the 2015 report to learn:
- The 2 major factors that affect the financial consequences of a data breach
- How companies changed their operations and compliance following a data breach
- The most common cyber security governance challenges.
Measure and Move Your Mobile App to Greatness
The DevOps Field Guide Practical Tips to Find and Fix Common App Performance Problems
This guide is based on the real-world experiences of Jon Hodgson, a Riverbed APM subject-matter expert who has helped hundreds of organizations worldwide optimize their mission-critical applications.
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