Contención de costes y aumento de la eficiencia operativa

Como socio estratégico de su negocio, debe dar respuesta a la creciente demanda de los responsables de la línea de negocio en cuanto a nuevas funciones y capacidades avanzadas sin salirse de un limitado presupuesto de TI. ¿Qué se puede hacer para cumplir estas expectativas y agregar valor a la empresa conteniendo los costes, aumentando la eficiencia operativa y en resumen, haciendo más con menos?
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Massimi risultati di sta bilità, affida bilità ed efficienza con il minimo sforzo grazie alla standardizzazione

I partner strategici delle aziende devono fronteggiare esigenze aziendali in continua crescita. Purtroppo, le problematiche non sono poche. Un ambiente IT complesso è particolarmente oneroso da gestire e prevede un rischio elevato di interruzione delle attività. La maggior parte delle risorse e del budget sarà molto probabilmente destinata alla stabilità, alla sicurezza e all'affidabilità dei sistemi IT. L'organizzazione potrebbe essere sprovvista de processi necessari per gestire in modo sicuro problemi di supporto, transizioni IT e nuove implementazioni di applicazioni. È necessario proteggere l'ambiente IT da un numero crescente di minacce alla sicurezza. E tutto questo a fronte di un budget limitato! Quali risorse è possibile reindirizzare per garantire un vantaggio competitivo, potendo contare maggiormente sulla stabilità dell'ambiente IT?
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Quantificazione dei benefici commerciali delle soluzioni Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Linux viene adottato in misura sempre maggiore dalle imprese alla ricerca di una piattaforma sicura, affidabile e ad alte prestazioni, in grado di ridurre i costi operativi e di acquisizione e di fornire al contempo il livello di agilità necessario per prevedere e soddisfare condizioni aziendali mutevoli. In particolare, l'ambiente operativo Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), basato sul kernel open source di Linux, risulta l'opzione di implementazione più diffusa nelle medie e grandi imprese, nei datacenter aziendali e nelle infrastrutture di cloud pubblico e privato.
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Maîtriser les coûts et accroître l’efficacité opérationnelle

En tant que partenaire stratégique, vous subissez une pression de plus en plus forte de la part des responsables sectoriels, qui attendent de vous que vous développiez de nouvelles fonctionnalités et des capacités avancées tout en respectant un budget informatique limité. Que pourriez-vous faire pour répondre à ces attentes et apporter une valeur ajoutée à l'entreprise si vous étiez en mesure de maîtriser les coûts, d'accroître votre efficacité opérationnelle et d'en faire plus avec moins?
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Standardisierung zur Erh öhung der Sta bilit ät, Zuverl ässigkeit und Effizienz mit weniger Ressourcen

Durch eine Standardisierung auf Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® und Red Hat Satellite erhalten Sie die stabile und bewährte Unternehmensplattform, die vereinfachten und automatisierten Abläufe sowie die Sicherheit auf Militärniveau, die Sie benötigen, um die Betriebszeiten zu maximieren, die Managementkosten zu senken und schnell auf geschäftliche Anforderungen zu reagieren.
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Kostensenkung und Erhöhung der betrieblichen Effizienz

Als strategischer Partner in Ihrem Unternehmen stehen Sie steigenden Anforderungen seitens der Geschäftsbereichsleiter gegenüber. Dabei geht es um neue Funktionalitäten und erweiterte Kapazitäten, die Sie unter Beachtung eines beschränkten IT-Budgets bereitstellen müssen. Was können Sie tun, um diese Erwartungen zu erfüllen, einen Mehrwert für das Unternehmen zu schaffen und gleichzeitig die Kosten zu senken, die betriebliche Effizienz zu erhöhen sowie mit weniger Ressourcen mehr zu erreichen?
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Quantifizierung der Geschäftsvorteile der Red Hat Enterprise Linux Lösungen

Immer mehr Unternehmen wechseln zu Linux, denn diese sichere, zuverlässige und leistungsstarke Plattform sorgt für eine Reduzierung der Anschaffungs- und Betriebskosten und bietet gleichzeitig die Agilität, die erforderlich ist, um Veränderungen der Geschäftsbedingungen zu antizipieren und darauf zu reagieren. Insbesondere die Betriebsumgebung Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), die auf dem Open Source Linux Kernel basiert, wird in immer mehr mittelständischen und großen Betrieben, in Rechenzentren von Unternehmen sowie in Private und Public Cloud-Infrastrukturen bereitgestellt.
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IDC Technology Spotlight: Datacenter security

This Technology Spotlight explores the trends affecting datacenter server security, including trends influenced by what IDC calls the 3rd Platform of compute, and discusses the role that System x plays in the growing market for datacenter security with its new System x M5 servers — the x3650 M5, x3550 M5, NeXtScale nx360 M5, NeXtScale System with Water Cool Technology, and Flex System x240 M5 Compute Node, which all contain the latest Intel® Xeon® E5-2600 v3 series processors, with up to 18 cores per processor.

Intel, the Intel logo, Xeon, and Xeon Inside are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

Lenovo, the Lenovo logo and For Those Who Do are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both. © 2014 Lenovo, all rights reserved.

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The Edison Group: The Benefits of Business-Class Servers in Small to Midsize Businesses and Distributed Environments

Learn why the new entry IBM System x servers, powered by the latest Intel® Xeon® processors, are ideal for small to medium businesses. The Edison Group discusses how the single-socket x3250 M5 rack and x3100 M5 tower servers solve business challenges facing SMB and larger companies with distributed office environments.

Intel, the Intel logo, Xeon, and Xeon Inside are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

Lenovo, the Lenovo logo and For Those Who Do are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both. © 2014 Lenovo, all rights reserved.

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ESG: System x-series M5: Infrastructure for the Cloud

The impact of cloud technologies is pervasive and fast becoming an architectural standard for IT organizations across the globe, forcing all companies to think differently about what they have been doing, and how they will be doing things in the future. Download and read this analyst paper to learn how the new System x M5 servers, efficiently powered by the latest Intel® Xeon® processors, provides businesses with a powerful yet affordable cloud infrastructure to meet today's demands and tomorrow's growth.

Intel, the Intel logo, Xeon, and Xeon Inside are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

Lenovo, the Lenovo logo and For Those Who Do are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both. © 2014 Lenovo, all rights reserved.

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The Tech Big Picture: Issues that Drive Enterprise IT

You've heard all the buzzwords. Big Data. Mobility. The Cloud. Security. These four issues continue to vex IT at companies of every size around the globe. Which challenges are most pressing, and what should IT and LOB both be doing to resolve the challenges of the day?

To find out, IBM and Slashdot Media polled more than 500 visitors to Slashdot, using an online survey that asked what four technology trends or developments concerned them the most, and what things about each prompted that concern.

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Four Key Trends Impacting Mobile Infrastructure Strategy

As mobile technology evolves, it’s bringing rapid change to enterprises everywhere, so it’s essential to know the latest trends and how to build on them to create real business benefits. Read this analyst report to get expert insight into how you can benefit from key mobile trends, and details on how IBM MobileFirst services can help you achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.
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