Clabby Analytics: IBM System z – When Failures and Breaches Are NOT Options

This Research Report has been written for new generation IT executives, managers and administrators who have had little exposure to mainframe technology. It describes how and why mainframes are different from other server architectures in the areas of micro-processor characteristics, systems design and related software – and it shows how these differences help make the mainframe the “go-to” architecture when it comes to securing data and avoiding breaches.
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Taking the Leap to Virtualization: Security and Backup Considerations in the Virtual Environment

Many mid-market companies have invested significant time and resources to secure and back up their servers, client computers, data, and overall network infrastructure in what was the traditional client-server setup. Now, what were considered emerging technologies just a few years ago, cloud computing and virtualization have arrived on the scene, bringing both significant benefits and new challenges. Find out more about this transition to get the most out of your virtual environment.
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Info-Tech Vendor Landscape: Virtual Backup Software

This independent report from Info-Tech evaluates and scores 14 companies in the Virtual Machine Backup market. It can help you understand what's new in the virtual backup market, evaluate virtual backup vendors and products for your needs and determine which products are most appropriate for your organization. Find out why Symantec was named a “Champion” in virtual backup software.
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Conquering the Top 5 Enterprise Data Protection Challenges

Today's datacenters face a gauntlet of challenges including protection of physical and virtual environments, fast recovery of data, reducing backup times and storage requirements, server consolidation, and disaster recovery. How are savvy CIO's conquering these types of challenges? Find out how in this white paper by Expert, David Davis.
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Seven Steps to Software Security

The processes that go into making applications more secure are still relatively immature and ownership in an organization is not always consistent or clear. This paper provides seven practical steps organizations can begin today to secure their applications and prevent the damages cyber attacks can bring.
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SANS – Survey on Application Security Programs

How do your peers secure their mobile apps? The SANS Institute surveyed 488 respondents on the state of their application security programs and practices. Download this report to see how mature and effective these programs are as well as what tools they use and how they justify budget.
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SANS – Securing Web Applications Made Simple and Scalable

The weakest point in modern networking infrastructures is often not the low-level hardware and software running on the servers, but the web applications that are developed and hosted upon them. According to the SANS survey on application security, poor understanding of web security needs on the part of developers also limit the effectiveness of application security programs. Check out this whitepaper to learn how automated security testing can provide a simple and scalable way to protect your web applications.
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Reducing Risks from Opensource

Open source software is a game-changer in helping development organization herd their application security risks. But they can also introduce risk when employed without adequate precautions. However, by following a few strategies, your organization can gain the full benefits of open source and the cloud without compromising the security of your applications.
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HP Global 2000 Mobile Risk Report

Mobile applications represent a growing threat to the enterprise. But how big of a threat? HP Security Research leveraged HP Fortify on Demand Mobile to scan more than 2,000 mobile applications from more than 600 companies to find out. Download this report to see the alarming realities regarding the sheer number of applications vulnerable to attack, as well as the most common and easily addressable vulnerability errors.
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Designing a Defense for Mobile Applications

To compete today, your business needs to have a mobile storefront on smart phones and tablets—and with this comes risk. Instead of accessing your website from the safe confines of work or home, your customers can now perform sensitive transactions anywhere. And mobile applications and the devices and data they interact with, can be more easily attacked than traditional server-based applications. Attackers will probe all components of your application for vulnerabilities, and the only question is whether you will find them first. In this white paper you will learn about the various considerations for defending mobile applications—from the mobile application architecture itself to the myriad testing technologies.
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Building a security incident response plan that works

Security breaches can cost millions of dollars—but these days they’re virtually inevitable. Every organization needs a formal, documented Computer Security Incident Response Plan (CSIRP) and it needs to be kept up-to-date. In this executive brief, IBM shares the ten most common shortcomings of CSIPRs and how you can avoid these potentially costly mistakes. Read the executive brief to learn how IBM can help protect your organization from cyber threats and strengthen your IT security.
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Stemming the storage management dilemma with a single solution

The exploding volume of data and growing demand for security, data availability and regulatory compliance are driving up the complexity—and the cost—of today's storage management systems. Saddled with an increasingly diverse array of storage systems and devices - each with its own management tools and requirements - this continues to make storage management more difficult for IT. Read this paper to learn about IBM Integrated Managed Infrastructure (IMI), which provides a single, comprehensive and highly automated solution for managing complex storage environments.
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