Customer Analytics: The Role of Integrated Systems

This white paper outlines the latest customer analytics opportunities and challenges facing sales, marketing, and customer service decision makers. It draws on IDC's research into big data and analytics (BDA) business and technology trends and provides recommendations for organizations looking to improve their customer analytics initiatives. The paper also considers the role of workload optimized systems as a technology platform to enable customer analytics and describes the IBM PureData System for Analytics as one of the leading workload-optimized systems in the market today.
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Don’t Let Your Shoppers Drop: 5 Rules for Today’s Ecommerce

The definition of ecommerce has dramatically expanded to include non-retail environments, with all smart businesses tailoring and marketing their products and services at the individual customer level. Meeting the increasing demands of customer-facing line-of-business applications greatly depends on the databases supporting them. This paper, written with a blend of information for the line-of-business manager and the IT professional, discusses the five key rules of great ecommerce and the changes they require in your database infrastructure.
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DataStax Enterprise Reference Architecture

This white paper outlines reference architectures for deploying Apache Cassandra™ and DataStax Enterprise (DSE) within an organization and establishes a starting point for users contemplating hardware choices to host DataStax solutions. This paper also provides guidance for system architects and system administrators during the planning stages of development, test and production environments, whether in-house or at a private or public data center. It explores common scenarios and configuration options for various deployments.
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DataStax Enterprise – Powered by Apache Cassandra™

DataStax Enterprise (DSE), built on Apache Cassandra™, delivers what modern businesses need to compete in today’s high-speed, always-on data economy. Within-memory computing capabilities, enterprise-level security, fast and powerful built-in analytics and enterprise search, visual management, and expert support, DataStax Enterprise is the best database choice for online applications that require fast performance with no downtime.
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Smarter quality management: The fast track to competitive advantage

Organizations creating software are grappling not only with today’s tough economic climate, but also with increased complexity in their processes and supply chains. Many factors serve to complicate software delivery, but competition lies at the heart of this complexity. Effective quality management creates opportunities to deliver key business benefits, such as improved market share, higher customer satisfaction, and increased brand equity. But top quality in the completed product cannot serve as the single guiding principle by which products are produced and delivered. Time to market is also key; costs and risk factors must also be part of the balancing act. Get these things wrong, and you may face un-sustainable costs, missed windows of opportunity, un happy customers, even a massive recall or the complete failure of a system at a critical moment. Get these things right, and you can achieve a positive operational return on investment from efficiencies gained in development activities.
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Unified Data Protection for Physical and Virtual Environments

This IDC Executive Brief will discuss the evolution and challenges of data protection for virtual environments and how a modern data protection solution can enable both virtualization professionals and storage managers to perform successful backups, but more importantly guaranteed restores. Benefits and challenges of data protection for virtual environments will be discussed, as well as emerging best practices for unified data protection.
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Protect Against Targeted Attacks With Security Intelligence

This IDC Executive Brief document analyzes the evolving threat landscape and how the use of security intelligence services can help organizations to defend against advanced persistent threats and targeted attacks. Challenges of current security approaches and benefits of security intelligence services will be discussed.
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Modernizing Data Protection With Backup Appliances

This IDC executive brief will discuss the evolution and challenges of data protection and how backup appliances can form part of a modern data protection architecture. Benefits and challenges of an appliance-based data protection approach will be discussed, as well as emerging best practices for modern data protection.
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The Evolution and Value of Purpose-Built Backup Appliances

This IDC White Paper explores the increased use and adoption patterns of PBBAs, both integrated and targeted, and the utility these appliances provide to customers in their data protection processes. In addition, this White Paper illuminates the customer value that Symantec's Backup Exec and NetBackup appliances bring to the data protection and recovery process.
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Assessing the TCO of Unified vs. Parallel Backup Solutions for Virtual Environments

This whitepaper first discusses what to look for in a virtualization protection solution and then considers the merits of a separate solution for protecting one’s virtual environment, compared with using a unified solution that offers comparable virtualization protection capabilities. Near the back of this document is a guide to assessing the total cost of ownership for separate vs. unified solutions for protecting the virtual components of a modern infrastructure. This paper is being released in tandem with an ESG Lab Report that assesses Symantec Backup Exec 2012 and its virtualization protection technologies.
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Internet Security Threat Report 2014

Symantec has established some of the most comprehensive sources of Internet threat data in the world through the Symantec™ Global Intelligence Network, which is made up of approximately 69 million attack sensors and records thousands of events per second. These resources give Symantec’s analysts unparalleled sources of data with which to identify, analyze, and provide informed commentary on emerging trends in attacks, malicious code activity, phishing, and spam. The result is the annual Symantec Internet Security Threat Report, which gives enterprises, small businesses, and consumers the essential information to secure their systems effectively now and into the future.
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Intelligent Imaging Leadership Guide

Deliver a better customer experience. Intelligent imaging solutions combine advanced document capture, imaging archive, workflow and content analytics to consolidate multiple inputs from email, faxes, mobile devices, online sources, archives and paper.
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Data Integration for Dummies eBook

Whether you need to explain data integration to the business (or your boss, kids, or parents) or you’re looking for an alternative to hand-coding data mappings, “Data Integration For Dummies” is for you. This eBook gives you the information you need to learn the basics fast and make smarter decisions.

You’ll learn what data integration is, how it works, and how you can use the technology to become more competitive as you combine your existing data sources with new data sources to provide the business intelligence your organization needs to compete effectively.

Download your copy and get up to speed on:

• The top 10 criteria to keep in mind when shopping for data integration tools
• Data integration challenges that crop up in every implementation, and how to tackle them before they get out of control
• Real-life examples of how data integration can help for sectors like government, retail, healthcare, and finance
• How it's now possible to launch data integration on a small scale and grow on-premise and in the cloud, with virtually no hand-coding

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