eBook: EMC BackUp Game Plan

Organizations that transform backup environments report significant business benefits. In fact, they directly link backup transformation to faster product development cycles, accelerated global expansion efforts, improvements in customer profiling, and more. But how do you go about making changes to your backup environment that will improve your business? You've got to have a game plan. This eBook is designed to help you understand the impact of backup transformation, what the key steps are that all organizations should consider before and during the journey, and why EMC is uniquely qualified to guide you.
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Advance Your Tech Career in One Simple Step

Want to know the single most important thing you can do to advance your IT career? This brief, brought to you by Citrix GoToAssist, explores how thinking less about yourself and more about the people around you is the most important thing you can do to advance your IT career.

Download the brief to learn: How to become everyone's go-to geek; Why focusing on others is good for your career; 3 career suggestions to flat out ignore; And more.

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4-Step Game Plan for Effective Support Teams

Want to know how to create a better support centre? Just ask your agents. "Your agents have a great deal to tell you about how to create a better support centre." This brief, brought to you by Citrix GoToAssist, explores how you can make your agents part of the continual improvement process and thereby accelerate productivity, control costs and increase customer satisfaction.

Download the brief to learn: 4 steps to creating an effective support team; Why employees should spend less time being support agents; Strategies for fostering a culture of ownership; And more.

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BI and BA: Smarter Products, Smarter Buyers

Business Analytics/Intelligence have earned reputations as "difficult" and risky to implement. Applications of this sort classically required complex integration across numerous working systems and data repositories AND a (usually long) period of customization. Learn how and why your colleagues are focusing efforts to access and analyze data in new, lighter, more agile, web-oriented ways that enable self-service by experienced analysts and end users.
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Loads Better: Delivering reliable applications with confidence

There will soon be more mobile devices on the planet than people to work them. That's 10 billion devices all hooked up to the internet. More organizations than ever are using mobile and enterprise apps - people just like you check their bank accounts from their mobile up to five times a day. So your load performance testing plans have to reflect that pressure.
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